Nicholas Etherden, profilbild

Nicholas Etherden

Senior Lecturer

Research subject: Energy System


About the researcher

Nicholas holds an MSc in Engineering Physics from Uppsala University and a PhD in Electric Power from Luleå University of Technology.

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Scholarly articles, refereed

  • Mulenga, E., Bollen, M. & Etherden, N. (2021). Adapted Stochastic PV Hosting Capacity Approach for Electric Vehicle Charging Considering Undervoltage. MDPI, Electricity, 2 (3), (387-402). 10.3390/electricity2030023 [More information]

  • Mulenga, E., Bollen, M. & Etherden, N. (2020). A review of hosting capacity quantification methods for photovoltaics in low-voltage distribution grids. Elsevier, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 115 (), [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Tesfamichael, T., Niklasson, G. & Wäckelgård, E. (2004). A theoretical feasibility study of pigments for thickness-sensitive spectrally selective paints. IOP, Journal of Physics D, 37 (7), (1115-1122). [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Lundmark, M., Fernandez, J. & Bollen, M. (2014). Converter induced resonances in microgrids due to high harmonic distortion. The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal, (12), 10.24084/repqj12.317 [More information]

  • Etherden, N. & Bollen, M. (2013). Dimensioning of energy storage for increased integration of wind power. IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 4 (3), (546-553). [More information]

  • Mulenga, E., Bollen, M. & Etherden, N. (2021). Distribution networks measured background voltage variations, probability distributions characterization and Solar PV hosting capacity estimations. Elsevier, Electric power systems research, 192 (), 10.1016/j.epsr.2020.106979 [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Johansson, A., Ysberg, U., Kvamme, K., Pampliega, D. & Dryden, C. (2017). Enhanced LV supervision by combining data from meters, secondary substation measurements and medium voltage supervisory control and data acquisition. Institution of Engineering and Technology, CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, 2017 (1), (1089-1093). 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0966 [More information]

  • Ruwaida, Y., Etherden, N., Damsgaard, N. & Isendahl, C. (2020). Initial experience from the first CoordiNet demonstration. Institution of Engineering and Technology, CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, 2020 (1), (830-833). 10.1049/oap-cired.2021.0238 [More information]

  • Mulenga, E., Bollen, M. & Etherden, N. (2022). Limits set by component loadability on solar power integration in distribution networks. Elsevier, Electric power systems research, 209 (), 10.1016/j.epsr.2022.107951 [More information]

  • Mulenga, E. & Etherden, N. (2023). Multiple distribution networks hosting capacity assessment using a stochastic approach. Elsevier, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 36 (), 10.1016/j.segan.2023.101170 [More information]

  • Etherden, N. & Bollen, M. (2014). Overload and overvoltage in low-voltage and medium-voltage networks due to renewable energy. Elsevier, Electric power systems research, 114 (), (39-48). [More information]

  • Ramadhani, U., Shepero, M., Munkhammar, J., Widén, J. & Etherden, N. (2020). Review of probabilistic load flow approaches for power distribution systems with photovoltaic generation and electric vehicle charging. Elsevier, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 120 (), [More information]

  • Mulenga, E., Bollen, M. & Etherden, N. (2021). Solar PV stochastic hosting capacity in distribution networks considering aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. Elsevier, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 130 (), [More information]

  • Ruwaida, Y., Chaves-Avila, J., Etherden, N., Gomez-Arriola, I., Gurses-Tran, G., Kessels, K., Madina, C., Sanjab, A., Santos-Mugica, M., Trakas, D. & Troncia, M. (2023). TSO-DSO-Customer coordination for purchasing flexibility system services: Challenges and lessons learned from a demonstration in Sweden. IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 38 (2), (1883-1895). [More information]

  • Etherden, N. & Alhamwi, M. (2023). Using Online Solar Photovoltaics Inverter Measurements to Determine the Hosting Capacity of Distribution Grids. John Wiley & Sons, Solar RRL, 7 (22), [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Vyatkin, V. & Bollen, M. (2016). Virtual Power Plant for Grid Services using IEC 61850. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 12 (1), (437-447). [More information]

Other articles (popular science, debate etc.)

  • Etherden, N. & Öhlen, C. (2010). IEC 61850 – for much more than substations. Revue E, 126 (4), (24-27). [More information]


  • Etherden, N. & A Peças Lopes, J. (2014). . Diss. (sammanfattning), 2014. Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet. 240 s. ( ) Länk [More information]

  • Etherden, N. & Repo, S. (2012). . Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning), 2012. Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet. 153 s. ( ) Länk [More information]

Conference papers

  • Tavares de Oliveira, T. & Etherden, N. (2023). Hosting Capacity Using Real Time-Series for PV, EV, Load and Background Voltage. : 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023). S. 2838-2842. [More information]

  • Galkin, N., Yang, C., Etherden, N. & Vyatkin, V. (2023). Microcomputer Prototyping of IEC61850-9-2 with Performance Analysis. [More information]

  • Shepero, M., Lingfors, D., Munkhammar, J. & Etherden, N. (2023). The Impacts of Electric Vehicles and Photovoltaics on the Substations of a Medium Sized Swedish City. : CIRED 2023 proceedings. [More information]

  • Galkin, N., Yang, C., Etherden, N., Bollen, M., Vyatkin, V. & Wu, Y. (2023). Toolset Development for Modelling Sympathetic Phenomenon and its Detection by a Neural Network. : 2023 IEEE 2nd Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference (ONCON). [More information]

  • Ezzeddine, K. & Etherden, N. (2021). A Topology Agnostic Estimation Method for PV Hosting Capacity of Distribution Grids. : 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech. [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Tavares de Oliveira, T. & Bollen, M. (2021). First Steps Towards a Standardised Hosting Capacity Method. : CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution. S. 931-934. [More information]

