Study and Traineeship abroad
Are you a programme student at University of Gävle and want to go abroad during your studies? There are several options, including being an exchange student or having a traineeship period abroad.
Exchange studies via Erasmus+
If you go as an exchange student through the University's Erasmus+ agreements, you do not have to pay tuition fees. Erasmus+ exchanges provide you with a scholarship and you are still entitled to funding via CSN. The primary application round for Erasmus is 1 March for studies starting in autumn semester or the following spring. If places are still available, you can apply before the deadline 1 October.
Entry requirements for exchange studies
The university offers exchange studies at around 80 partner universities. To be able to apply for exchange studies, you must have studied at least one year of a programme and pass at least 75 percent of your courses. Exchange studies mainly take place in the fourth or fifth semester at Bachelor's level and the third semester at Master's level. Our partner universities offer courses in different subjects, so check the list of exchange places to see what is available in your subject.
Do you want to study abroad?
Apply for exchange studies and Erasmus+ scholarship. Application for exchange studies is open in February and September. Deadline is 1 March and 1 October.
Selection and application for universities abroad
If you meet the entry requirements, you can apply to study abroad. If there is competition for places, priority is given to students who have not previously gone abroad. If your application is granted, you will receive an offer for an exchange place from the International Office.
Once you have accepted your exchange place, the International Office will nominate you to the university of your choice. The university will then contact you with instructions on how to apply for courses. Help with choosing courses and applying for courses is provided by your programme director. Other help with the application is available from the International Office and the host university.
Credit transfer of studies abroad
In order to credit your studies abroad in your programme, you register it yourself in Ladok.
Study grants, scholarships and insurance
Study grants from CSN
If you qualify for CSN, you can apply for student funding from CSN, regardless of whether you are studying in Sweden or abroad. The difference is that you can take an extra loan for increased living expenses. Read more on CSN's website.
Erasmus+ scholarship
When you go on an Erasmus+ exchange, you will receive a grant. The scholarship is a grant to cover additional costs related to your stay abroad, but it is not a full grant. The grant for studies is €480–510 per month and for traineeships €555–615 per month. You can be awarded a grant several times during your studies, up to a maximum of 12 months for studies and/or traineeship per level of education, i.e. Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level.
Sustainable travel
Environmentally sustainable projects are one of the four Erasmus+ priorities for the programme period from 2021. Decide whether you want to travel sustainably to your study destination and thus apply for an additional travel grant of €50 if you travel by train, bus or carpool. The majority of the journey should be sustainable. What can you do as a student to make your exchange as green as possible? We have gathered information, tips and links to help you.
Applying for extra funds due to disabilities
If you have a disability that means that you need extra support or assistance for an Erasmus+ exchange, you can get an extra grant to support the additional costs of this. Contact the International Office for more information and help with your application.
Applying for additional funding for students with children
Students who have children under 18 can receive a supplement per month to while study or training exchange. Contact the International Office for more information and help with your application.
Insurance policy
The University of Gävle has arranged an insurance policy through Kammarkollegiet for students travelling abroad under the University's exchange agreements. The insurance is called Student UT and is free for those who go on an exchange or traineeship abroad. Read more on Kammarkollegiet's website
Language test and language course
Before you leave, you will be given a test in the language you will use during your studies or traineeship abroad. If, after the test, you feel that you may need to improve your language skills, there are opportunities to get help with this. A language test will also be carried out after your stay abroad.
Read more about language support on
If you are travelling on an Erasmus+ programme, you will use the Erasmus app during your exchange.
Learn more and download the app
Other opportunities to study abroad
Studying abroad on your own (freemover)
Studying abroad on your own (freemover)
It is possible for you to study abroad anywhere in the world. If you do not go through the University's agreement, you can go as a freemover. You have to organise most things yourself, but of course we can help with some tips. Ask your teachers who may have experience of exchanges within your particular programme. The university you are interested in can also answer many of your questions. There are also agents who can help you, such as Study Abroad and Kilroy Education.
If you want the courses you study abroad to be included in your degree, you need to agree on the course selection with your academic institution before departure. Print out the form "Agreement on study abroad" (in Swedish) and contact your programme director to get a preliminary decision on whether the courses can be credited.
CSN can tell you whether the university you have chosen is approved for student finance. They can also help you find the right form for study grants during your stay abroad. At you can read more about study grants for studies abroad.
Exchange opportunities
You can study abroad at Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral level. Depending on your programme, different semesters are suitable for exchange, usually the fourth or fifth semester. The director of the programme you are studying can advise you on which semester is suitable.
- Czech Republic, Masarykova univerzita, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Ireland, Atlantic Technical University, 10 spots, Bachelor's level.
- Romania, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Spain, University of Córdoba,2 spots at Bachelor's level.
Exchange spots in Business Administration
Exchange spots in Business administration
Students studying to become real estate agents only have the opportunity to go to Brussels, Galway, Paris and Turin on exchange.
- Belgium, Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel / Odisee, 6 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Finland, Haaga-Helia, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- France, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- France, Université d'Orléans, 4 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Greece, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1 Bachelor's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule Mainz, 6 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule Offenburg, 4 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, 3 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Universität Kassel, 2 spots at Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral level.
- Germany, Universität Osnabrück, 1 spot at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Ireland, Atlantic Technical University, 4 spots, Bachelor's level.
