Brita Backlund Rambaree
Om forskaren
Brita Backlund Rambaree disputerade vid Stockholms universitet i januari 2017 med avhandlingen Contextualising Constructions of Corporate Social Responsibility: Social Embeddedness in Discourse and Institutional Contexts. Avhandlingen handlar om företags samhällsansvar och hur detta formas i företags självrapportering och genom institutionella investerares arbete med ansvarsfulla/hållbara investeringar.
Brita har en utbildningsbakgrund i socialt arbete, socialpolitik och sociologi och intresserar sig för hur dessa perspektiv kan tillämpas på företags samhällsansvar och hållbarhetsfrågor.
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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade
Rambaree, K. & Backlund Rambaree, B. (2021). "Out of the frying pan into the fire”: Mauritian social workers’ perspectives on disaster governance in Mauritius. Oxford University Press, British Journal of Social Work, 51 (5), (1585-1604). 10.1093/bjsw/bcab102 [Mer information]
Backlund Rambaree, B. (2020). Content in the Context of Welfare Configurations. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Social Responsibility Journal, 16 (4), (487-506). [Mer information]
Macassa, G., Rashid, M., Backlund Rambaree, B. & Chowdhury, E. (2022). Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Stakeholders’ Health and Wellbeing in the Food and Beverage Industry: A Case Study of a Multinational Company. MDPI, Sustainability, 14 (9), 10.3390/su14094879 [Mer information]
Chowdhury, E., Backlund Rambaree, B. & Macassa, G. (2021). CSR Reporting of Stakeholders’ Health: Proposal for a New Perspective. MDPI, Sustainability, 13 (3), 10.3390/su13031133 [Mer information]
Backlund Rambaree, B. (2021). Discourse and power in the institutionalisation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Taylor & Francis, Cogent Social Sciences, 7 (1), 10.1080/23311886.2020.1852673 [Mer information]
Backlund Rambaree, B. (2020). Ecosocial work through corporate social responsibility. Taylor & Francis, Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, 16 (1), (47-62). 10.1080/19480881.2020.1709375 [Mer information]
Rambaree, K., Båld, M. & Backlund Rambaree, B. (2022). Worlds apart! Environmental injustices in Mauritius, Peru and Sweden. Sage Publications, International Social Work, 65 (1), (49-63). 10.1177/0020872819889391 [Mer information]
Backlund Rambaree, B., Hobson, B., Stern, C. & Jamali, D. (2016). Contextualising Constructions of Corporate Social Responsibility : Social Embeddedness in Discourse and Institutional Contexts. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2017. Stockholm: Stockholm University. 37 s. (Stockholm Studies in Sociology. New series ) [Mer information]
Backlund Rambaree, B., Davies, P., Ponian, C. & Rambaree, K. (2008). People in Micro Businesses & The Blue Bay Marine Park : An Analysis of Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceived Benefits. [Mer information]
Rambaree, K. & Backlund Rambaree, B. (2007). Higher Education (HE) for Voluntary Social Workers (VSWs) in Mauritius : Beneficiaries´ Personal Motivation and their Perceived Contribution towards the National Millennium Development Goals (NMDGs). [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Backlund Rambaree, B. (2021). Ecosocial work through corporate social responsibility: the case of company engagement with civil society in coastal communities in Mauritius. Environmental Citizenship in the Indian Ocean Region. Routledge. S. 47-62. [Mer information]
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