Anneli Marttila
Om forskaren
Anneli har en masterexamen i samhällsvetenskap och är medicine doktor från Karolinska Institutet i ämnet socialmedicin/folkhälsovetenskap. I oktober 2012 disputerade vid Karolinska Institutet med avhandlingen Managing adversity – Qualitative studies of long-term social assistance recipiency in Sweden in a resilience perspective.
Anneli undervisar i folkhälsa, jämlikhet i hälsa, hälsofrämjande- och förebyggande arbete, tidiga insatser, utvärdering av folkhälsointerventioner, kvalitativa forskningsmetoder.
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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade
Barboza, M., Kulane, A., Burström, B. & Marttila, A. (2018). A better start for health equity? Qualitative content analysis of implementation of extended postnatal home visiting in a disadvantaged area in Sweden. BMC, International Journal for Equity in Health, 17 (1), 10.1186/s12939-018-0756-6 [Mer information]
Stål, F., Marttila, A. & Macassa, G. (2022). Business executives’ perceptions of responsible leadership and corporate social responsibility for stakeholders’ health and wellbeing. IGI Global, International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management, 7 (1), (1-14). [Mer information]
Canvin, K., Jones, C., Marttila, A., Burstrom, B. & Whitehead, M. (2007). Can I risk using public services? Perceived consequences of seeking help and health care among households living in poverty: qualitative study. BMJ, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 61 (11), (984-989). 10.1136/jech.2006.058404 [Mer information]
Mekhail, K., Burström, B., Marttila, A., Wångdahl, J. & Lindberg, L. (2023). Changes in Comprehensive Health Literacy Among First-Time Parents Attending Extended Home Visiting in Swedish Multicultural Settings: A Case-Comparison Study. Elsevier, Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 37 (4), (391-401). 10.1016/j.pedhc.2023.01.005 [Mer information]
Barboza, M., Marttila, A., Burström, B. & Kulane, A. (2021). Contributions of Preventive Social Services in Early Childhood Home Visiting in a Disadvantaged Area of Sweden: The Practice of the Parental Advisor. Sage, Qualitative Health Research, 31 (8), (1380-1391). 10.1177/1049732321994538 [Mer information]
Marttila, A., Whitehead, M., Canvin, K. & Burström, B. (2009). Controlled and dependent: experiences of living on social assistance in Sweden. Wiley, International Journal of Social Welfare, 19 (2), (142-151). [Mer information]
Barboza, M., Marttila, A., Burström, B. & Kulane, A. (2021). Covid-19 and pathways to health inequities for families in a socioeconomically disadvantaged area of Sweden – qualitative analysis of home visitors’ observations. BMC, International Journal for Equity in Health, 20 (1), 10.1186/s12939-021-01556-6 [Mer information]
Ekblad, S., Marttila, A. & Emilsson, u. (2000). Cultural challenges in end-of-life care: reflections from focus groups' interviews with hospice staff in Stockholm. Wiley, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31 (3), (623-630). [Mer information]
Marttila, A., Johansson, E., Whitehead, M. & Burström, B. (2012). Dilemmas in providing resilience-enhancing social services to long-term social assistance clients. A qualitative study of Swedish social workers. BMC, BMC Public Health, 12 (1), 10.1186/1471-2458-12-517 [Mer information]
Macassa, G., Bergström, H., Malstam, E., Hiswåls, A., Soares, J., Ahmadi, N. & Marttila, A. (2017). Experiences of employment precariousness and psychological well-being in East Central Sweden. Health Science Journal, 11 (2), 10.21767/1791-809X.1000491 [Mer information]
Macassa, G., Rodrigues, C., Barros, H. & Marttila, A. (2021). Experiences of involuntary job loss and health during the economic crisis in Portugal. Wolters Kluwer, Porto Biomedical Journal, 6 (1), 10.1097/j.pbj.0000000000000121 [Mer information]
Hiswåls, A., Marttila, A., Mälstam, E. & Macassa, G. (2017). Experiences of Unemployment and Well-Being After Job Loss During Economic Recession: Results of a Qualitative Study in East Central Sweden. Journal of Public Health Research, 6 (3), (135-141). 10.4081/jphr.2017.995 [Mer information]
