Niklas Halin
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Filosofie doktor i miljöpsykologi.
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Trygged, S., Bylund-Grenklo, T., Marttila, A. & Halin, N. (2024). To See and Be Seen: A Swedish Register Study on Children Who Witness Family Violence. MDPI, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (10), 10.3390/ijerph21101291 [Mer information]
Halin, N. (2016). Distracted While Reading? Changing to A Hard-to-read Font Shields against the Effects of Environmental Noise and Speech on Text Memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (), 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01196 [Mer information]
Haga, A., Halin, N., Holmgren, M. & Sörqvist, P. (2016). Psychological restoration can depend on stimulus-source attribution. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (), 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01831 [Mer information]
Halin, N., Marsh, J. & Sörqvist, P. (2015). Central load reduces peripheral processing. 10.1111/sjop.12246 [Mer information]
Halin, N., Marsh, J., Hellman, A., Hellström, I. & Sörqvist, P. (2014). A shield against distraction. Elsevier, [Mer information]
Halin, N., Marsh, J., Haga, A., Holmgren, M. & Sörqvist, P. (2014). Effects of speech on proofreading. [Mer information]
Marsh, J., Sörqvist, P., Halin, N., Nöstl, A. & Jones, D. (2013). Auditory distraction compromises random generation. Experimental psychology (Göttingen), 60 (4), (279-292). [Mer information]
Sörqvist, P., Halin, N. & Kjellberg, A. (2013). Home advantage in chess. Journal of Sport Behavior, 36 (1), [Mer information]
Sörqvist, P., Nöstl, A. & Halin, N. (2012). Disruption of writing processes by the semanticity of background speech. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 53 (2), (97-102). [Mer information]
Jahncke, H. & Halin, N. (2012). Performance, fatigue and stress in open-plan offices. [Mer information]
Sörqvist, P., Nöstl, A. & Halin, N. (2012). Working memory capacity modulates habituation rate. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19 (2), (245-250). [Mer information]
Jahncke, H., Hygge, S., Halin, N., Green, A. & Dimberg, K. (2011). Open-plan office noise. Elsevier, [Mer information]
Sörqvist, P., Halin, N. & Hygge, S. (2010). Individual differences in susceptibility to the effects of speech on reading comprehension. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24 (1), (67-76). [Mer information]
Halin, N. (2016). A Shield against Distraction from Environmental Noise. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2017. Gävle: Gävle University Press. 38 s. (Studies in the Research Profile Built Environment. Doctoral thesis ) [Mer information]
Halin, N. (2016). Higher task difficulty shields against the effects of road traffic noise and air traffic noise on recall for written text. [Mer information]
Halin, N., Marsh, J. & Sörqvist, P. (2015). Higher Task Difficulty Shields Against Background Speech. [Mer information]
Sörqvist, P., Marsh, J. & Halin, N. (2015). How concentration shields against distraction. [Mer information]
Halin, N., Holmgren, M., Haga, A. & Sörqvist, P. (2013). The Effects of Sound on Proofreading : Can Task Engagement Shield from Distraction. [Mer information]
Jahncke, H., Hygge, S., Halin, N., Green, A. & Dimberg, K. (2010). An experiment on noise and cognition in a simulated open-plan office. [Mer information]
Sörqvist, P., Halin, N. & Hygge, S. (2008). Disruption of reading comprehension by irrelevant speech : the role of updating in working memory. : ICBEN 2008. S. 410-417. [Mer information]
Skoog Waller, S., Kusterer, H., Halin, N., Ytterholm, L. & Trygged, S. (2021). Våldsprevention genom Huskurage : Utvärdering och följeforskning av en förebyggande insats i Gävle kommun 2020. Gävle: Gävle University Press. s 62. (FOU-rapport 54) Mer information [Mer information]
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