Jörgen Holmberg
Senior lecturer
Research subject: Curriculum studies
Research area: Educational Science
About the researcher
Holmbergs’ research focuses on learning, teachers’ pedagogical use of ICT, learners’ use of ICT for educational purposes and design-based research (DBR) approaches. He is a member of the research group ICT in Learning.
Read more about ICT in Learning
Ongoing research: Teachers use of, and the potential added pedagogical values of, emerging technologies like virtual- and augmented reality (VR and AR).
Aktuell forskning
Teachers use of, and the potential added pedagogical values of, emerging technologies like virtual- and augmented reality (VR and AR).
Strategier för utveckling av hållbar digital transformationskapacitet i SMF (STRIM)
Det tvärvetenskapliga projektet STRIM ska hjälpa länets små och medelstora företag med deras digitala omställning. Projektets målsättning är att stärka det regionala företagsfrämjande systemets förmåga att stötta små och medelstora företag i deras digitala omställningsarbete.
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Rambaree, K., Nässén, N., Holmberg, J. & Fransson, G. (2023). Enhancing Cultural Empathy in International Social Work Education through Virtual Reality. MDPI, Education Sciences, 13 (5), 10.3390/educsci13050507 [More information]
Fransson, G., Holmberg, J. & Westelius, C. (2020). The challenges of using head mounted virtual reality in K-12 schools from a teacher perspective. Education and Information Technologies, 25 (), (3383-3404). 10.1007/s10639-020-10119-1 [More information]
Fransson, G., Holmberg, J., Lindberg, J. & Olofsson, A. (2019). Digitalise and capitalise? Teachers’ self-understanding in 21st-century teaching contexts. Taylor & Francis Group, Oxford Review of Education, 45 (1), (102-118). 10.1080/03054985.2018.1500357 [More information]
Holmberg, J., Fransson, G. & Fors, U. (2018). Teachers’ pedagogical reasoning and reframing of practice in digital contexts. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, The international journal of information and learning technology, 35 (2), (130-142). [More information]
Holmberg, J. (2017). Applying a conceptual design framework to study teachers' use of educational technology. Education and Information Technologies, 22 (5), (2333-2349). 10.1007/s10639-016-9536-3 [More information]
Holmberg, J. (2014). Studying the process of educational design. Routledge, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 23 (3), (293-310). [More information]
Fransson, G. & Holmberg, J. (2012). Understanding the theoretical framework of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Studying Teacher Education, 8 (2), (193-204). [More information]
Holmberg, J. (2019). Designing for added pedagogical value : A design-based research study of teachers’ educational design with ICT. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2019. Stockholm: Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University. 127 s. (Report Series / Department of Computer & Systems Science ) [More information]
Conference papers
Fransson, G. & Holmberg, J. (2021). An innovative approach for teacher students to learn about bullying via an immersive Virtual Reality bullying experience. [More information]
Fransson, G. & Holmberg, J. (2020). Student teachers´ experiences of an immersive Virtual Reality bullying simulation.<em> </em>. : <em>ICICTE 2020 Conference Proceedings</em>. S. 121-131. [More information]
Holmberg, J., Masoumi, D., Elm, A., Fransson, G., Westelius, C., Björkman, A., Stake-Nilsson, K. & Toratti-Lindgren, M. (2017). Teachers’ and students’ understanding and use of ICT for teaching and learning – Combining different perspectives and methodologies in research on technology-enhanced learning. [More information]
Holmberg, J., Fransson, G. & Fors, U. (2017). Teachers’ reframing of practice during a design-based research project. : The International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE 2017) Proceedings. S. 378-388. Länk [More information]
Holmberg, J. (2016). Field-testing a conceptual design framework to study teachers’ intentions with and use of educational technology. [More information]
Holmberg, J. (2014). Exploring theoretical development of Design Based Research: viewing design as reflective conversations with situations. [More information]
Holmberg, J. (2013). Added Value? Preschool Teacher Students’ Views On And Examples Of The Added Value Of ICT As A Tool For Learning. [More information]
Holmberg, J., Brenner, M. & Hallen, M. (2013). Planning and implementing in-service ICT-training to support development of higher education teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge. : The Joy of Learning - Enhancing Learning Experience Improving Learning Quality. [More information]
Fransson, G. & Holmberg, J. (2011). Developing digital literacy and digital competence in teacher education : Challenges, dilemmas and opportunities identified through self-study methodology. [More information]
Berg, A., Creelman, A., Henriksson, K., Holmberg, J., Tell, J. & Master Östlund, C. (2020). Distansutbildning och e-lärande: utmaningar, möjligheter och alternativa modeller : WP2 delrapport inom K3-projektet ”Nya vägar”. : . s 18 [More information]
Chapters in books
Holmberg, J. & Fransson, G. (2022). Virtuella- och förstärkta verkligheter för skola och lärande. Digital teknologi for læring og undervisning i skolen. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget. S. 84-101. [More information]
Holmberg, J. & Fransson, G. (2021). An Interactional and Aligned Educational Design Framework to Support Teachers’ Pedagogical Reasoning. Handbook of Research on Transforming Teachers’ Online Pedagogical Reasoning for Engaging K-12 Students in Virtual Learning. IGI Global. [More information]
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This page was last updated 2024-05-15