Learning Center
Learning Center is a central support function for distance education and flexible learning at the University of Gävle. We provide user support and help with pedagogical development concerning flexible learning.
Learning Center support opening hours
Do you have questions about the learning platform Canvas, the web meeting tool Zoom, the media portal HiG Play or the survey tool Sunet Survey? Do you want support and help with other issues related to distance education and flexible learning? You are welcome to contact Learning Center, we are happy to help.
Monday–Friday 09.00–12.00
E-mail: learningcenter@hig.se
Telephone: 026-64 87 00
Where can I find Learning Center?
The Learning Center is part of the University's library and this is where we have our offices. We do not have a support desk that you can visit, but if you need to see us, you can contact us by email or phone to see if we are available or to make an appointment.
The learning platform Canvas contains the courses you are studying.
With Zoom, you can attend an online lecture or a web meeting.
HiG Play
In HiG Play you can record, upload, store and play films via My Media in Canvas.
This page was last updated 2025-01-07