Research Subjects
All the university's research subjects in alphabetical order. Here you will also find a presentation of research and researchers listed by research subject.
Research in the field of biology encompasses many aspects of life and sustainability. The field of biology includes studies on species diversity, conservation biology, biological diversity, ecosystem services, sustainable fishing, sustainable agriculture, microbiology, population biology, taxonomy, and discipline-based education.
Hillström, Lars, Senior Lecturer
Jägerbrand, Annika, Senior Lecturer
Kellner, Eva, Senior Lecturer
Ryrholm, Nils, Professor
Wright, Sandra, Senior Lecturer
Building Technology
The research within the building technology. group encompasses two main directions. One direction covers the performance of structures, and the other focuses on building physics with an emphasis on the energy performance of buildings. The research on structural performance includes the behaviour and improvement of various types of structures such as beams, columns, walls, floors, tension rods, and joints made of different materials. The research in building physics with a focus on the energy performance of buildings is often conducted in collaboration with the energy systems and indoor environment groups, as well as with environmental science. This research includes modelling, simulation, and measurement of the energy performance of buildings, building components, and systems, as well as user behaviour.
Akander, Jan, Senior Lecturer
Bahrami, Alireza, Docent
Eriksson, Bengt, Senior Lecturer
Norén, Asima, Senior Lecturer
Business Administration
The business administration research at the University of Gävle focuses on marketing, accounting, organisation, and leadership. In various teams, we tackle diverse research areas such as sales and negotiation, sustainable business relations, digitalisation, corporate finance, and organisational theoretical perspectives. We apply quantitative and qualitative methods to analyse and address challenges that arise in various forms of businesses and organisations.
Ahlenius, Martin, senior lecturer
Ahmadi, Zahra, senior lecturer
Arbin, Katarina, senior lecturer
Brunåker, Svante, senior lecturer
Chowdhury Huda, Ehsanul, docent
Fjellström, Daniella, docent
Gerdemark, Tommy, senior lecturer
Hamberg, Mattias, professor
Hartwig, Fredrik, senior lecturer
Homayoun, Saeid, senior lecturer
Jernberg, Signe, senior lecturer
Kang, Olivia, senior lecturer
Kurvinen, Jaana, senior lecturer
Kvarnström, Emilia, senior lecturer
Kågström, Jonas, senior lecturer
Mutiganda, Jean Claude, docent
Osarenkhoe, Aihie, professor
Rydback, Michelle, senior lecturer
Svanberg, Jan, docent
Strömberg, Annika, docent
Wallmon, Monika, senior lecturer
Åge, Lars-Johan, professor
Björling, Mikael, docent
Our research addresses several major challenges our society is facing. Various types of crime, such as organised crime, gang crime, shootings, violence, and substance abuse, are problems that pose direct threats to a sustainable society. These issues are highly prioritised on both the research and political agendas. Examples of ongoing research at our department include crime trends, ethnicity, gender and social class in Sweden over the past 40 years, preventing hate, threats, and violence in the workplace, gang crime, and organised crime.
Atak, Kivanc, universitetslektor
Hermansson, Klara, universitetslektor
Jerre, Kristina, universitetslektor
Rostami, Amir, professor
Sarnecki, Jerzy, senior professor
Westfelt, Lars, universitetslektor
Wikman, Sofia, professor
Decision, Risk and Policy Analysis
The subject of Decision, Risk, and Policy Analysis (DRP) rests on three pillars: decision analysis, risk analysis, and policy analysis. Decision analysis involves facilitating decision-makers in making rational and well-founded decisions. Risk analysis addresses the assessment and management of uncertainty and risk in decision-making. Policy analysis examines the regulatory systems that govern decision-making. At the core of the DRP field lies the development and evaluation of methods for decision analysis, risk analysis, and policy analysis.
Ahonen-Jonnarth, Ulla, universitetslektor
Bökman Fredrik, Senior Lecturer
Hjelmblom, Magnus, Senior Lecturer
Odelstad Jan, Professor Emeritus
Landström, Mats, lektor
Educational Sciences
Research in educational sciences at the University is primarily concerned with education and its context from a variety of pedagogical and subject specific educational perspectives. The primary focus is on the formal education system as a whole, from preschool, school, and after-school care to higher education at universities and university colleges. Educational Sciences is strongly linked to the strategic research area Innovative Learning.
Curriculum studies is the study of teaching. Research in curriculum studies at the University focuses broadly on (relationships between) content, teachers, and learners, and on questions such as why teaching is structured as it is, on what objectives and content are selected, on how teaching can be carried out, who the teaching is intended for, and when and where teaching can be carried out. Drawing on research on teaching and/or learning environments, aspects that condition teaching and learning processes are also studied. These may include, for example, historical contexts, social ideas, educational organisations, the physical environment, how teaching can be understood and experienced by different actors, as well as the norms, values, and patterns of action that may determine different choices and approaches.
