Hanna Holmgren, profilbild

Hanna Holmgren


Forskningsämne: Datavetenskap

Forskningsområde: Geospatial informationsvetenskap



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  • Humble, N., Boustedt, J., Holmgren, H., Milutinovic, G., Seipel, S. & Östberg, A. (2024). Cheaters or AI-Enhanced Learners. Academic Publishing International Limited, Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 22 (2), (16-29). 10.34190/ejel.21.5.3154 [Mer information]

  • Ge, Z., Holmgren, H., Kronbichler, M., Brandt, L. & Kreiss, G. (2018). Effective slip over partially filled microcavities and its possible failure. APS, Physical Review Fluids, 3 (5), [Mer information]

  • Kronbichler, M., Diagne, A. & Holmgren, H. (2016). A fast massively parallel two-phase flow solver for microfluidic chip simulation. Sage, The international journal of high performance computing applications, 32 (2), (266-287). [Mer information]


  • Holmgren, H. (2017). Modelling of Moving Contact Lines in Two-Phase Flows. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2017. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 33 s. ( ) [Mer information]

  • Holmgren, H. (2015). Towards accurate modeling of moving contact lines. Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning), 2015. : Uppsala University. s. ( ) Länk


  • Humble, N., Boustedt, J., Holmgren, H., Milutinovic, G., Seipel, S. & Östberg, A. (2023). The consequences of ChatGPT for programming education : Cheating or AI-enhanced learning?. : Symposium on AI Opportunities and Challenges. S. 15-16. [Mer information]

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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-03-26