Burström, B., Mellblom, J., Marttila, A., Kulane, A., Martin, H., Lindberg, L. & Burström, K. (2020). Healthcare utilisation and measles, mumps and rubella vaccination rates among children with an extended postnatal home visiting programme in a disadvantaged area in Stockholm, Sweden - A 3‐year follow‐up. Wiley, Acta Paediatrica, 109 (9), (1847-1853). [Mer information]
Marttila, A., Johansson, E., Whitehead, M. & Burström, B. (2013). Keep going in adversity – using a resilience perspective to understand the narratives of long-term social assistance recipients in Sweden. BMC, International Journal for Equity in Health, 12 (1), (8-8). 10.1186/1475-9276-12-8 [Mer information]
Marttila, A., Johansson, E., Whitehead, M. & Burström, B. (2010). Living on social assistance with chronic illness: Buffering and undermining features to well-being. BMC, BMC Public Health, 10 (1), 10.1186/1471-2458-10-754 [Mer information]
Mekhail, K., Burström, B., Marttila, A., Wångdahl, J. & Lindberg, L. (2024). Parents' comprehensive health literacy and child health after attending extended home visiting in Swedish multicultural settings—A case‐comparison study. Wiley, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 38 (4), (878-887). 10.1111/scs.13292 [Mer information]
Macassa, G., McGrath, C., Roy, M., Stål, F., Hiswåls, A., Rashid, M., Karlsson, U., Olsson, R., Silva, J., Vinberg, S. & Marttila, A. (2023). Perceptions of Health and Wellbeing Among Employees in a Work Integration Social Enterprise in Sweden. Ubiquity Press, Annals of Global Health, 89 (1), 10.5334/aogh.4065 [Mer information]
Burström, B., Marttila, A., Kulane, A., Lindberg, L. & Burström, K. (2017). Practising proportionate universalism – a study protocol of an extended postnatal home visiting programme in a disadvantaged area in Stockholm, Sweden. BMC, BMC Health Services Research, 17 (1), 10.1186/s12913-017-2038-1 [Mer information]
Wahlström, L., Bergström, H. & Marttila, A. (2014). Promoting health of people with intellectual disabilities. Sage, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 18 (2), (113-128). [Mer information]
Mekhail, K., Burström, B., Marttila, A., Wångdahl, J. & Lindberg, L. (2022). Psychometric qualities of the HLS-EU-Q16 instrument for parental health literacy in Swedish multicultural settings. BMC, BMC Public Health, 22 (1), 10.1186/s12889-021-12346-8 [Mer information]
Macassa, G., Ribeiro, A., Marttila, A., Stål, F., Silva, J., Rydback, M., Rashid, M. & Barros, H. (2022). Public Health Aspects of Climate Change Adaptation in Three Cities. MDPI, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (16), 10.3390/ijerph191610292 [Mer information]
Tiitinen Mekhail, K., Lindberg, L., Burström, B. & Marttila, A. (2019). Strengthening resilience through an extended postnatal home visiting program in a multicultural suburb in Sweden: fathers striving for stability. BMC, BMC Public Health, 19 (1), 10.1186/s12889-019-6440-y [Mer information]
Jones, C., Burström, B., Marttila, A., Canvin, K. & Whitehead, M. (2006). Studying Social Policy and Resilience to Adversity in Different Welfare States: Britain and Sweden. Sage, International Journal of Health Services, 36 (3), (425-442). [Mer information]
Canvin, K., Marttila, A., Burstrom, B. & Whitehead, M. (2009). Tales of the unexpected? Hidden resilience in poor households in Britain. Elsevier, Social Science and Medicine, 69 (2), (238-245). [Mer information]
Trygged, S., Bylund-Grenklo, T., Marttila, A. & Halin, N. (2024). To See and Be Seen: A Swedish Register Study on Children Who Witness Family Violence. MDPI, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (10), 10.3390/ijerph21101291 [Mer information]
Barboza, M., Marttila, A., Burström, B. & Kulane, A. (2022). Towards health equity: core components of an extended home visiting intervention in disadvantaged areas of Sweden. BMC, BMC Public Health, 22 (1), 10.1186/s12889-022-13492-3 [Mer information]
Delilovic, S., Kulane, A., Åsbring, N., Marttila, A. & Lönnroth, K. (2018). What value for whom? – provider perspectives on health examinations for asylum seekers in Stockholm, Sweden. BMC, BMC Health Services Research, 18 (1), 10.1186/s12913-018-3422-1 [Mer information]
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