- Italy, Università degli Studi Di Torino, 5 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Italy, Universita Degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Netherlands, Inholland University Haarlem, 6 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Poland, Rzeszow University of Technology, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Spain, La Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2 spots at Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral level.
Exchange spots in Education and and Teacher training programmes
Exchange spots in Education and and Teacher training programmes
- Belgium, Artevelde University College, Ghent, 2+6 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Belgium, HELMo, Liege, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Belgium, Karel de Grote University College, Antwerp, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Belgium, Thomas More, Mechelen - Antwerpen, 3 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Belgium, VIVES University College, Kortrijk, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Germany, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, University of Hildesheim, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Hungary, Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Hungary, Pädagogische Akademie der Diözese Linz (idrott), 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Ireland, University of Limerick, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Netherlands, Inholland University Haarlem, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Spain, La Salle Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Spain, Universidad de Córdoba (biologi), 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
Exchange spots in Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications and Automation
Exchange places in Electrical Engineering (E), Telecommunications (T) and Automation (A)
- Belgium, Odisee VZW (E,T), 4 spots at Master's level.
- Czech Republic, Czech Technical University in Prague (E,T), 1 spot at Master's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule München (E,T), 2 spots at Master's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule Offenburg (E), 4 spots at Master's level.
- Germany, Universität Stuttgart ( E, A), 3 spots at Master's level.
- Italy, Universita Degli Studi Del Sannio, Benevento (E), 2 spots at Master's level.
- Portugal, Universidade De Aveiro (E,A), 2 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad de Navarra, Tecnun, San Sebastian (E), 4 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad de Zaragoza (E,A), 4 spots at Master level.
- Spain, Universidad del Pais Vasco, San Sebastian, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche (T), 2 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 3 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, campus Terrassa, 4 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (E), 2 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Campus Gandia(E), 4 spots at Master's level.
Exchange spots in Energy Systems
Exchange spots in Energy Systems
- France, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule Biberach, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule Koblenz, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Germany, Universität Stuttgart, 3 spots at Master's level.
- Poland, Rzeszow University of Technology, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Portugal, Universidade de Lisboa, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Slovenia, University of Ljubljana, 2 spots at Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral level.
- Spain, Universidad de Navarra Tecnun, San Sebastian, 4 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad de Zaragoza, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 4 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Spain, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamploma, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Switzerland, HSR University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil, 2 spots at Master's level.
Exchange spots in Geomatics, Spatial planning and Land surveying
Exchange spots in Geomatics, Spatial planning and Land surveying
- Austria, Graz University of Technology, 1 spot at Master's level.
- Belgium, Ghent University, 1 spot at Master's level.
- Czech Republic, Czech Technical University in Prague, 3 spots at Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral level.
- Czech Republic, Masarykova univerzita, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Czech Republic, Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouci, 1 spot at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule Mainz, 6 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule München, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Technische Universität Dresden, 2 spots at Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral level.
- Germany, Universität Augsburg, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Universität Köln, 4 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Hungary, University of Nyíregyháza, 5 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Netherlands, Utrecht University, 2 spots at Master's level.
- Poland, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science, 10 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Switzerland, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 1 spot at Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral level.
- Spain, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 4 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Spain, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2 spots at Master's level.
Exchange spots in Industrial Engineering and Management
Exchange spots in Industrial Engineering and Management
- France, ECAM Strasbourg, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule München, 4 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Fachhochschule Offenburg, 4 spots at Master's level.
- Italy, Universita Degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, 2 spots at Master's or Doctoral level.
- Poland, Rzeszow University of Technology, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Portugal, NOVA University Lisbon, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
Exchange spots in Social work
- Finland, Vaasan University of Applied Sciences, 2+2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- France, Université Catholique de Lille, 1 spot at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, Catholic University of Applied Sciences, North-Rhine Westphalia, 3 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, 3 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Germany, University of Vechta, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
- Netherlands, Saxion University of Applied Science, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
- Switzerland, Bern University of Applied Sciences, 2 spots at Bachelor's or Master's level.
Exchange spots in Sport Science
Exchange spots in Sport science
- Finland, Haaga-Helia, 2 spots at Bachelor's level.
Exchange spots within EU Green and outside the EU
Other exchange spots can be applied for by students from all academies provided that there are courses to apply for and the exchange is possible within the programme. (*=EU Green)
- Canada, Thompson Rivers University, 2 places (non-Erasmus scholarship)
- France*, University of Anger
- Germany*, OVGU - Die Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.
- Ireland*, Atlantic University of Technology
- Ireland, Institute of Technology Carlow
- Italy*, University of Parma
- Poland*, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
- Portugal*, Universidade de Évora
- Romania*, University of Oradea
- South Korea, Sungkyunkwan University, 2 places (non-Erasmus scholarship)
- Spain*, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz
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If you are a programme student at the University of Gävle, you can contact me if you have questions about studying abroad or doing an traineeship abroad.
Do you want to do your Traineeship abroad?
It is possible to do work practice abroad for 2–12 months within Erasmus+. There are also other possibilities, for example doing your work-based education abroad.
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Primary goal of Erasmus+
The primary goal of the Erasmus+ program is to encourage learning mobility, collaboration, quality, inclusivity, equity, excellence, creativity, and innovation. The University of Gävle is dedicated to incorporating the program's principles into its initiatives.
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This page was last updated 2024-12-16