Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Through the Library, you have access to both print and electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias.
Dictionaries and encyclopedias on specific topics can be found in our subject guides.
Print dictionaries and encyclopedias
We have several different dictionaries and encyclopedias in the library and you can find these in our library catalogue.
Electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias
Subject-related dictionaries and encyclopedias
On the Gale platform, the University of Gävle has access to two dictionaries in the field of religious studies:
- Encyclopaedia Judaica
- Encyclopedia of Religion
The articles are available in html or pdf format. The articles can be printed and copied. The dictionaries cannot be downloaded in their entirety, only article by article in html or pdf format.
IGI Global E-access
On the IGI Global platform, the University of Gävle has access to a number of encyclopaedias:
- Encyclopedia of e-commerce, e-government and mobile commerce
- Encyclopedia of knowledge management
- Handbook of Research on Biomimetics and Biomedical Robots
The articles are read in pdf format. Articles can be saved as Favourites if you create an account on the IGI Global platform. Articles can be printed and copied.
Books cannot be downloaded in full, only article by article in pdf format.
On the SAGE platform, the University of Gävle has access to 5 dictionaries and 83 handbooks in the social sciences, published in 2000-2010.
The articles are read in html format. Articles can be saved as favourites to a list if you create a free, personal account on the SAGE platform.
Articles can be printed and copied. The encyclopaedias and handbooks cannot be downloaded in their entirety, only article by article in PDF format.
Springer Link
On the Springer platform, the University of Gävle has access to a number of handbooks and four dictionaries:
- Concise encyclopedia of statistics
- Encyclopedia of finance
- Encyclopedia of operations research and management science
- Encyclopedia of production and manufacturing management
The articles are read in html or pdf format. Articles can be printed and copied. The encyclopaedia cannot be downloaded in its entirety, only article by article in PDF format.
Wiley Online Library
On the Wiley platform, the library has access to the Corsini encyclopedia of psychology and a number of handbooks.
Articles can be printed and copied. Only articles can be downloaded in pdf format.
This page was last updated 2024-10-17