Contract of liability

Using the computer- net- and system resources of University College of Gävle


  • The computing facilities are provided for use by the staff in the course of their work and by students in the course of their education. While other incidental and occasional use may be permitted such use must not interfere with the work of the staff or the student's studies. Any abuse of such permission will be treated as a contravention of these regulations. The following will also be treated as contravening these regulations: playing computer games; jeopardising the integrity of any computer equipment, its associated systems programs, or any other stored information; making, storing, installing or transferring unauthorized software; users may not copy, upload or download information through the University college's computing facilities which is not authorised by the copyright owner or permitted by law.
  • Your user account is for your personal use only and is non-transferrable. You are responsible for all uses of your account so you should keep your password secret to prevent unauthorized access.
  • You are obliged to read your e-mail regularly.
  • You are obliged to keep yourself updated with any changes as to these regulations and codes of practice.
  • You are obliged to comply with these regulations and the policies and codes that supplement the said regulations. If you do not agree to comply with these regulations, your user account will be terminated.


  • You are only entitled to one user account unless exceptional circumstances apply.
  • Access to computer resources will cease simultaneously with your studies if not arranged otherwise.
  • The system administrator is entitled to check the contents of a user account, mailboxes, etc. for the purpose of regular maintenance and also when there is justified suspicion that regulations and codes of practice have been contravened.
  • The user's personal details will be stored in internal and administrative systems. The user's name and e-mail address may be displayed on the Internet if not arranged otherwise.
  • The storage capacity of the user account is limited and specifically dimensioned to the needs of education.
  • Given the limited computer resources available, if a workstation is left unattended for more than 20 minutes, other users have the right to log him/her out and, in turn, log in.
  • Changes in the contract will be notified two weeks before they will come into effect

Konsekvenser vid regelbrott:

  • If a user is in violation of any of these regulations, his or her use of computer facilities will be withdrawn immediately. It is incumbent upon the user to contact the IT manager, who will decide whether the user account will be reactivated or if the matter will be handed over to DN (the disciplinary committee at University college of Gävle).
  • Repeated and/or severe violations against the regulations will always result in a deactivation of the user account and that matter may be handed over to DN.
  • Terminated user accounts are reactivated after decision by the IT-manager. Where appropriate, violations of the law will be reported to the police.

This page was last updated 2025-01-15