Magnus Isaksson, profilbild

Magnus Isaksson

Professor, akademichef, vicerektor för EUI – Green Universities

Forskningsämne: Elektroteknik


Om forskaren

Professor Magnus Isaksson har magisterexamen i elektronik med inriktning mot mikrovågsteknik från Högskolan i Gävle (2000), tekn. licentiatexamen i signalbehandling från Uppsala universitet (2006), och tekn. doktorsexamen i telekommunikation från Kungliga tekniska högskolan, Stockholm, 2007. År 2012 utnämndes dr Isaksson till docent i telekommunikation vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan, Stockholm.

Han arbetade inom elektronik och telekommunikation på Televerket, Teli AB och Teli Service AB, Sverige, 1989–1999. Han forskar och är professor i elektronik, särskilt signalbehandling. Professor Isaksson är för närvarande akademichef vid Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv samt vicerektor för strategisk utveckling, vid Högskolan i Gävle.

Hans huvudintressen är algoritmer för signalbehandling för radiofrekvensmätningar och modellering av olinjära mikrovågs­system.

Professor Isaksson är författare eller medförfattare till många publicerade vetenskapliga tidskriftsartiklar och konferensartiklar inom området, och har också gett ut en bok på ett vetenskapsförlag.

Visa innehållet



  • Rafique, S., Rana, S., Björsell, N. & Isaksson, M. (2024). Evaluating the advantages of passive exoskeletons and recommendations for design improvements. SAGE, Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 11 (), (1-13). 10.1177/20556683241239875 [Mer information]

  • Masud, N., Rafique, S., Smith, C. & Isaksson, M. (2023). Design control and actuator selection of a lower body assistive exoskeleton with 3-D passive compliant supports. Springer, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 45 (12), 10.1007/s40430-023-04480-8 [Mer information]

  • Jain, P., Bera, T., Singla, A. & Isaksson, M. (2022). Linear actuator–based knee exoskeleton for stand–sit–stand motions: a bond graph approach. Sage, Simulation (San Diego, Calif.), 98 (8), (627-644). [Mer information]

  • Masud, N., Senkic, D., Smith, C. & Isaksson, M. (2021). Modeling and control of a 4-ADOF upper-body exoskeleton with mechanically decoupled 3-D compliant arm-supports for improved-pHRI. Elsevier, Mechatronics (Oxford), 73 (), [Mer information]

  • Jain, P., Bera, T., Rafique, S., Singla, A. & Isaksson, M. (2020). Comparative study of knee joint torque estimations for linear and rotary actuators using bond graph approach for stand–sit–stand motions. Sage Publications, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 17 (5), (1-13). 10.1177/1729881420963742 [Mer information]

  • Masud, N., Mattsson, P., Smith, C. & Isaksson, M. (2020). On stability and performance of disturbance observer-based-dynamic load torque compensator for assistive exoskeleton. Elsevier, Mechatronics (Oxford), 69 (), 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2020.102373 [Mer information]

  • Masud, N., Smith, C. & Isaksson, M. (2018). Disturbance observer based dynamic load torque compensator for assistive exoskeletons. Elsevier Ltd, Mechatronics (Oxford), 54 (), (78-93). 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2018.07.003 [Mer information]

  • Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2018). Extraction of the Third-Order 3x3 MIMO Volterra Kernel Outputs Using Multitone Signals. IEEE, IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 66 (11), (4985-4999). 10.1109/TMTT.2018.2854186 [Mer information]

  • Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2017). Digital Predistortion for Joint Mitigation of I/Q Imbalance and MIMO Power Amplifier Distortion. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 65 (1), (322-333). [Mer information]

  • Singh Rupal, B., Rafique, S., Singla, A., Singla, E., Isaksson, M. & Singh Virk, G. (2017). Lower-limb exoskeletons. Sage Publications, 10.1177/1729881417743554 [Mer information]

