Magnus Isaksson
Professor, akademichef, vicerektor för EUI – Green Universities
Om forskaren
Professor Magnus Isaksson har magisterexamen i elektronik med inriktning mot mikrovågsteknik från Högskolan i Gävle (2000), tekn. licentiatexamen i signalbehandling från Uppsala universitet (2006), och tekn. doktorsexamen i telekommunikation från Kungliga tekniska högskolan, Stockholm, 2007. År 2012 utnämndes dr Isaksson till docent i telekommunikation vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan, Stockholm.
Han arbetade inom elektronik och telekommunikation på Televerket, Teli AB och Teli Service AB, Sverige, 1989–1999. Han forskar och är professor i elektronik, särskilt signalbehandling. Professor Isaksson är för närvarande akademichef vid Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv samt vicerektor för strategisk utveckling, vid Högskolan i Gävle.
Hans huvudintressen är algoritmer för signalbehandling för radiofrekvensmätningar och modellering av olinjära mikrovågssystem.
Professor Isaksson är författare eller medförfattare till många publicerade vetenskapliga tidskriftsartiklar och konferensartiklar inom området, och har också gett ut en bok på ett vetenskapsförlag.
Visa innehållet
Rafique, S., Rana, S., Björsell, N. & Isaksson, M. (2024). Evaluating the advantages of passive exoskeletons and recommendations for design improvements. SAGE, Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 11 (), (1-13). 10.1177/20556683241239875 [Mer information]
Masud, N., Rafique, S., Smith, C. & Isaksson, M. (2023). Design control and actuator selection of a lower body assistive exoskeleton with 3-D passive compliant supports. Springer, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 45 (12), 10.1007/s40430-023-04480-8 [Mer information]
Jain, P., Bera, T., Singla, A. & Isaksson, M. (2022). Linear actuator–based knee exoskeleton for stand–sit–stand motions: a bond graph approach. Sage, Simulation (San Diego, Calif.), 98 (8), (627-644). [Mer information]
Masud, N., Senkic, D., Smith, C. & Isaksson, M. (2021). Modeling and control of a 4-ADOF upper-body exoskeleton with mechanically decoupled 3-D compliant arm-supports for improved-pHRI. Elsevier, Mechatronics (Oxford), 73 (), [Mer information]
Jain, P., Bera, T., Rafique, S., Singla, A. & Isaksson, M. (2020). Comparative study of knee joint torque estimations for linear and rotary actuators using bond graph approach for stand–sit–stand motions. Sage Publications, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 17 (5), (1-13). 10.1177/1729881420963742 [Mer information]
Masud, N., Mattsson, P., Smith, C. & Isaksson, M. (2020). On stability and performance of disturbance observer-based-dynamic load torque compensator for assistive exoskeleton. Elsevier, Mechatronics (Oxford), 69 (), 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2020.102373 [Mer information]
Masud, N., Smith, C. & Isaksson, M. (2018). Disturbance observer based dynamic load torque compensator for assistive exoskeletons. Elsevier Ltd, Mechatronics (Oxford), 54 (), (78-93). 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2018.07.003 [Mer information]
Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2018). Extraction of the Third-Order 3x3 MIMO Volterra Kernel Outputs Using Multitone Signals. IEEE, IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 66 (11), (4985-4999). 10.1109/TMTT.2018.2854186 [Mer information]
Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2017). Digital Predistortion for Joint Mitigation of I/Q Imbalance and MIMO Power Amplifier Distortion. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 65 (1), (322-333). [Mer information]
Singh Rupal, B., Rafique, S., Singla, A., Singla, E., Isaksson, M. & Singh Virk, G. (2017). Lower-limb exoskeletons. Sage Publications, 10.1177/1729881417743554 [Mer information]
Zenteno, E., Khan, Z., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2016). Finding Structural Information about RF Power Amplifiers using an Orthogonal Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing Estimator. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65 (5), (2883-2889). 10.1109/TVT.2015.2434497 [Mer information]