Bergstrand, Ulrika, senior lecturer
Bourbour, Maryam, senior lecturer
Edling, Silvia, professor
Elm, Annika, senior lecturer
Fredlund, Tobias, senior lecturer
Frelin, Anneli, professor
Grannäs, Jan, docent
Haglund, Björn, docent
Holmberg, Jörgen, senior lecturer
Masoumi, Davoud, senior lecturer
O Magnusson, Lena, senior lecturer
Research in education conducted at University of Gävle addresses three levels: individual and group level, activity level, and societal level, all with a particular focus on learning processes. This is manifested in research which has explicit interests in processes, forms, and content of teaching, as well as in learning and in fostering. Projects pay particular attention to social sustainability and social justice, inclusive processes, study and career guidance, special needs education in learning, health education, assessment research, leadership research, learning in working life, studies on identity development, comparative studies, the different conditions of subject studies and educational action plans, and to curriculum theory research. The interest in learning processes thus moves across the different levels, both within and outside the education system, both nationally and internationally, and hence provides exemplifications of how humans are shaped and changed by different social, cultural, and historical contexts.
Biamba, Cresantus, lektor
Björklund, Erika, senior lecturer
Eriksson, Erika, senior lecturer
Francia, Guadalupe, professor
Gill, Peter External link., professor emeritus
Kalinnikova Magnusson, Liya, docent
Larsson, Paula, senior lecturer
Liljestrand, Johan, docent
Mikhaylova, Tatiana, senior lecturer
Mörtsell Sara, Lecturer, PhD in Education
Pettersson, Daniel, professor
Electrical Engineering
The University of Gävle has long been conducting research and education in electronics, but as the study programmes have changed and we have obtained both a Bachelor's and a Master's programme in automation, our research has broadened. This is the reason why we now use the term electrical engineering. Our research in the field focuses on the following areas:
- Electrical measurement technology, particularly radio measurement technology, with the aim of achieving energy-efficient components.
- Radio communication in industrial environments, aiming to create a safer working environment.
- Sensor technology and sensor-based signal processing, where gas sensors are an example of an application.
- Control engineering, with applications in industrial maintenance.
- Robotics, aiming to enable elderly individuals to lead a richer life, and with a focus on safety issues.
Björsell, Niclas, Professor
Chilo, José, Senior Lecturer
Isaksson, Magnus, Professor
Ottosson, Patrik, Researcher
Rafique, Sajid, Senior Lecturer
Rezasson, Reza, Senior Lecturer
Rönnow, Daniel, Professor
Sunilkumar Telagam Setti (T. Sunil Kumar), Senior Lecturer
Ängskog, Per, Lecturer
Energy Systems
Energy systems is a technical discipline characterised by systems thinking, a holistic perspective, and a long-term vision, as well as promoting resource conservation and reduced environmental impact. The fundamental idea behind the research subject is to take conscious and active measures in the planning and development of a new energy system as well as in the renovation of existing energy systems. Research in energy systems at the University of Gävle focuses on three main areas: building energy systems, industrial energy systems, and national and regional energy systems.
Energig External link.
Fukt i Hälsingegårdar External link.
Impinging jet teknik för kylning av External link.
KKS Stång project External link.
Reserach School Reesbe External link.
Reserch School Future Proof Cities External link.
Varsam energihushållning i kyrkor External link.
Ventilation and indoor transmission of airborne infections External link.
Amiri, Shahnaz, Senior Lecturer
Cabral, Diogo, Post Doctor
Calmunger, Mattias, Visiting Professor
Cehlin, Mathias, Docent
Dotzauer, Erik, Professor
Etherden, Nicholas, Senior Lecturer
Gomes, Joao, Researcher
Gustafsson, Mattias, Researcher
Kabanshi, Alan, Senior Lecturer, Docent
Karlsson, Björn, Professor
Mardan, Nawzad, Senior Lecturer
Mattsson, Magnus, Senior Lecturer
Monie, Svante, Post Doctor
Moshfegh, Bahram, Professor
Olsson, Patrick, Researcher
Sandberg, Mats, Senior Professor
Thollander, Patrik, Professor
Scholarship in English traditionally rests on the study of language and literature, but the field is broad and versatile enough to provide a solid foundation for interdisciplinary research with virtually any other subject in the humanities and social sciences. At the University of Gävle, research in English Studies is strongly influenced by the faculty’s commitment and involvement in teacher education but still reflects the classic distinction between literature and linguistics. Research here is conducted in second language acquisition, language didactics, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, literature didactics, and literary studies.