  • Zenteno, E., Khan, Z., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2016). Finding Structural Information about RF Power Amplifiers using an Orthogonal Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing Estimator. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65 (5), (2883-2889). 10.1109/TVT.2015.2434497 [Mer information]

  • Zenteno, E., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2016). Pilot tone aided measurements to extend the bandwidth of radio frequency applications. Measurement, 90 (), (534-541). 10.1016/j.measurement.2016.05.005 [Mer information]

  • Zenteno, E., Khan, Z., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2016). Using Intrinsic Integer Periodicity to Decompose the Volterra Structure in Multi-Channel RF Transmitters. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 26 (4), (297-299). 10.1109/LMWC.2016.2525019 [Mer information]

  • Zenteno, E., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2015). Output impedance mismatch effects on the linearity performance of digitally predistorted power amplifiers. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 63 (2), (754-765). [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Barbé, K., Van Moer, W., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2015). Two novel memory polynomial models for modeling of RF power amplifiers. International journal of microwave and wireless technologies, 7 (1), (19-29). [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Fritzin, J., Van Moer, W., Isaksson, M. & Alvandpour, A. (2012). Modeling and digital predistortion of class-D outphasing RF power amplifiers. IEEE Press, IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 60 (6), (1907-1915). [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Van Moer, W., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2012). Peak-Power Controlled Digital Predistorters for RF Power Amplifiers. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 60 (11), (3582-3590). [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M. & Zenteno, E. (2011). A synthetic vector network analyzing measurement system. Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 60 (6), (2154-2161). [Mer information]

  • Tehrani, A., Cao, H., Afsardoost, S., Eriksson, T., Isaksson, M. & Fager, C. (2010). A Comparative Analysis of the Complexity/Accuracy Tradeoff in Power Amplifier Behavioral Models. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 58 (6), (1510-1520). [Mer information]

  • Björsell, N., Isaksson, M., Händel, P. & Rönnow, D. (2010). Kautz-Volterra modelling of analogue-to-digital converters. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 32 (3), (126-129). [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2010). Parameter Extraction and Performance Evaluation Method for Increased Performance in RF Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 20 (2), (200-208). [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M. & Rönnow, D. (2007). A Parameter-Reduced Volterra Model for Dynamic RF Power Amplifier Modeling based on Orthonormal Basis Functions. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 17 (6), (542-551). [Mer information]

  • Rönnow, D., Wisell, D. & Isaksson, M. (2007). Three-Tone Characterization of Nonlinear Memory Effects in Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 56 (6), (2646-2657). [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M., Wisell, D. & Rönnow, D. (2006). A Comparative Analysis of Behavioral Models for RF Power Amplifiers. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 54 (1), (348-359). [Mer information]

  • Rönnow, D. & Isaksson, M. (2006). Digital predistortion of radio frequency power amplifiers using a Kautz-Volterra model. Electronics Letters, 42 (13), (780-782). [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M., Wisell, D. & Rönnow, D. (2005). Wide-Band Dynamic Modeling of Power Amplifiers Using Radial-Basis Function Neural Networks. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 53 (11), (3422-3428). [Mer information]


  • Isaksson, M. (2007). Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers : Behavioral Modeling, Parameter-Reduction, and Digital Predistortion. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2007. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology. 59 s. (Trita-EE ) [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M. (2005). Behavioural Modelling of Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers : An Evaluation of Some Block Structure and Neural Network Models. . Uppsala: Uppsala University. s. ( )


  • Rafique, S., Rana, S., Björsell, N. & Isaksson, M. (2023). Using robotic exoskeletons to reduce muscle activity of workers. [Mer information]

  • Andersson, R., Björsell, N. & Isaksson, M. (2021). Robots are a promising investment to fight pandemics. : 2021 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). S. 458-463. [Mer information]

  • Khan, Z., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2017). A Comparative Analysis of the Complexity/Accuracy Tradeoff in the Mitigation of RF MIMO Transmitter Impairments. : 2017 89th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG). Länk [Mer information]

