Fredrik Svensson
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Svensson, F. (2024). Symbolism and Allegory in the Works of Cormac McCarthy. Penn State University Press, Cormac McCarthy Journal, 22 (2), (184-193). [Mer information]
Svensson, F. (2024). The (Im)possibility of Education: Theory and Method in Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Gayatri Spivak’s Righting Wrongs. Pitt Open Library Publishing, Dialogic Pedagogy, 12 (1), (1-15). 10.5195/dpj.2024.578 [Mer information]
Svensson, F. (2022). Beauty, Complexity, and Symbolism in Emily St. John Mandel’s <em>Station Eleven</em> and Patrick Somerville’s TV Adaptation.. : American Literary Naturalism and Its Descendants SymposiumUniversity College Cork, Ireland, October 14-15, 2022. [Mer information]
Svensson, F. (2018). “Dreams of the race that was”: Loss and Quietism in Cormac McCarthy’s <em>The Orchard Keeper</em>. : American Literature Association, Coalition of Societies Devoted to the Study of American Authors, 29th Annual Conference on American Literature, May 24 – 27, 2018, San Francisco. [Mer information]
Svensson, F. (2017). “Rigid homologues of viscera”: Autonomy and Heteronomy in the Novels of Cormac McCarthy.. : The 2017 Cormac McCarthy Society Conference, August 31st–September 3rd, Hilton Austin, 500 E. 4th Street.. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-10-07