Cananau, Iulian, senior lecturer
Kaatari, Henrik, senior lecturer
Modiano, Marko, professor
Svensson, Fredrik, senior lecturer
Thomas, Kavita, senior lecturer
Sustainability Science
Sustainability Science is a thematic field which with the use of concepts, theories, methods, and models, describes and addresses questions related to the interactions between environment, humans, and technology.
Barthel, Stephan, professor
Colding, Johan, professor
Gren, Åsa, senior lecturer
Haga, Andreas, senior lecturer
Hillman, Karl, senior lecturer
Högberg, Anna External link., lecturer
Lindeberg, Sofie External link., lecturer
Norrman Ericsson, Ola, professor
Samuelsson, Karl, researcher
Silvestro, Daniele, senior lecturer
Soam, Shveta, researcher
Sörqvist, Patrik, professor
Wallhagen, Marita, senior lecturer
Wang, Zhao, senior lecturer
Brändström, Johan External link.Bäckman, Petra
External link.Gullberg, Ylva
External link.
External link.Honghao, Ren
External link.Högberg Anna
External link.Levin, Tarina
External link.
External link.Lindborg Maja
External link.Nilsson, Caroline
External link.
External link.Sandlund, Isak
External link.Schewenius, Maria
Geospatial Information Science
The research group within Geospatial Information Science conducts interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers from the related fields of surveying technology, geography, and computer science to address challenges in society and industry through, for example, digitalisation and the use of spatial and geographical methods.
Spatial Data Innovation (SDI) - 3D Digitalisering inom industrin External link.
Hydro-geodesy: Climate change- and global warming-induced mass change detection
Accuracy assessment in aerial mobile mapping platforms
Monitoring lithospheric motions by Satellite Geodesy
IGDATA: Geospatial analysis of big data based on fractal geometry and power law statistics
ALEXANDER: Automated generation of living structure for biophilic urban design
Bagherbandi, Mohammad, professor
Bavirisetti, Durga Prasad, senior lecturer
Boustedt, Jonas, senior lecturer
Brandt, Anders, docent
Holmgren, Hanna, senior lecturer
Humble, Niklas, senior lecturer
Iqbal, Asifa, senior lecturer
Jiang, Bin, affiliated researcher
Lim, Nancy Joy, senior lecturer
Milutinovic, Goran, senior lecturer
Nilfouroushan, Faramarz, docent
Paasch, Jesper, senior lecturer
Sahlin, Eva, senior lecturer
Seipel, Stefan, professor
Solin, Kim, senior lecturer
Ågren, Jonas, docent
Åhlén, Julia, senior lecturer
Mohammad Aslani
Computational and spatial analyses of rooftops for urban solar energy planning External link. (2022)
Hadi Amin
Study on the Earth’s Surface Mass Variations using Satellite Gravimetry Observations External link. (2022)
Karl Samuelsson
Making space for resilient urban well-being (2021) External link.
External link.
Goran Milutinovic
Computational and Visual Tools for Geospatial Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (2020) External link.
Ding Ma (2018), Topological and Scaling Analysis of Geospatial Big Data External link.
External link.
Nancy Joy Lim (2018), Modelling, mapping and visualisation of flood inundation uncertainties External link.
External link.
Industrial Design
Our research is conducted within material-driven design and innovation processes that take their starting point in various bio-based materials. These bio-based materials can be new, proven older materials, or by-products. Within our research, process models and methodologies are developed for the design of innovative products based on bio-based materials. Research is also carried out on the sensory and affective experiences of new bio-based materials, innovation ecosystems for bio-based materials, and design pedagogy from teachers’ and students’ perspectives.
Eriksson, Lars, visiting professor
Lindberg, Siv, researcher
Löfqvist, Lars, senior lecturer
Ebba Berggren
Ann-Sofie Hartzén
Industrial Engineering and Management
Industrial engineering and management is a multidisciplinary field rooted in engineering science but extending into social sciences. The interaction between people, technology, and organisation is central here. Our focus is on practice-relevant knowledge formation focused on the management of production and innovation in industrial companies and organisations.
Bengtsson, Lars, professor
Fobbe, Lea, senior lecturer
Hadin, Åsa, senior lecturer
Hilletofth, Per, professor
Hilmola, Olli-Pekka, visiting professor
Pal, Rudrajeet, visiting professor
Von Haartman, Robin, senior lecturer
Zhao, Ming, senior lecturer
The overarching research in law focuses on real estate and taxes. Learn more about researchers in law and current projects in their individual presentations.
