Subject guide Sustainability Science
This subject guide for sustainability science suggests databases and search tools that you can use to find publications and other information in the subject area. You will also find tips on literature search and assessing sources, as well as on academic writing.
Here you will find links to databases containing articles and other publications in sustainability science.
Use the library's databases to search for information on a specific topic. Databases may contain abstracts and full text of journal articles, conference papers, reports and more.
You can search our databases and journals when you are off-campus, either via our database links or via the University Remote desktop.
Meta search - search several databases at the same time
Discovery and Google Scholar are search tools that you can use to make a broad search in many databases at the same time.
Discovery is an integrated search service which covers many of the library's subscribed databases. Follow the links to access full text. Refine your search to Academic journals to find articles published in peer-reviewed journals.
Google Scholar is a web search engine that indexes free academic web resources as well as many publishers' journal archives. Use the library's Google Scholar link to get full text links for journals that the library subscribes to. You may need to enable library links for the University of Gävle under Settings.
Databases covering engineering and technology
CORE External link.
Search for freely available articles, reports and other research output in open repositories.
GreenFILE External link.
Contains references and abstracts of publications in environmental science. Follow the links to access full text.
JSTOR Sustainability External link.
Contains journals, e-books and research reports in the field of sustainability.
Contains references and abstracts of journal articles, conference papers and other publications in all subject areas. Follow the links to access full text. Scopus also contains citation information, which means that you can search for a specific paper or author to see papers in Scopus that have cited it.
SwePub External link.
SwePub is the national search portal for research publications from Swedish higher education institutions.
Web of Science External link.
Contains references and abstracts of journal articles, conference papers and other publications in all subject areas. Follow the links to access full text. Web of Science also contains citation information, which means that you can search for a specific paper or author to see papers in Web of Science that have cited it.
You can find more databases on the Databases A to Z page.
Books and journals
Here you will find links to catalogues where you can search for both books and e-books, as well as the link to our journal list.
Printed books
Search for the library's printed books in our catalogue.
If you cannot find the book in our catalogue, search for it in the Swedish national library catalogue Libris. In Libris you will find books, dissertations and other materials from Swedish university and research libraries.
E-books are digital versions of books, which you can read on computers, mobile phones or tablets. You can read and download the books from home, if you log in with your user account first. You don't need a library card to read our e-books.
Use the library's journal list to browse specific journals or to find articles based on a reference. The list covers both print and electronic journals.
Reference works, law text and standards
Here you will find dictionaries and encyclopedias, legislation and standards.
Dictionaries and encyclopedias
Dictionaries from Nationalencyklopedin External link.
Contains dictionaries for several languages, among them a English-Swedish general dictionary (select Engelska) and an English-Swedish technical dictionary (select Engelsk teknisk ordbok).
Oxford English Dictionary External link.
A dictionary of the English language.
Wikipedia External link.
A free online encyclopedia, written collaboratively by volunteers.
JUNO (in Swedish) External link.
Contains Swedish law texts, commentary volumes, English law translations, the Legal English Dictionary and Swedish law journals and e-books.
SIS External link.
Standards from Swedish, European and international standards organisations. If you cannot access a standard in full text, you can suggest an addition to the library's subscription.
Here you will find other resources that you may find useful when searching for information.
Official statistics from Statistics Sweden and other Swedish authorities.
More information about searching and writing
Here you will find tips on how to search for literature and assess sources, as well as tips on academic writing.
Here are some links to help you find articles and assess whether an article is scholarly or not.
You can get search help at library's information desk when it is staffed. You can also call 026-64 85 48 or send an email to
If you are working on a thesis or report and need more help, you can make an appointment for guidance in information searching.
Make sure you cite your sources correctly. Here you will find information on citing sources, guides to reference styles such as APA 7 and IEEE, and tips on reference management tools.
When writing your own texts, it is important that you clearly indicate when you have taken information from other sources. It should be clear to the reader what thoughts and words are your own, and what thoughts and words are someone else's. Otherwise you may be accused of plagiarism. Here you can read more about plagiarism and you can also find a link to the anti-plagiarism tutorial Refero.
As a student at the University of Gävle, you can get help with academic writing at Skrivarverkstaden.
Do you need more knowledge about information retrieval?
In our digital education material "The Search Guide", we guide you through the different steps of information retrieval and teach you how to better plan your search. Go through all the material or choose what interests you.
This page was last updated 2024-11-22