Databases A-Z

Our databases contain articles, reports, legal texts and more. To get more information about each database, click on the arrow. You can also access our current trial databases here.

Databases no longer available after 31 December 2024

  • Artikelsök

Databases A-Z

The portal of the Association of Computing Machinery contains 3 parts:

  • ACM Digital Library: references, abstracts and full text of articles in ACM's own journals and conference series.
  • ACM guide to computing literature: Tables of contents of journals and references to books, conference reports and theses in computer science.
  • OCRS - Online Computing Reviews Service

Coverage: In Digital Library there are references from 1950-, and full-text from 1952-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

References, abstracts and full text of American Chemical Society journals.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Full-text journals within medicine and public health from the publisher BMJ. Only journals in the BMJ Standard Collection are included in the subscription.

Coverage: 1917-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Full-text journals within the social sciences from the publishers Bristol University Press and Policy Press.

Coverage: 1972-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Abstracts and full-text articles within business and economics as well as company information.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Full-text journals within a range of subject areas from the publisher Cambridge University Press.

Coverage: 1997-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

References to journal articles within nursing and allied health. Includes links to full-text databases.

Coverage: 1982-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

The Cochrane Library consists of three databases on evidence-based medicine:

  • Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) which contains systematic reviews of health care literature
  • Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) with references to articles describing the results of controlled clinical trials
  • Clinical Answers (CCAs) that supports decision-making in healthcare based on Cochrane Reviews

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Discovery is the Library's search portal where you can search in many databases at the same time.

  • Select Source type = Academic Journals to search for articles in peer-reviewed journals.
  • The search result often contains duplicates from several databases.
  • Remove the "Available via University of Gävle" limiter if you wish to see other publications not held by the Library. In many cases, these can be ordered.

Eikon, available by appointment only

Eikon contains economic and financial data from many countries. Includes company and economic data, analytics, news and much more. Data can be printed or exported to Excel, Powerpoint or Word.

Access: In order to use Eikon, you need to make an appointment to use it. You cannot use Eikon without having booked an appointment. All information on how to book an appointment can be found on the Eikon Canvas page.

NOTE! Keep in mind that the first time you go in, you have to register for the course even though it is not really a course. After you have registered, the page is among your other courses in Canvas.

To a course in Canvas with information about Eikon (in Swedish) External link.

References to journal articles within nursing and allied health. Links to full-text databases.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

References, abstracts and full-text articles within business economics, technology and library sciences.

Coverage : 1994 –

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Contains references and abstracts to journals as well as books, theses and reports in educational science. Links are provided to several full-text databases.

Coverage: 1966 –

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

International patent database from the European Patent Office (EPO). Includes national and international patents as well as patent applications.

Access: Free access

Contains collections of laws and regulations and encyclopaedias in the fields of accounting, auditing, tax and finance. The journals Balans and Skattenytt are also included.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Search engine for scholarly web resources. Covers free resources as well as the full-text journals of many commercial publishers.

Full-text articles appear on Google scholar for publisher content that the library subscribes to, provided you are logged in with your university user account.

Access: Free access

Reference database within environmental sciences. Links to full-text articles.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Contains full-text journals within physical activity, sport and exercise from the publisher Human Kinetics.

Coverage: 1970-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Idunn contains nordic full-text journals published by Universitetsforlaget, mainly within the humanities, law, health and social sciences.

Coverage: 1995-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Contains full-text journals, conference papers and standards published by IEEE within computer science, electrical engineering and electronics with applications in humanities, social sciences and medicine.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Contains full-text journals within natural sciences, technology and medicine from the publisher IOS Press.

Coverage: 1982-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Full-text journals in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences.

It also includes the thematic collection JSTOR Sustainability, which contains journals and research reports in the field of sustainable development.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

JUNO is a legal information service in Swedish. The library subscribes to the content available in JUNO for higher education institutions:

- Basic legal information: statutes, preparatory works, court cases (except district and administrative court decisions), information from authorities, EU law
- News and events
- Legal commentaries, e.g. Norstedts and Lexino
- English law translations
- Legal English Dictionary
- Magazines and journals
- E-books (except textbooks)

The JUNO help pages are currently only visible if you use the remote desktop External link. and then go to JUNO via this link: External link.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Contains full-text journals within the health sciences from the publisher Mark Allen Healthcare.