Zenteno, E., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2016). Pilot tone aided measurements to extend the bandwidth of radio frequency applications. Measurement, 90 (), (534-541). 10.1016/j.measurement.2016.05.005 [Mer information]
Zenteno, E., Khan, Z., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2016). Using Intrinsic Integer Periodicity to Decompose the Volterra Structure in Multi-Channel RF Transmitters. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 26 (4), (297-299). 10.1109/LMWC.2016.2525019 [Mer information]
Zenteno, E., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2015). Output impedance mismatch effects on the linearity performance of digitally predistorted power amplifiers. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 63 (2), (754-765). [Mer information]
Landin, P., Barbé, K., Van Moer, W., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2015). Two novel memory polynomial models for modeling of RF power amplifiers. International journal of microwave and wireless technologies, 7 (1), (19-29). [Mer information]
Landin, P., Fritzin, J., Van Moer, W., Isaksson, M. & Alvandpour, A. (2012). Modeling and digital predistortion of class-D outphasing RF power amplifiers. IEEE Press, IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 60 (6), (1907-1915). [Mer information]
Landin, P., Van Moer, W., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2012). Peak-Power Controlled Digital Predistorters for RF Power Amplifiers. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 60 (11), (3582-3590). [Mer information]
Isaksson, M. & Zenteno, E. (2011). A synthetic vector network analyzing measurement system. Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 60 (6), (2154-2161). [Mer information]
Tehrani, A., Cao, H., Afsardoost, S., Eriksson, T., Isaksson, M. & Fager, C. (2010). A Comparative Analysis of the Complexity/Accuracy Tradeoff in Power Amplifier Behavioral Models. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 58 (6), (1510-1520). [Mer information]
Björsell, N., Isaksson, M., Händel, P. & Rönnow, D. (2010). Kautz-Volterra modelling of analogue-to-digital converters. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 32 (3), (126-129). [Mer information]
Landin, P., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2010). Parameter Extraction and Performance Evaluation Method for Increased Performance in RF Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 20 (2), (200-208). [Mer information]
Isaksson, M. & Rönnow, D. (2007). A Parameter-Reduced Volterra Model for Dynamic RF Power Amplifier Modeling based on Orthonormal Basis Functions. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 17 (6), (542-551). [Mer information]
Rönnow, D., Wisell, D. & Isaksson, M. (2007). Three-Tone Characterization of Nonlinear Memory Effects in Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 56 (6), (2646-2657). [Mer information]
Isaksson, M., Wisell, D. & Rönnow, D. (2006). A Comparative Analysis of Behavioral Models for RF Power Amplifiers. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 54 (1), (348-359). [Mer information]
Rönnow, D. & Isaksson, M. (2006). Digital predistortion of radio frequency power amplifiers using a Kautz-Volterra model. Electronics Letters, 42 (13), (780-782). [Mer information]
Isaksson, M., Wisell, D. & Rönnow, D. (2005). Wide-Band Dynamic Modeling of Power Amplifiers Using Radial-Basis Function Neural Networks. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 53 (11), (3422-3428). [Mer information]
Isaksson, M. (2007). Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers : Behavioral Modeling, Parameter-Reduction, and Digital Predistortion. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2007. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology. 59 s. (Trita-EE ) [Mer information]
Isaksson, M. (2005). Behavioural Modelling of Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers : An Evaluation of Some Block Structure and Neural Network Models. . Uppsala: Uppsala University. s. ( )
Rafique, S., Rana, S., Björsell, N. & Isaksson, M. (2023). Using robotic exoskeletons to reduce muscle activity of workers. [Mer information]
