Yuanyuan Lin, profilbild

Yuanyuan Lin


Forskningsämne: Energisystem



Yuanyuan Lin är doktorand i forskningsprojektet City Ventilation inom ämnet energisystem. Hennes forskning fokuserar främst på ventilationsförhållandena, speciellt den turbulenta diffusionsprocessen i städer med kompakta morfologier.

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  • Cehlin, M., Lin, Y., Sandberg, M., Claesson, L. & Wallhagen, M. (2023). Towards benchmarking of urban air quality based on homogenous surface emission. Elsevier, 10.1016/j.rineng.2023.101617 [Mer information]

  • Lin, Y., Hang, J., Yang, H., Chen, L., Chen, G., Ling, H., Sandberg, M., Claesson, L. & Lam, C. (2021). Investigation of the Reynolds number independence of cavity flow in 2D street canyons by wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulations. Elsevier, Building and Environment, 201 (), [Mer information]

  • Yang, H., Lam, C., Lin, Y., Chen, L., Mattsson, M., Sandberg, M., Hayati, A., Claesson, L. & Hang, J. (2021). Numerical investigations of Re-independence and influence of wall heating on flow characteristics and ventilation in full-scale 2D street canyons. IEEE, Building and Environment, 189 (), [Mer information]


  • Lin, Y., Sandberg, M., Cehlin, M., Claesson, L. & Wigö, H. (2024). Experimental studies of single-sided ventilation for semi-enclosed models with horizontal opening. [Mer information]

  • Lin, Y., Sandberg, M., Cehlin, M., Claesson, L. & Wigö, H. (2022). Evaluation of the Equivalent Purging Flow Rate for Single-side Ventilated Model with Tracer Gas Measurements. [Mer information]

  • Buccolieri, R., Lin, Y., Wigö, H. & Sandberg, M. (2021). Drag force rose representing the interaction between urban geometries and wind. [Mer information]

  • Yang, H., Hang, J., Ou, C., Gao, P. & Lin, Y. (2020). Numerical investigations on Re-independence and influence of thermal forcing on flow characteristics in 2D urban street canyon models. : 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020. [Mer information]

  • Cehlin, M., Ameen, A., Sandberg, M., Claesson, L., Wigö, H. & Lin, Y. (2020). Urban Morphology and City Ventilation. [Mer information]

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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-10-08