  • Mulenga, E., Etherden, N. & Bollen, M. (2021). Likelihood of overload due to connected solar PV. : CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution. S. 2376-2380. [More information]

  • Ahmed, A. & Etherden, N. (2021). The potential for balancing the Swedish power grid with residential home batteries. : CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution. S. 2104-2108. [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Nestorovic, B., Isendahl, C. & Ruwaida, Y. (2021). Unlocking the potential of flexibility. : CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution. [More information]

  • Alhamwi, M., Etherden, N., Mulenga, E. & Bollen, M. (2019). Empirical Analysis of Voltage Variations in Low Voltage Distribution Grids from Photovoltaic. [More information]

  • Mulenga, E., Bollen, M. & Etherden, N. (2019). Overvoltage due to single-phase and three-phase connected PV and what to do about it. [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Aboukrat, M., Cebollada, V., Lingfors, D. & Karlsson, B. (2019). Shading losses for different types of residential PV systems and its city-wide impact on PV potential. : Proceedings of Solar Integration Workshop Dublin 2019. [More information]

  • Mulenga, E., Bollen, M. & Etherden, N. (2019). The Role of Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties in a Stochastic Hosting Capacity Approach for Solar PV. [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Ahlberg, J., Lingfors, D. & Kvamme, K. (2018). Calculating the hosting capacity of electrical network with high penetration of solar PV. : Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on the Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems. S. 1-6. Länk [More information]

  • Bollen, M., Mulenga, E., Rönnberg, S. & Etherden, N. (2018). Hosting Capacity of the Grid for Photovoltaic Installations : a Stochastic Approach Applied to Single-phase Connections. : Digital proceedings 8th Solar Integration workshop: International workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems. Länk [More information]

  • Lu, S., Repo, S., Tjäder, J., Kjellström, A., Bollen, M. & Etherden, N. (2017). IEC 61850-based Communication and Aggregation Solution for Demand-Response Application. [More information]

  • Carlsson, F., Etherden, N., Johansson, A., Wall, D., Fogelberg, A. & Lidström, E. (2016). Advanced fault location in compensated distribution networks. : CIRED Workshop 2016. Länk [More information]

  • Zhabelova, G., Yang, C., Vyatkin, V., Etherden, N. & Christoffersson, L. (2016). Open Architecture for Cost Effective Protection and Control of Power Distribution Networks. [More information]

  • Bollen, M., Etherden, N. & Tjäder, J. (2015). Increasing hosting capacity through dynamic line rating : risk aspects. Länk [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Bollen, M., Ackeby, S. & Lennerhag, O. (2015). The transparent hosting-capacity approach – overview, applications and developments. Länk [More information]

  • Etherden, N. & Bollen, M. (2014). The use of battery storage for increasing the hosting capacity of the grid for renewable electricity production. Länk [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Bollen, M. & Lundkvist, J. (2013). Quantification of ancillary services from a virtual power plant in an existing subtransmision network. [More information]

  • Ackeby, S., Ohlsson, L. & Etherden, N. (2013). Regulatory Aspects of Energy Storage in Sweden. [More information]

  • Bollen, M., Chen, Y. & Etherden, N. (2013). Risk analysis of alternatives to N-1 reserves in the network. Länk [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Ackeby, S., Bollen, M. & Ohlsson, L. (2013). Technical dimensioning of an energy storage for a Swedish distribution company. Länk [More information]

  • Bollen, M., Cundeva, S., Etherden, N. & Yang, K. (2012). Considering the needs of the customer in the electricity network of the future. [More information]

  • Bollen, M., Etherden, N., Yang, K. & Chang, G. (2012). Continuity of supply and voltage quality in the electricity network of the future. [More information]

  • Etherden, N. & Bollen, M. (2012). Effect of large scale energy storage on CO2 emissions in Scandinavian peninsula. [More information]

  • Bollen, M. & Etherden, N. (2012). Overload and overvoltage in low-voltage and medium-voltage networks due to renewable energy — Some illustrative case studies. [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Weingarten, L. & Bollen, M. (2012). Physical-hybrid simulation for in-situ evaluation of energy storage system. [More information]

  • Honeth, N., Yiming, W., Etherden, N. & Nordström, L. (2011). Application of the IEC 61850-7-420 data model on a hybrid renewable energy system. : 2011 IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech. [More information]

  • Honeth, N., Yiming, W., Etherden, N. & Nordström, L. (2011). Application of the IEC 61850-7-420 data model on a hybrid renewable energy system. : 2011 IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech. [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Gudmundsson, M., Häger, M. & Stomberg, H. (2011). Experience from construction of a smart grid research, development and demonstration platform. : Proceedings of CIRED 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution. [More information]

  • Etherden, N. & Bollen, M. (2011). Increasing the hosting capacity of distribution networks by curtailment of renewable energy resources. : 2011 IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech. [More information]

  • Etherden, N., Tiesmäki, V. & Kimsten, G. (2010). A practical approach to verification and maintenance procedures for IEC 61850 substations. [More information]

  • Etherden, N. & Öhlen, C. (2008). IEC 61850 independent multivendor interoperability testing for Scandinavian utilities. Länk [More information]


    Shepero, M., Lingfors, D., Widén, J., Munkhammar, J. & Etherden, N. (2023). Future load in substations of medium sized Swedish cities : Electric vehicles and photovoltaics. Uppsala: Uppsala University. s 22 More information [More information]

    Stridh, B., Abrahamsson, R., Etherden, N. & Rydqvist, M. (2020). Utvärdering av egenanvändning av solel i Sverige : . : . s 46 More information [More information]

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