Blad, Karin, senior lecturer
Ek, Mikael, senior lecturer
Grylin, Hanna, senior lecturer
Kristoffersson, Eleonor, gästprofessor
Leidhammar, Börje, adjungerad professor
Söderlund, Jenny, senior lecturer
Research in mathematics is actively conducted within the subject's three subfields: mathematics, statistics, and mathematics education. In mathematics, research targets mathematical physics, particularly focused on mathematical methods for electromagnetic field theory. Additionally, research is conducted in discrete mathematics, topology, algebraic geometry, and tropical geometry. In statistics, research is primarily focused on statistical methods for evaluating treatment processes. In mathematics education, research is conducted on the development and dissemination of teachers' professional knowledge, on linguistic perspectives in school mathematics, and on visualisation and the use of various forms of representation.
Asami Johansson, Yukiko, senior lecturer
Attorps, Iiris, professor
Björklund, Johan, senior lecturer
Cortas Nordlander, Maria, senior lecturer
Cronhjort, Mikael, senior lecturer
Johansson, Anders, senior lecturer
Källström, Rolf, professor
Lang, Lionel, senior lecturer
Legout, Noémi, senior lecturer
Palm Kaplan, Kristina, senior lecturer
Shestopalov, Yury, professor emeritus
Wang, Xiaoqin, senior lecturer
Mechanical Engineering
Our research is focused on experimental studies within mechanical engineering, particularly on chip-cutting machining. Ongoing research projects involve the adhesive mechanism during the turning of steel and its consequences in terms of tool edge degradation.
Tatar, Kourosh, senior lecturer
Media and Communication Studies
Media and communication studies examine the significance of media and mediated communication for society, culture, and individuals. This field is characterised by a broad theoretical understanding of media structures, media content, media production conditions, and media usage, encompassing both traditional and digital media, and the various cycles between them. Media and communication studies include historical and contemporary perspectives, focusing on the development, significance, and changes of media in Sweden and internationally. Research conducted in media and communication studies at the University of Gävle intersects with political communication, digitalisation, media history, media aesthetics, and gender perspectives on media content. Distinctive of media research at the University of Gävle are the cultural theoretical perspectives.
Edin, Anna, professor
Vesterlund, Per, senior lecturer
Nursing Science
Our research focuses on the work environment, learning, and leadership of health professionals, the learning and well-being of nursing students, living with long-term conditions, care and welfare of the elderly, and ageing well.
Arakelian, Erebouni, lektor
Bjuhr, Marie, senior lecturer
Björkman, Annica, lektor, docent
Björklund, Ove, lektor
Brännström, Andreas, lektor
Bylund Grenklo, Tove, lektor
Efverman, Anna, lektor, docent
Engström, Maria, professor
Eriksson, Elisabet, lektor
Göras, Camilla, lektor
Hedborg, Kerstin, lektor
Hedlund, Åsa, senior lecturer
Hofsten, Anna, lektor
Häggström, Elisabeth, lektor, docent
Jordal, Malin, lektor
Knudsen, Kati, lektor
Kristofferzon, Marja-Leena, lektor, docent
Lindberg, Magnus, lektor, docent
Lindberg, Maria, lektor
Mårtensson Gunilla, professor
Nilsson, Annika, professor
Olerud, Johan, lektor
Olsson, Annakarin, lektor
Pålsson, Ylva, lektor
Randmaa, Maria, lektor
Salzmann-Erikson, Martin, lektor, docent
Silén, Marit, lektor
Sjöholm, Åke, adjungerad professor
Skytt, Bernice, lektor, docent
Stake-Nilsson, Kerstin, lektor
Westerberg Jacobson, Josefin, lektor
Willmer, Mikaela, lektor, docent
Östlund, Ann-Sofi, lektor
Affiliated researchers
Arvidsson, Patrik
Carlsson, Marianne, professor
Enmarker, Ingela, professor
Fesse, Per
Fjell, Maria
Hedman, Maria, senior lecturer
Kaltenbrunner, Monica
Larsson Fällman, Sara
Löfmark, Anna, docent
Magnusson, Peter
Myrberg, Karin
Thunborg, Charlotta
Tödt, Kristina
Occupational Health Science
In research on work-related strain injuries, we strive to understand the physiological processes in the body that result in strain leading to fatigue and pain. In our studies of working life, we focus on what individuals, companies, and society can do to promote occupational health, productivity, and well-being. Our research also explores methods to measure and train motor functions, as well as methods to customise and evaluate the outcomes of rehabilitation.
