Mats Djupsjöbacka
Affiliated Researcher
About the researcher
Mats holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a PhD in Physiology.
Current research
- Reliability of different tests of neck sensorimotor functions.
- Range of motion in the upper and lower cervical spine in women with long-term neck pain - a comparative cross-sectional study.
- Investigation of frequency and management of patients with non-specific musculoskeletal disorders in primary care.
- Randomized controlled trial of different types of treatment for long-term neck-shoulder pain.
- Rehabilitation for people with neck pain: Effects of individualized rehabilitation based on prognostic indicators and functional tests.
Curriculum vitae
1988: Master of Science degree at the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences at Umeå University, majoring in zoophysiology
1996: Doctor of Medicine degree in physiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Umeå University.
Thesis title: Regulation of the gamma-muscle-spindle system by chemosensitive muscle afferents and joint afferents. A conceivable mechanism behind onset and spread of muscle tension
2010-01-01–dd. Researcher, Department of Occupational and Public Health Sciences, Center for Stress Injury Research, University of Gävle
2008-01-01–2009-12-31. Researcher and Director, Center for Stress Injury Research, University of Gävle
2006-01-01–2007-12-31 Researcher, Stress Injury Center, University of Gävle
2004-02-01–2005-12-31 Researcher and Director, Stress Injury Center, University of Gävle
2003-01-01–2004-01-31 Researcher and Deputy Director, Stress Injury Center, University of Gävle
1996-06-01–2002-12-31 Researcher, Stress Injury Center, Institute of Working Life
1994-04-16–199406-31 Vik. Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiology, Umeå University
1993-11-01–1993-12-31 Deputy Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiology, Umeå University
Scholarships and grants
1996–1998: Scholarship for international research exchange, 18 months, Swedish Council for Working Life Research.
- 2009–2011 Deputy coordinator: FAS-centrum: The Body at Work: from problem to potential, Swedish Research Council for Working Life and Social Sciences. 15 MSEK.
- 2010–2012 Björklund, Djupsjöbacka, et al. Research Council for Working Life and Social Sciences. Rehabilitation for people with neck disorders: Effects of individualized rehabilitation based on prognostic indicators and functional testing. 2.35 MSEK
- 2010–2012 Björklund, Djupsjöbacka, et al. AFA-försäkring, project grant. Rehabilitation for people with neck disorders: Effects of individualized rehabilitation based on prognostic indicators and functional tests. 1.7 MSEK.
- 2006–2009 Björklund, Djupsjöbacka, et al. Research Council for Working Life and Social Sciences, project grant (dnr 2006-1162): The effect of neck coordination training on sensorimotor function, symptoms and self-rated health and function in non-specific neck-shoulder disorders 1.5 MSEK.
- 2006–2009 Björklund, Djupsjöbacka, et al: Research and Future, Länsförsäkringar Sak, försäkringsaktiebolag (Project designation P3/06): The effect of neck coordination training on sensorimotor function, symptoms and self-rated health and function in long-term neck-shoulder disorders 260 000 SEK.
- 2004–2005 Main applicant. Hageberg Invest AB (contract research) Effect of intermittent heavy muscle work on oxygen uptake, proprioception, muscle activity and fatigue during and after intensive computer mouse work. 200.000 SEK
- 2002–2004 Johansson, Djupsjöbacka, et al: VINNOVA (proj. nr. 2001-05473) Evaluation of methods for measuring the effects of harmful strain in working life and the effects of treatment and rehabilitation of strain injuries.
Swedish patent 2008-10-07: Equipment for training of sensorimotor functions (SE # 530879)
Supervision of PhD students
Main supervisor for:
Ulrik Röijezon, dissertation 2009-06-12
Sensorimotor function in chronic neck pain: objective assessments and a novel method for neck coordination exercise. Umeå University medical dissertations
Jonas Sandlund, dissertation 2008-05-22
Position-matching and goal-directed reaching acuity of the upper limb in chronic neck pain: associations to self-rated characteristics. Umeå University medical dissertations
Dmitry Domkin, dissertation 2005-04-12 Perception and control of upper limb movement: Insights gained by analysis of sensory and motor variability. Umeå University medical dissertations
Co-supervisor for:
Fredrik Öhberg, dissertation 2009-02-27
Biomechanical methods and error analysis related to chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Umeå University medical dissertations
Birgitta Wiitawara, dissertation 2007-06 01
Balancing intrusive illness: the experiences of people with musculoskeletal problems.