  • Alizadeh, M., Rönnow, D., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2017). A new Block-Structure Modeling Technique for RF Power Amplifiers in a 2x2 MIMO System. : 13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS). S. 224-227. [Mer information]

  • Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2017). Multitone design for third order MIMO volterra kernels. : 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS). S. 1553-1556. [Mer information]

  • Amin, S., Khan, Z., Isaksson, M., Händel, P. & Rönnow, D. (2016). Concurrent dual-band power amplifier model modification using dual two-tone test. Länk [Mer information]

  • Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2015). Study of the Power Amplifier transfer function symmetry and its relation to dynamic effects. : 2015 IEEE 16th Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON). S. 1-6. Länk [Mer information]

  • Zenteno, E., Amin, S., Isaksson, M., Rönnow, D. & Händel, P. (2014). Combating the Dimensionality of Nonlinear MIMO Amplifier Predistortion by Basis Pursuit. : Proceedings of the 44th European Microwave Conference. S. 833-836. Länk [Mer information]

  • Khan, Z., Zenteno, E., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2014). Density estimation models for strong nonlinearities in RF power amplifiers. [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Fritzin, J., Jung, Y., Enqvist, M., Isaksson, M. & Alvandpour, A. (2012). Digital baseband pre-distortion of class-D outphasing amplifiers. : Proceedings Gigahertz Symposium 2012. [Mer information]

  • Amin, S., Zenteno, E., Landin, P., Rönnow, D., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2012). Noise Impact on the Identification of Digital Predistorter Parameters in the Indirect Learning Architecture. : 2012 Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop (Swe-CTW). S. 36-39. Länk [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Nader, C., Van Moer, W., Björsell, N., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2011). Overview of Synergetic OFDM Crest Factor Reduction and Digital Pre-Distortion for RF PAs. : RFMTC11. Länk [Mer information]

  • Nader, C., Landin, P., Van Moer, W., Björsell, N., Händel, P. & Isaksson, M. (2011). Peak-to-average power ratio reduction versus digital pre-distortion in OFDM based systems. [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Bengtsson, O. & Isaksson, M. (2009). Power Amplifier Behavioural Model Mismatch Sensitivity and the Impact on Digital Predistortion Performance. : Proc. 39th European Microwave Conference (EuMC). S. 338-341. [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Isaksson, M., Keskitalo, N. & Tornblad, O. (2009). Sideband asymmetries in RF Power LDMOS Before and After Digital Predistortion. Länk [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Nader, C., Björsell, N., Isaksson, M., Wisell, D., Händel, P., Andersen, O. & Keskitalo, N. (2009). Wideband Characterization of Power Amplifiers Using Undersampling. Länk [Mer information]

  • Nader, C., Landin, P., Björsell, N., Isaksson, M., Wisell, D., Händel, P., Andersen, O. & Keskitalo, N. (2009). Wideband Power Amplifiers Characterization by Undersampling : Zhu-Frank Sampling Theorem. [Mer information]

  • Landin, P. & Isaksson, M. (2008). A review of validation criteria for behavioral power amplifier models. [Mer information]

  • Zenteno, E., Isaksson, M., Wisell, D., Keskitalo, N. & Andersen, O. (2008). An Envelope Domain Measurement Test Setup to Acquire Linear Scattering Parameters. : 72nd ARFTG Conf. Dig., Portland, OR. S. 54-57. [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2008). Comparison of Evaluation Criteria for Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling. : IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest; 2008, Atlanta, GA, USA. S. 1441-1444. [Mer information]

  • Zenteno, E., Andersen, O., Isaksson, M., Keskitalo, N. & Wisell, D. (2008). Nonlinear Network Analysis for Modern Communication Devices and Systems. : 72nd ARFTG Conf. Dig., Portland, OR. S. 64-68. [Mer information]

