Send an e-invoice to the University of Gävle

Here you will find information about payments and invoicing to the university.

Since 2019, it is a legal requirement that all purchases in the public sector must be invoiced by electronic invoice (e-invoice). E-invoices are invoices sent in structured electronic formats. Note that a PDF invoice does not count as an electronic invoice!

Sending an e-invoice

We accept e-invoices in the PEPPOL Bis Billing 3.0 format.
Our PEPPOL ID: 0007:2021002890.

If you do not have the possibility to send e-invoices

If your company does not have IT support for electronic invoicing, you can create e-invoices for us manually and free of charge through our invoice portal. The portal is provided by our partner OpusCapita.

Invoice references

In order for the invoice to reach the right authoriser in our financial system, it must contain an invoice reference in the following format: [username-cost centre].

The username is three or six letters long. The cost centre is always four digits long. 
Example: xxx-1234 or xxxxxx-1234.

The invoice reference must always be stated by the customer, but we are grateful if you as a supplier also ensure that the reference is stated in the correct format when the invoice is prepared. A correctly stated invoice reference results in more efficient invoice management with us.

Paper invoices

We prefer to receive invoices in electronic format, but if you have an agreement with us established before 1 April 2019 that does not require e-invoices, you can of course continue to send us paper invoices.

Use the address University of Gävle, SE-801 76 Gävle, Sweden.


Invoicing Issues

Division of Finance, Planning and Procurement

This page was last updated 2024-04-23