Bergsten, Eva L, docent, senior lecturer
Bergström, Gunnar, professor
Eslahchi, Morteza, post doctor
Dadgar, Iman, post doctor
Hallman, David, professor
Heiden, Marina, professor
Hellström, Fredrik, docent
Jackson, Jennie, senior lecturer
Januario, Leticia, researcher
Lyskov, Eugene, researcher
Mathiassen, Svend Erik, senior professor
Richter, Hans, professor
Rudolfsson, Thomas, senior lecturer
Samuelsson, Åsa, senior lecturer
Svensson, Sven, senior lecturer
Wiitavaara, Birgitta, senior lecturer
Wijk, Katarina, adjunct professor
Zetterberg, Camilla, senior lecturer
Affiliated researchers
Djupsjöbacka, Mats
Widar, Linda
Håkan Hugosson, senior lecturer
Our research focuses on different psychological perspectives and theories. Our three overarching research themes are relatively broad, and include psychological perspectives on the work environment, inclusion, and social and ecological sustainability.
Boman, Eva, senior lecturer
Eriksson, Lars, senior lecturer
Eriksson, Mårten, professor
Halin, Niklas, senior lecturer
Langeborg, Linda, senior lecturer
Lättman, Katrin, senior lecturer, docent
Nordhall, Ola, senior lecturer
Willander, Johan, senior lecturer
Ågren, Thomas, senior lecturer
Public Health Science
The research focuses, for example, on how mental and physical health are affected by the state of the labour market and by workplace conditions.
Hiswåls, Anne-Sofie, senior lecturer
Macassa, Gloria, professor
Mattila, Anneli, senior lecturer
Rashid, Mamunur, senior lecturer
Religious Studies
Research in religious studies at the University of Gävle is conducted within the subjects of philosophy of life, anthropology of religion, history of religion, psychology of religion and sociology of religion. A growing part of the research has an discipline-based education focus, and issues regarding the role of religion in society is common to most research projects. Additionally, there is a focus on specific societal challenges, especially those associated with multicultural society. There is close collaboration with the strategic research areas of Innovative Learning and Urban Sustainability.
Dahlin, Olov, senior lecturer
Jahnke, Fredrik, senior lecturer
Jonbäck, Francis, senior lecturer External link.Larsson, Stefan, senior lecturer
External link.Lindgren Ödén, Birgit, senior lecturer
External link.Ristiniemi, Jari, professor
External link.Thalén, Peder, professor
Social Work
Our research in social work encompasses the core areas within the discipline, including substance abuse/addiction, treatment processes and their outcomes, mental health, gerontological research, as well as coping and spirituality in social work.
Substance abuse, mental ill health, marginalized groups External link.
Disabilities and sick leave in society External link.
Cultural cognition, spirituality, coping strategies External link.
Epistemology, development of research methods External link.
Social politics, youth culture and identity External link.
Ageing research External link.
Ahmadi, Fereshteh, professor
Bengtsson, Mattias, senior lecturer
Forinder, Ulla, professor
Grell, Pär, senior lecturer
Holter, Mark, senior lecturer
Larsson, Sam, professor
Lilja, Maja, senior lecturer
Löf, Catharina, senior lecturer
Rambaree, Komalsingh, senior lecturer
Rambaree Backlund, Brita, senior lecturer
Sjöberg, Stefan, senior lecturer
Tham, Pia, professor
Trygged, Sven, professor
Turunen, Päivi, senior lecturer
Vidman, Åsa, senior lecturer
Wahlin, Lottie, senior lecturer
Öberg, Peter, professor
Sport Science
Current areas of research within sports science include health-promoting working life and lifestyles focusing on sports participation, adapted physical activity (APA), and doping. Our focus is on target groups that, for various reasons, have shown to be physically inactive, with the aim of enabling a healthy physically active lifestyle for everyone through knowledge and adaptations. The use of doping substances in relation to sports, performance, societal norms, and body perception is also a prioritised area. Our research has an interdisciplinary perspective with a special focus on societal aspects.
Blomqvist, Sven, senior lecturer
Bäckström, Åsa, senior lecturer
Jerlinder, Kajsa, senior lecturer
Svennberg, Lena, senior lecturer
Qvarfordt, Anna, senior lecturer
Annell, Cecilia, senior lecturer
Björk, Ingrid, senior lecturer
Blückert, Ann, senior lecturer
Christensson, Johan, senior lecturer
Farstad, Britt, senior lecturer
Widbäck, Anders, senior lecturer
Wistrand, Helena, senior lecturer
Ljungquist, Sarah, senior lecturer
Begovic Jönsson, Nina
This page was last updated 2025-02-04