Andersson, R., Björsell, N. & Isaksson, M. (2021). Robots are a promising investment to fight pandemics. : 2021 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). S. 458-463. [Mer information]
Khan, Z., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2017). A Comparative Analysis of the Complexity/Accuracy Tradeoff in the Mitigation of RF MIMO Transmitter Impairments. : 2017 89th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG). Länk [Mer information]
Alizadeh, M., Rönnow, D., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2017). A new Block-Structure Modeling Technique for RF Power Amplifiers in a 2x2 MIMO System. : 13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS). S. 224-227. [Mer information]
Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2017). Multitone design for third order MIMO volterra kernels. : 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS). S. 1553-1556. [Mer information]
Amin, S., Khan, Z., Isaksson, M., Händel, P. & Rönnow, D. (2016). Concurrent dual-band power amplifier model modification using dual two-tone test. Länk [Mer information]
Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2015). Study of the Power Amplifier transfer function symmetry and its relation to dynamic effects. : 2015 IEEE 16th Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON). S. 1-6. Länk [Mer information]
Zenteno, E., Amin, S., Isaksson, M., Rönnow, D. & Händel, P. (2014). Combating the Dimensionality of Nonlinear MIMO Amplifier Predistortion by Basis Pursuit. : Proceedings of the 44th European Microwave Conference. S. 833-836. Länk [Mer information]
Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2014). Density estimation models for strong nonlinearities in RF power amplifiers. [Mer information]
Landin, P., Fritzin, J., Jung, Y., Enqvist, M., Isaksson, M. & Alvandpour, A. (2012). Digital baseband pre-distortion of class-D outphasing amplifiers. : Proceedings Gigahertz Symposium 2012. [Mer information]
Amin, S., Zenteno, E., Landin, P., Rönnow, D., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2012). Noise Impact on the Identification of Digital Predistorter Parameters in the Indirect Learning Architecture. : 2012 Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop (Swe-CTW). S. 36-39. Länk [Mer information]
Landin, P., Nader, C., Van Moer, W., Björsell, N., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2011). Overview of Synergetic OFDM Crest Factor Reduction and Digital Pre-Distortion for RF PAs. : RFMTC11. Länk [Mer information]
Nader, C., Landin, P., Van Moer, W., Björsell, N., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2011). Peak-to-average power ratio reduction versus digital pre-distortion in OFDM based systems. [Mer information]
Landin, P., Bengtsson, O. & Isaksson, M. (2009). Power Amplifier Behavioural Model Mismatch Sensitivity and the Impact on Digital Predistortion Performance. : Proc. 39th European Microwave Conference (EuMC). S. 338-341. [Mer information]
Landin, P., Isaksson, M., Keskitalo, N. & Tornblad, O. (2009). Sideband asymmetries in RF Power LDMOS Before and After Digital Predistortion. Länk [Mer information]
Landin, P., Nader, C., Björsell, N., Isaksson, M., Wisell, D., Händel, P., Andersen, O. & Keskitalo, N. (2009). Wideband Characterization of Power Amplifiers Using Undersampling. Länk [Mer information]
Nader, C., Landin, P., Björsell, N., Isaksson, M., Wisell, D., Händel, P., Andersen, O. & Keskitalo, N. (2009). Wideband Power Amplifiers Characterization by Undersampling : Zhu-Frank Sampling Theorem. [Mer information]
Landin, P. & Isaksson, M. (2008). A review of validation criteria for behavioral power amplifier models. [Mer information]
Zenteno, E., Isaksson, M., Wisell, D., Keskitalo, N. & Andersen, O. (2008). An Envelope Domain Measurement Test Setup to Acquire Linear Scattering Parameters. : 72nd ARFTG Conf. Dig., Portland, OR. S. 54-57. [Mer information]
Landin, P., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2008). Comparison of Evaluation Criteria for Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling. : IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest; 2008, Atlanta, GA, USA. S. 1441-1444. [Mer information]