  • Landin, P., Fager, C., Isaksson, M. & Andersson, K. (2008). Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling Performance Comparison of the LSNA and the Modulation-Domain System. : 72nd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium, 2008, Portland, OR.. S. 73-78. [Mer information]

  • Wisell, D., Isaksson, M. & Keskitalo, N. (2007). A General Evaluation Criteria for Behavioral PA Models. : 69th ARFTG Microwave measurement conference, Honolulu, HI, USA. S. 251-255. Länk [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M., Wisell, D., Eng, A. & Rönnow, D. (2007). A Study of a Variable-Capacitance Drain Network's Influence on Dynamic Behavioral Modeling of an RF PA. : 69th ARFTG Microwave measurement conference, Honolulu, HI, USA. S. 112-116. [Mer information]

  • Wisell, D. & Isaksson, M. (2007). Derivation of a Behavioral RF Power Amplifier Model with Low Normalized Mean-Square Error. : Proceedings of European Microwave Week 2007, 8-12 October 2007, Munich, Germany. S. 1283-1286. [Mer information]

  • Björsell, N., Isaksson, M., Händel, P. & Rönnow, D. (2007). Kautz-Volterra modelling of an analogue-to-digital converter using a stepped three-tone excitation. : 12th IMEKO TC-4 International Workshop on ADC MODELLING AND TESTING, Iasi, Romania, September 2007. S. 107-112. Länk [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M. (2007). Parameter-reduction for Volterra models in radio frequency power amplifier applications. : RF Measurement Technology Conference, Gävle 11-12 September. [Mer information]

  • Wisell, D. & Isaksson, M. (2007). Validation of Behavioral Radio Frequency Power Amplifier Models. : RF Measurement Technology Conference, Gävle 11-12 September. [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M. & Rönnow, D. (2006). A Kautz-Volterra Behavioral Model for RF Power Amplifiers. : IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2006. S. 485-488. [Mer information]

  • Wisell, D., Isaksson, M., Keskitalo, N. & Rönnow, D. (2006). Wideband characterization of a Doherty amplifier using behavioral modeling. : 67th ARFTG Conference 2006. S. 190-199. [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M., Wisell, D. & Rönnow, D. (2005). Behavioural Amplifier Modelling Using Sampled Complex Envelope Measurement Data. : Proc. Gigahertz 2005. S. 213-216. [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M., Wisell, D. & Rönnow, D. (2005). Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling of Power Amplifiers Using Radial-Basis Function Neural Networks. : 2005 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. S. 1967-1970. [Mer information]

  • Wisell, D. & Isaksson, M. (2005). Validation of Behavioural Power Amplifier Models Using Coherent Averaging. : Proc. Gigahertz 2005. S. 318-321. [Mer information]

  • Isaksson, M. & Wisell, D. (2004). Extension of the Hammerstein Model for Power Amplifier Applications. : 63rd ARFTG Conference Digest - Spring 2004. S. 131-137. [Mer information]


    Landin, P., Barbé, K., Van Moer, W., Isaksson, M. & Händel, P. (2011). Proofs of Derivations in Memory Polynomial Baseband Modeling of RF Power Amplifiers : . : . s 5. (Working paper 45) Mer information [Mer information]

    Johansson, A., Isaksson, M. & Rönnow, D. (2010). An analysis of Kautz-Volterra models for modeling block structure nonlinear systems : . Gävle: University of Gävle. s 14. (Working paper 43) Mer information [Mer information]

    Isaksson, M. (2008). A Measure to Characterize the Impact of Sets of Scientific Papers : . Gävle: University of Gävle. s 14. (Working paper 38) Mer information [Mer information]

Kapitel i böcker

  • Christensen, S., Bai, S., Rafique, S., Isaksson, M., O'Sullivan, L., Power, V. & Virk, G. (2019). AXO-SUIT. Cham, Springer Netherlands. [Mer information]


  • Isaksson, M. (2009). Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers. Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag. [Mer information]

Visa innehållet

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18