Sven Svensson
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Kjörling, A., Bergström, G., Jansson B, A., Kaidesoja, T. & Svensson, S. (2024). Excluded or included – structural preconditions for occupational well-being among blue-collar temporary agency workers within the Swedish manufacturing industry. Taylor & Francis, Journal of Critical Realism, 23 (3), (313-333). 10.1080/14767430.2024.2360841 [Mer information]
Berg Jansson, A., Svensson, S. & Wall, E. (2024). Professional position positioned.. SAGE, Journal of Youth Studies, 32 (2), (142-159). 10.1177/11033088231221638 [Mer information]
Svensson, S., Mathiassen, S., Hallman, D., Heiden, M. & Bergström, G. (2023). Associations between telework experience and psychosocial working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional analysis among white-collar workers in Sweden. WoltersKluwer, 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002758 [Mer information]
Heiden, M., Hallman, D., Svensson, M., Mathiassen, S., Svensson, S. & Bergström, G. (2023). Mismatch between actual and preferred extent of telework: cross-sectional and prospective associations with well-being and burnout. Springer, 10.1186/s12889-023-16683-8 [Mer information]
Mutiganda, J., Wiitavaara, B., Heiden, M., Svensson, S., Fagerström, A., Bergström, G. & Aboagye, E. (2022). A systematic review of the research on telework and organizational economic performance indicators. Frontiers, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1035310 [Mer information]
Svensson, S., Hallman, D., Mathiassen, S., Heiden, M., Fagerström, A., Mutiganda, J. & Bergström, G. (2022). Flexible work: Opportunity and Challenge (FLOC) for individual, social and economic sustainability. Protocol for a prospective cohort study of non-standard employment and flexible work arrangements in Sweden. BMJ, 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 [Mer information]
Wiitavaara, B., Strömberg, A., Mutiganda, J., Svensson, M., Hallman, D. & Svensson, S. (2022). Like a fire brigade, but without pay - Experiences of temporary employment among workers in Swedish elderly care. Taylor & Francis, [Mer information]
Wall, E., Berg Jansson, A. & Svensson, S. (2021). Capturing Stories of How Young Adults Experience Entry Into the Workforce. SAGE, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20 (), 10.1177/16094069211004330 [Mer information]
Widar, L., Wall, E. & Svensson, S. (2021). Experiences of job demand and control: A study of first line managers in for-profit psychiatric and addiction care. IOS Press, Work, 69 (3), (1115-1123). [Mer information]
Wall, E., Svensson, S. & Anna, B. (2021). Sense of security when new at work: a thematic analysis of interviews with young adult retail workers in Sweden. Emerald, Work, Employment and Society, 14 (6), (620-633). 10.1108/IJWHM-03-2021-0049 [Mer information]
Hallman, D., Januario, L., Mathiassen, S., Heiden, M., Svensson, S. & Bergström, G. (2021). Working from home during the COVID-19 outbreak in Sweden: effects on 24-h time-use in office workers. Springer, 10.1186/s12889-021-10582-6 [Mer information]
Svensson, S. (2018). Organizational Trust: How to include the division of labour?. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 39 (2), (72-293). [Mer information]
Svensson, S., Stubbs, J. & Larsson, J. (2018). The association between subordinate perception of task and relation oriented leadership behaviors and sense of coherence among a sample of Swedish white-collar workers. Taylor & Francis, Work, 61 (2), (327-336). [Mer information]
King, D., Svensson, S. & Wei, Z. (2017). Not always a quick fix. Journal of Industrial Relations, 59 (1), (85-103). [Mer information]
Heiden, M., Hallman, D., Svensson, S., Mathiassen, S. & Bergström, G. (2021). Productivity, Well-Being and Work-Family Conflict in Mandatory Telework during the COVID-19 Pandemic. : Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association Conference 2021. [Mer information]
Hallman, D., Januario, L., Heiden, M., Mathiassen, S., Svensson, S. & Bergström, G. (2021). Telework during the COVID-19 outbreak in Sweden: Effects on time spent sitting, standing, moving and sleeping in office workers. : Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association Conference 2021. [Mer information]
Svensson, S. & Heiden, M. (2020). Temporary employment, working conditions, labour market regulation and health: a cross-country multi-level study. [Mer information]
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