The University's Policy and Goals for Sustainable Development

The University's work on sustainable development is based on our environmental policy and overall sustainability goals.

Environmental Policy

In its education and research, the University of Gävle, in collaboration with industry and society, will actively promote sustainable development and prevent and minimise the negative environmental impact of its activities. We will do so by:

  • the systematic environmental work is carried out in continuous improvement, permeates all activities, and maintains a high level.
  • education and research that contribute in a clear and credible way to solving societal challenges are prioritised in decisions on the direction of activities.
  • providing opportunities for staff and students to acquire knowledge and understanding of environmental aspects of societal development.
  • environmental considerations are admitted in all aspects of the business travel and procurement process, including resource and waste management.
  • the energy use of the University's premises is continuously improved.
  • legislation and other requirements are the minimum level in all work for sustainable development.

Sustainability Goals 2023–2025

The University's Sustainability Goals for 2023–2025 consist of an overall goal and three main goals with underlying sub-goals. The overarching goal We are a sustainable university relates to the University's mission statement Pdf, 299.7 kB. (in Swedish).

This page was last updated 2024-07-12