Tobias Fredlund
Om forskaren
Ett av Tobias Fredlunds intresseområden är hur olika kommunikationsformer påverkar undervisning och lärande. Han är särskilt intresserad av hur exempelvis språk, bilder och gester kompletterar varandra i lärares och elevers betydelseskapande. Framför allt berör hans forskning undervisning och lärande i naturvetenskapliga ämnen.
Aktuell forskning
Just nu deltar Tobias Fredlund i forskningsprojektet DesDiNaTe. Projektet är praktiknära och forskare och förskollärare samarbetar för att förbättra undervisning och lärande om naturvetenskap/teknik, miljöfrågor och hållbar utveckling.
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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade
Fredlund, T., Linder, C. & Airey, J. (2015). A social semiotic approach to identifying critical aspects. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 4 (3), (302-316). [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Airey, J. & Linder, C. (2015). Enhancing the possibilities for learning. European journal of physics, 36 (5), [Mer information]
Knain, E., Fredlund, T. & Furberg, A. (2021). Exploring Student Reasoning and Representation Construction in School Science Through the Lenses of Social Semiotics and Interaction Analysis. Springer, Research in science education, 51 (1), (93-111). 10.1007/s11165-020-09975-1 [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Airey, J. & Linder, C. (2012). Exploring the role of physics representations. European journal of physics, 33 (3), (657-666). [Mer information]
Knain, E., Fredlund, T., Larsen Furberg, A., Mathiassen, K., Remmen, K. & Ødegaard, M. (2017). Representing to learn in science education. Acta Didactica Norge - tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid i Norge, (3), 10.5617/adno.4722 [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Remmen, K. & Knain, E. (2024). The epistemological commitments of modes. Sage, Visual Communication, 23 (1), (97-118). 10.1177/14703572211038991 [Mer information]
Fäldt, Å. & Fredlund, T. (2023). The gyroscopic effect and moment of inertia. IOS Press, Physics Education, 58 (2), 10.1088/1361-6552/aca73a [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Linder, C. & Airey, J. (2015). Towards addressing transient learning challenges in undergraduate physics. European journal of physics, 36 (5), [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Linder, C., Airey, J. & Linder, A. (2014). Unpacking physics representations. American Physical Society, Physical Review Special Topics, 10 (2), 10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.10.020129 [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Linder, C. & Wolfe, D. (2015). Using a Social Semiotic Perspective to Inform the Teaching and Learning of Physics. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2015. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 178 s. ( ) Länk [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Linder, C. & Lindstrøm, C. (2013). Exploring physics education using a social semiotic perspective : the critical role of semiotic resources. Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning), 2013. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet. 146 s. ( ) Länk
Perskull, P. & Fredlund, T. (2024). 360°-video i biologiundervisning. [Mer information]
Perskull, P. & Fredlund, T. (2024). Virtual reality i ekologiundervisningen på gymnasiet : Att uppleva naturen från klassrummet. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T. & Erik, K. (2019). Science students' noticing of appropriate frames. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T. & Knain, E. (2018). Analysing school science group work in terms of multimodal text development and its interplay with the context of situation. : 9ICOM Book of Abstracts. S. 64-64. [Mer information]
Suhr Lunde, M., Mathiassen, K., Fredlund, T. & Knain, E. (2018). Representations and Students Teachers’ Experiences from Teacher Practice. [Mer information]
Knain, E., Remmen, K. & Fredlund, T. (2018). Representations in students’ argumentation on SSI. [Mer information]
Suhr Lunde, M., Mathiassen, K., Fredlund, T. & Knain, E. (2018). Student teachers’ perspective of representations in science teaching and learning. : 9ICOM Book of Abstracts. S. 104-104. Länk [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Knain, E. & Larsen Furberg, A. (2018). Using representations to learn about the greenhouse effect. [Mer information]
Suhr Lunde, M., Mathiassen, K., Fredlund, T. & Knain, E. (2017). Lærerstudenters erfaringer med bruk av representasjoner i praksis. [Mer information]
Knain, E., Fredlund, T. & Larsen Furberg, A. (2017). Making the invisible visible across modes and representations. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Knain, E. & Larsen Furberg, A. (2017). Teaching science using underdetermined representations : Illustration and implications. [Mer information]
Knain, E., Remmen, K. & Fredlund, T. (2017). The role of representations in students' argumentation on SSI. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Knain, E. & Larsen Furberg, A. (2017). The transition from naturalistic to theoretical representations of the greenhouse effect. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Knain, E. & Remmen, K. (2017). Two central aspects of sign-making for the learning of science : differentiation and integration. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Linder, C. & Airey, J. (2014). Exploring knowledge representation in terms of the enactment of idealized patterns of disciplinary-relevant aspects. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Linder, C. & Airey, J. (2014). Learning in terms of the semiotic enactment of patterns of disciplinary-relevant aspects. : IACS-2014 Book of abstracts. S. 94-94. [Mer information]
Airey, J., Eriksson, U., Fredlund, T. & Linder, C. (2014). On the Disciplinary Affordances of Semiotic Resources. : IACS-2014 Book of abstracts. S. 54-55. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Linder, C. & Airey, J. (2014). Reverse rankshift : Towards an appreciation of the disciplinary affordances of representations. [Mer information]
Airey, J., Eriksson, U., Fredlund, T. & Linder, C. (2014). The Concept of Disciplinary Affordance. Länk [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Linder, C. & Airey, J. (2014). Variation as a method for perceiving the disciplinary affordances of physics representations. : IACS-2014 Book of Abstracts. S. 32-33. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T. (2013). Learning science and the selection of apt signifiers : an example from physics. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T. & Linder, C. (2013). Making physics learning possible : exploring a variation perspective on representations. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Linder, C. & Airey, J. (2012). A case study of the role of representations in enabling and constraining the sharing of physics knowledge in peer discussions. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Airey, J. & Linder, C. (2012). Choosing appropriate resources : investigating students’ scientific literacy. : ECER 2012. Länk [Mer information]
Fredlund, T., Airey, J. & Linder, C. (2012). Critical aspects of scientific phenomena -- to the fore, in the background, or not present in scientific representations. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T. (2010). Exploring Representations in Physics Teaching and Learning. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T. (2010). Multimodality in Students Physics Discussions. [Mer information]
Fredlund, T. & Linder, C. (2010). Naturvetarnas ‘språk’ : användandet av figurer, artefakter, ekvationer och ord i studentdiskussioner om fysikaliska fenomen. Länk [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Fredlund, T., Airey, J. & Linder, C. (2013). Att välja lämpliga semiotiska resurser. Scientific literacy : teori och praktik. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. S. 59-70. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-20