Zenteno, E., Andersen, O., Isaksson, M., Keskitalo, N. & Wisell, D. (2008). Nonlinear Network Analysis for Modern Communication Devices and Systems. : 72nd ARFTG Conf. Dig., Portland, OR. S. 64-68. [Mer information]
Landin, P., Fager, C., Isaksson, M. & Andersson, K. (2008). Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling Performance Comparison of the LSNA and the Modulation-Domain System. : 72nd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium, 2008, Portland, OR.. S. 73-78. [Mer information]
Wisell, D., Isaksson, M. & Keskitalo, N. (2007). A General Evaluation Criteria for Behavioral PA Models. : 69th ARFTG Microwave measurement conference, Honolulu, HI, USA. S. 251-255. Länk [Mer information]
Isaksson, M., Wisell, D., Eng, A. & Rönnow, D. (2007). A Study of a Variable-Capacitance Drain Network's Influence on Dynamic Behavioral Modeling of an RF PA. : 69th ARFTG Microwave measurement conference, Honolulu, HI, USA. S. 112-116. [Mer information]
Wisell, D. & Isaksson, M. (2007). Derivation of a Behavioral RF Power Amplifier Model with Low Normalized Mean-Square Error. : Proceedings of European Microwave Week 2007, 8-12 October 2007, Munich, Germany. S. 1283-1286. [Mer information]
Björsell, N., Isaksson, M., Händel, P. & Rönnow, D. (2007). Kautz-Volterra modelling of an analogue-to-digital converter using a stepped three-tone excitation. : 12th IMEKO TC-4 International Workshop on ADC MODELLING AND TESTING, Iasi, Romania, September 2007. S. 107-112. Länk [Mer information]
Isaksson, M. (2007). Parameter-reduction for Volterra models in radio frequency power amplifier applications. : RF Measurement Technology Conference, Gävle 11-12 September. [Mer information]
Wisell, D. & Isaksson, M. (2007). Validation of Behavioral Radio Frequency Power Amplifier Models. : RF Measurement Technology Conference, Gävle 11-12 September. [Mer information]
Isaksson, M. & Rönnow, D. (2006). A Kautz-Volterra Behavioral Model for RF Power Amplifiers. : IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. S. 485-488. [Mer information]
Wisell, D., Isaksson, M., Keskitalo, N. & Rönnow, D. (2006). Wideband characterization of a Doherty amplifier using behavioral modeling. : 67th ARFTG Conference 2006. S. 190-199. [Mer information]
Isaksson, M., Wisell, D. & Rönnow, D. (2005). Behavioural Amplifier Modelling Using Sampled Complex Envelope Measurement Data. : Proc. Gigahertz 2005. S. 213-216. [Mer information]
Isaksson, M., Wisell, D. & Rönnow, D. (2005). Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling of Power Amplifiers Using Radial-Basis Function Neural Networks. : 2005 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. S. 1967-1970. [Mer information]
Wisell, D. & Isaksson, M. (2005). Validation of Behavioural Power Amplifier Models Using Coherent Averaging. : Proc. Gigahertz 2005. S. 318-321. [Mer information]
Isaksson, M. & Wisell, D. (2004). Extension of the Hammerstein Model for Power Amplifier Applications. : 63rd ARFTG Conference Digest - Spring 2004. S. 131-137. [Mer information]
Landin, P., Barbé, K., Van Moer, W., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2011). Proofs of Derivations in Memory Polynomial Baseband Modeling of RF Power Amplifiers : . : . s 5. (Working paper 45) Mer information [Mer information]
Johansson, A., Isaksson, M. & Rönnow, D. (2010). An analysis of Kautz-Volterra models for modeling block structure nonlinear systems : . Gävle: University of Gävle. s 14. (Working paper 43) Mer information [Mer information]
Isaksson, M. (2008). A Measure to Characterize the Impact of Sets of Scientific Papers : . Gävle: University of Gävle. s 14. (Working paper 38) Mer information [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Christensen, S., Bai, S., Rafique, S., Isaksson, M., O'Sullivan, L., Power, V. & Virk, G. (2019). AXO-SUIT. Cham, Springer Netherlands. [Mer information]
Isaksson, M. (2009). Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers. Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag. [Mer information]
Visa innehållet
Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18