Coverage: 1992-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information covering mathematical sciences literature. Includes Mathematics Subject Classifications (MSC) and links to full-text.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Articles from Swedish newspapers, journals and news agencies, web pages as well as TV and radio news.

Articles behind paywalls are included, except for newspapers published by Bonnier News (Dagens industri, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen/GT/Kvällsposten, Helsingborgs Dagblad and Sydsvenskan).

Premium articles from Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet can be accessed in the library. Contact staff in order to use this service.

Coverage: 1981-

Access: On campus + externally via Remote desktop

References and abstracts to journal articles covering medicine, biomedicine, nursing, health sciences and psychology. Links to full-text databases. Medline is an important component of the larger PubMed database.

Coverage: 1946-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

References and abstracts to journal articles covering medicine, biomedicine, nursing, health sciences and psychology. Links to full-text databases. Medline is an important component of the larger PubMed database.

Coverage: 1946-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

References and abstracts to journal articles covering nursing. Links to full-text databases.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Full-text journals covering nursing and allied healthcare from the publisher Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW).

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Contains journals within all subject areas from the publisher Oxford Academic Press.

Coverage: 1996-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Coverage: 1988-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

References and abstracts to articles and literature covering psychology and related disciplines. Links to PsycArticles and other full-text databases.

Coverage: 1872-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

References and abstracts to journal articles covering medicine, nursing, healthcare and psychology. Links to full-text databases.

Coverage: 1946-

Access: Free access

Financial information and annual reports from Swedish companies.

Access: On campus + externally via Remote desktop

Contains cases within economics, business and management.

If you are a teacher contact to get access to Teaching Notes.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Contains full-text journals mostly within social sciences, humanities, medicine and technology from the publisher SAGE.

Coverage: 1999-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Full-text journals within all subject areas published by Elsevier.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

References and abstracts to journal articles covering all subject areas. Includes links to citing articles and citation statistics. Links to full-text databases.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Standards in full-text from Swedish, European and international standards organisations. Also contains SIS Bygghandlingar and Materialnyckeln, a database with information about metallic materials (both in Swedish).

If you cannot access a standard in full text, you can ask the library to add it using the "Suggest addition" button. We will contact you when the standard is available.

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Contains full-text journals within all subject areas from the publisher Springer.

Coverage: 1997-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Digitised Swedish newspapers and magazines from 1645 until today. Volumes that are older than 100 years are freely available.

From 1 January 2024, the University Library has no longer access to copyrighted material that is less than 100 years old. We refer to the Gävle City Library or one of the other libraries that have full access to the service External link..

List of digitised Swedish newspapers (in Swedish) External link.
Guide to the Swedish newspapers service (in Swedish) External link.

Access: Free access to newspaper volumes that are older than 100 years

SwePub is the national search portal for research publications from Swedish higher education institutions.

Access: Free access

Contains full-text journals within all subject areas from the publisher Taylor & Francis.

Coverage: 1997-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Through UR access you can access radio and TV programs from Utbildningsradion (in Swedish). If you need to log in to watch the program, do the following:

  1. Select University of Gävle as Identity service.
  2. Log in with your user account from the University.

Access: On campus + externally via Swamid

References and abstracts to articles, conference papers and book chapters covering all subject areas. Links to full text databases. Also includes links to citing articles and citation statistics.

Web of Science Core Collection consists of the following indexes:

  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index
  • Science Citation Index Expanded
  • Social Sciences Citation Index
  • Book Citation Index
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index

Coverage: 1986-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens

Contains full-text journals within all subject areas from the publisher Wiley.

Coverage: 1997-

Access: On campus + externally via OpenAthens


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Monday–Friday 9–16

This page was last updated 2025-01-15