Porter's Office

The Porter´s Office are responsible for postal service, janitorial service, office supplies, cleaning, internal transport, flagging, lending of some equipment and removals.

The Porter's Office is in room 32:204. There you can get help with borrowing extra tables and some equipment. They can also assist with refurnishing for student events and conferences.

Opening hours

WeekdayVisit timePhone time

Contact the Porter's office

Do you need help from the Porter's Office? Contact us on vaktmasteri@hig.se or visit us in building 32.

Error report IT equipment

Report problems with the IT equipment in the classrooms to the Service portal.

Report problems in premises

Use the form to report problems concerning premises, e.g. lighting, furniture, doors and alarms. Your fault report will be received by the caretaker, building 32. If you want a reply, the email address field must be filled in. If your fault report concerns cleaning, you should instead e-mail hig@samhall.se.

This page was last updated 2024-10-28