Ming Zhao
Senior Lecturer
About the researcher
Dr. Zhao is teaching various courses in Industrial Engineering and Management such as Statistics, Total Quality Management (TQM), Reliability Engineering, Safety and Maintenance, Simulation Technique in Logistics. His research interests include Multivariate Statistics, Reliability Mathematics, Software Reliability Modelling and Quality Technology.
He holds a PhD in Quality Engineering from Linköping University, an MSc in Mathematical Statistics from Wuhan University, China, and a BSc in Applied Mathematics from Guizhou University, China. Before starting his PhD study, he had worked in the aerospace industry for several years. He has published over 60 scientific papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings.
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Zhang, Y. & Zhao, M. (2023). An integrated approach to estimate storage reliability with masked data from series system. Polish Maintenance Society, Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability, 25 (4), 10.17531/ein/172922 [More information]
Yang, J., Zhao, M. & Chen, J. (2022). ELS algorithm for estimating open source software reliability with masked data considering both fault detection and correction processes. Taylor & francis, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 51 (19), (6792-6817). [More information]
Zhang, Y., Zhao, M., Zhang, Y., Pan, R. & Cai, J. (2020). Dynamic and steady-state performance analysis for multi-state repairable reconfigurable manufacturing systems with buffers. Elsevier, European Journal of Operational Research, 283 (2), (491-510). [More information]
Zhao, M., Yang, J., Zhao, B. & Wu, Z. (2019). Copula-based reliability modelling of wireless sensor networks with dependent failures. InderScience Publishers, International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), 31 (2), (90-98). [More information]
Yongjin, Z., Youchao, S., Longbiao, L. & Zhao, M. (2018). Copula-based reliability analysis for a parallel system with a cold standby. Taylor and Francis Inc., Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 47 (3), (562-582). [More information]
Zhang, Y., Sun, Y. & Zhao, M. (2017). A combinatorial estimation approach for storage reliability with initial failures based on periodic testing data. Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation, 46 (4), (3319-3340). [More information]
Zhang, Y., Zhao, M., Zhang, S., Wang, J. & Zhang, Y. (2017). An integrated approach to estimate storage reliability with initial failures based on E-Bayesian estimates. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 159 (), (24-36). [More information]
Yang, J., Liu, Y., Xie, M. & Zhao, M. (2016). Modeling and analysis of reliability of multi-release open source software incorporating both fault detection and correction processes. Journal of Systems and Software, 115 (), (102-110). [More information]
Zhao, B., Yang, J., Zhao, M., Li, Q. & Liu, Y. (2015). Wireless sensor network reliability modelling based on masked data. International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), 17 (4), (217-223). [More information]
Yang, J., Zhao, M. & Hu, W. (2014). Web software reliability modeling with random impulsive shocks. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 25 (2), (349-356). [More information]
Yang, J. & Zhao, M. (2013). Maximum likelihood estimation for software reliability with masked failure data. Systems engineering and electronics, 35 (12), (2665-2669). 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2013.12.34 [More information]
Fan, L., Wu, Y. & Zhao, M. (2008). Structural system based on software reliability. Beijing Gongye Daxue Xuebao / Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 34 (SUPPL. 2), (73-78). [More information]
Zhao, M. (1998). Planning Models for Software Reliability and Cost. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 24 (6), (420-434). [More information]
Other academic
Hu, W., Zhao, M., Yang, J. & Jia, G. (2012). A Method of Software Reliability Allocation Based on UML Use Case Model. Jisuanji Kexue [Computer Science], 39 (6A), (461-463). [More information]
Hu, W., Zhao, M., Yang, J. & Jia, G. (2012). Iterative Strategy Analyze During Agile Development. Weidianzixue yu jisuanji [Microelectronics & Computer], 29 (5), (165-169). [More information]
Yang, J., Yang, L., Zhao, M. & Gong, M. (2012). Reliability Analysis of Hydraulic Oil System Based on L-M Method. Application of Statistics and Management, 6 (), (976-980). [More information]
Hu, W. & Zhao, M. (2012). Software reliability index reasonable allocation based on UML. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 7 (23), (178-185). [More information]
Hu, W., Zhao, M., Yang, J. & Jia, W. (2012). VDM++ Formalization of UML Class Diagram. Weidianzixue yu jisuanji [Microelectronics & Computer], 29 (6), (104-107). [More information]
Yang, J., Zhao, M. & Hu, W. (2012). Web Software Reliability Analysis Based on NHPP Model. Jisuanji Gongcheng [Computer Engineering], 38 (14), (26-28). [More information]
Zhao, M. (2003). Superposition of Power-law Models for Hardware/Software System Reliability Data Analysis. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (IJRQSE), 10 (2), (121-130). [More information]
Conference papers
Zhao, M., Zhang, Y. & Yang, J. (2018). Masked data analysis for storage reliability model with initial failures. : Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World - Proceedings of the 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018. S. 2565-2572. [More information]
Hu, W., Mao, J., Yang, J. & Zhao, M. (2017). Maintainability design based on complex network. : 2017 14th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP). S. 309-314. [More information]
Liu, Y., Xie, M., Yang, J. & Zhao, M. (2015). A New Framework and Application of Software Reliability Estimation Based on Fault Detection and Correction Processes. : Proceedings. S. 65-74. [More information]
Zhao, B., Yang, J., Zhao, M., Li, Q. & Liu, Y. (2014). A NHPP-based reliability model of wireless sensor networks. : Applied Mechanics and Materials. S. 877-882. [More information]
Zhao, B., Yang, J., Zhao, M., Li, Q. & Liu, Y. (2014). An additive NHPP-Based reliability model of wireless sensor networks. [More information]
Hu, W., Wu, S., Zhao, M. & Yang, J. (2014). Requires analysis based on software maintainability. : ICRMS 2014 - Proceedings of 2014 10th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety. S. 354-357. [More information]
Zhao, M. & Yang, J. (2012). A DCA-based method for software prognostics and health management. : Proceedings of IEEE 2012 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, PHM-2012. S. 6228830-. [More information]
Zhao, M., Zhang, Y. & Xu, F. (2011). ESS profiles with step stress level. : ICRMS'2011 - Safety First, Reliability Primary. S. 1156-1161. [More information]
Zhao, M. (2011). Preface. : ICRMS'2011 - Safety First, Reliability Primary: Proceedings of 2011 9th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety, art. no. 5979227. [More information]
Wang, X., Yang, J., Gong, M. & Zhao, M. (2009). Reliability analysis and evaluation of gas supply system. : ICMET'09 - Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology. S. 245-249. [More information]
Xiaohua, W., Zhi, W. & Zhao, M. (2008). The relationship between developers and customers in agile methodology. : Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, ICCSIT 2008. S. 566-572. [More information]
Zhao, M. (2005). Comparative Analysis of Continuous Improvement Performance between Chinese and European firms. : Proceedings of the 6th International CINet Conference. [More information]
Zeng, H., Lei, X. & Zhao, M. (2005). International-oriented development strategy for improving local industry's innovation capability in western China. : Proceedings of 6th International Continuous Innovation Network (CINet) Conference. S. 642-651. [More information]
Chapters in books
Zhao, M. (2003). Statistical Reliability change-point estimation models. Handbook of Reliability Engineering. London, Springer. S. 157-163. [More information]
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