Hossein Khosravi Bakhtiari
Hossein är doktorand i företagsforskarskolan Reesbe.
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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade
Khosravi Bakhtiari, H., Sayadi, S., Akander, J., Hayati, A. & Cehlin, M. (2024). A framework for assessing the current and future capability of mechanical night ventilation in the context of climate change. Elsevier, Energy Reports, 12 (), (4909-4925). 10.1016/j.egyr.2024.10.028 [Mer information]
Akander, J., Khosravi Bakhtiari, H., Ghadirzadeh, A., Mattsson, M. & Hayati, A. (2024). Development of an AI model utilizing buildings’ thermal mass to optimize heating energy and indoor temperature in a historical building cocated in a cold climate. MDPI, Buildings, 14 (7), 10.3390/buildings14071985 [Mer information]
Khosravi Bakhtiari, H., Akander, J. & Cehlin, M. (2020). Evaluation of Thermal Comfort in a Historic Building Refurbished to an Office Building with Modernized HVAC Systems. Taylor & Francis, Advances in Building Energy Research, 14 (2), (218-237). 10.1080/17512549.2019.1604428 [Mer information]
Khosravi Bakhtiari, H., Akander, J., Cehlin, M. & Hayati, A. (2020). On the Performance of Night Ventilation in a Historic Office Building in Nordic Climate. MDPI, Energies, 13 (16), 10.3390/en13164159 [Mer information]
Attia, S., Benzidane, C., Rahif, R., Amaripadath, D., Hamdy, M., Holzer, P., Koch, A., Maas, A., Moosberger, S., Petersen, S., Mavrogianni, A., Maria Hidalgo-Betanzos, J., Almeida, M., Akander, J., Khosravi Bakhtiari, H., Kinnane, O., Kosonen, R. & Carlucci, S. (2023). Overheating calculation methods, criteria, and indicators in European regulation for residential buildings. Elsevier, Energy and Buildings, 292 (), [Mer information]
Bakhtiari, H., Cehlin, M., Akander, J., Hayati, A. & Rohdin, P. (2020). Evaluation of Thermal Comfort and Night Ventilation in a Historic Office Building in Nordic Climate. Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning), 2020. Gävle: Gävle University Press. 46 s. (Licentiate thesis ) [Mer information]
Khosravi Bakhtiari, H., Sayadi, S., Akander, J., Hayati, A. & Cehlin, M. (2023). How Will Mechanical Night Ventilation Affect the Electricity Use and the Electrical Peak Power Demand in 30 Years? – A Case Study of a Historic Office Building in Sweden. [Mer information]
Khosravi Bakhtiari, H., Cehlin, M. & Akander, J. (2018). Thermal Comfort in Office Rooms in a Historic Building with Modernized HVAC Systems. : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference On Building Energy & Environment, COBEE 2018. S. 683-688. [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Akander, J., Khosravi Bakhtiari, H. & Hayati, A. (2024). The City Hall in Gävle, Sweden. International Energy Agency - Resilient Cooling of Buildings Field Studies Report (Annex 80) : Energy in Buildings and Communities Technology Collaboration Programme. Vienna, Institute of Building Research & Innovation. S. 173-187. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-10-08