Umeå University medical dissertations
Peter Michaelsson, dissertation 2004-12-08
Sensorimotor characteristics in chronic neck pain. Possible pathophysiological mechanisms and implications for rehabilitation. Umeå University medical dissertations
Johan Lönn, dissertation 2001-01-26
Assessment of Movement and Position Sense: Methods, Theories and Applications. Umeå University medical dissertations
Main supervisor for Thomas Rudolfson admitted 2008-12-04 at the Faculty of Medicine, Umeå University
Scientific committee or other qualified assignment
2010-03-12 First opponent at dissertation defense at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Respondent: Astrid Woodhouse. Title of thesis: Motor control in whiplash and chronic non-traumatic neck pain
2010-01-18 Member of the assessment group at the mid-seminar at the Department of Psychology, Umeå University. Respondent: Marius Sommers. Title: The effect of timing training on the kinematic properties of the golf swing
2006-03-03 Member of the assessment group at the middle seminar at the Department of Radiation Sciences/Medical Engineering, Umeå University. Respondent: Helena Grip, supervisor Stefan Karlsson.
2006-03-03 Member of the grading committee at the Department of Radiation Sciences/Medical Engineering, Umeå University. Respondent: Helena Grip, supervisor Stefan Karlsson. Title of thesis: Biomechanical methods and error analysis during measurement and classification of pathological movement patterns.
2006-12-15 Member of the examining committee for licentiate thesis, Department of Radiation Sciences, Radiophysics/Medical Engineering, Umeå University. Respondent: Fredrik Öhberg, supervisor: Stefan Karlsson. Title of thesis: Biomechanical methods and error analysis during measurement and classification of pathological movement patterns.
2006-03-03 Member of the assessment group at the mid-seminar, Department of Radiation Sciences/Medical Engineering, Umeå University. Respondent: Helena Grip, supervisor Stefan Karlsson.
2005-12-06 Opponent at dissertation at the Danish Work Environment Institute and Copenhagen University. Respondent: Nis Hjortskov Jensens, supervisor: Nils Fallentin. Title of thesis: The effects of mental stress and delayed-onset muscle soreness on motor control.
Member of the organizing committee for scientific congress
International Congress on Chronic Pain and Dysfunction after Whiplash and other Traumatic Neck Injuries, Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, University of Gävle, Gävle, Sweden, October 28-29, 2004
The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Aalborg, Denmark, 16-19 June 2010
Djupsjöbacka M, Johansson BH, Mathiassen SE, and Sjölander P editors. International Congress on Chronic Pain and Dysfunction after Whiplash and other Traumatic Neck Injuries. Center for Musculoskeletal Research, Gävle, Sweden: Gefle University Press, 2004, p. 1-73.
Johansson H, Windhorst U, Djupsjöbacka M, and Passatore M editors. Chronic work-related myalgia. Neuromuscular mechanisms behind work-related chronic muscle pain syndromes. Gävle, Sweden: Gävle University Press, 2003, p. 1-310.
Scientific review assignments
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Manual Therapy, Pain, Journal of Applied Physiology, Ergonomics, Experimental Brain Research, BMC Musculoskeletal disorders, Journal of NeuroEngieering and Rehabilitation, Advances in Physiotheraphy, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
Positions of trust
2001-2009. Member of the Board of Muskelfond Norr
2009-present. Member of the board of the Swedish Development Center for Disability Sport
Invited lectures (selection)
2007-09-28 Conference Perspektiver på motorikk at Sør-Trøndelag University College in Trondheim, Norway. Title: Sensorimotor control in people with musculoskeletal disorders
2007-05-07 IASP Research Symposium 2007 Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Pain. Aalborg, Denmark. Title of lecture: Proprioception and neck/shoulder pain.
2006-10-23. Conference Effective Vocational Rehabilitation and Professional Work Ability Assessment. Organizer: Institute for Competence Development. Target group: Personnel in occupational health care, the Social Insurance Agency, the Public Employment Service. The conference gathered 230 listeners. Title of lecture: Methods for successful rehabilitation
2006-09-25 Professional conference Perspektiver på motorikk at Sør-Trøndelag University College in Trondheim, Norway. Title: Sensorimotor control in patients with musculoskeletal disorders
2004-05-25 Elmia arbetsmiljömässan, Lecture at the seminar Work-related myalgia. Title: Stress injuries: Risk factors and disease mechanisms
2004-10-12 Reumatikerförbundets forskningsdag, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Lecture title: Can even light work cause long-term pain?
2004-11-03 NIVA (Nordic Institute for Further Education in the Working Environment), course Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders: Current Research Trends, Naantali, Finland.
Sidan uppdaterades 2025-01-24