
To find the book you are looking for, start by searching in our catalogue. If you cannot find it there, there are other catalogues to search in.

Search in our library catalogue

Printed books and all course books, including e-books, can be found in our library catalogue. E-books can be read online or downloaded for 1-3 days.

Search for books at other libraries

Search for e-books

The library contains many e-books from a wide range of subject areas and from various suppliers.

If we do not have the book

If we do not have the book you are looking for, we can try obtain it for you from another library, via interlibrary loan. You may also suggest an acquisition.

Suggest an acquisition

I want to reserve this book * (mandatory)
I want to reserve this book

About the personal data you provide
We need your personal data to process your request. The legal basis for processing your personal data is that this is a task carried out in the public interest. According to the Swedish Library Act, we must provide library services within areas connected to education and research at the University. Personal data is only stored as long as necessary and then deleted. Here, you can read more about how the University complies with GDPR:


Library information desk, profilbild

Library information desk

Monday–Friday 9–16

This page was last updated 2024-09-04