Reza Rezasson
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Rezasson, R., Zhou, T., Burvall, A., Lindgren, J., Fröjdh, C., Hertz, H. & Norlin, B. (2023). A fast and non-destructive alternative to the burnout method for paperboard quality inspections using phase-contrast X-ray imaging. TAPPI, TAPPI Journal, 22 (2), (99-106). [Mer information]
An, S., Reza, S., Norlin, B., Fröjdh, C. & Thungström, G. (2021). Signal-to-noise ratio optimization in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for chromium contamination analysis. Elsevier, Talanta, 230 (), 10.1016/j.talanta.2021.122236 [Mer information]
Niskanen, I., Forsberg, V., Zakrisson, D., Reza, S., Hummelgård, M., Andres, B., Fedorov, I., Suopajärvi, T., Liimatainen, H. & Thungström, G. (2019). Determination of nanoparticle size using Rayleigh approximation and Mie theory. Elsevier, Chemical Engineering Science, 201 (29), (222-229). [Mer information]
Norlin, B., Reza, S., Fröjdh, C. & Nordin, T. (2018). Precision scan-imaging for paperboard quality inspection utilizing X-ray fluorescence. IOP, Journal of Instrumentation, 13 (1), [Mer information]
Olsen, M., Örtegren, J., Zhang, R., Reza, S., Andersson, H. & Olin, H. (2018). Schottky model for triboelectric temperature dependence. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 10.1038/s41598-018-23666-y [Mer information]
Correa, J., Bayer, M., Göttlicher, P., Lange, S., Marras, A., Niemann, M., Reza, S., Shevyakov, I., Smoljanin, S., Tennert, M., Xia, Q., Viti, M., Wunderer, C., Zimmer, M. & Graafsma, H. (2016). Characterisation of a PERCIVAL monolithic active pixel prototype using synchrotron radiation. IOP, Journal of Instrumentation, 11 (2), [Mer information]
Wunderer, C., Allahgholi, A., Bayer, M., Bianco, L., Correa, J., Delfs, A., Gottlicher, P., Hirsemann, H., Jack, S., Klyuev, A., Lange, S., Marras, A., Niemann, M., Pithan, F., Reza, S., Sheviakov, I., Smoljanin, S., Tennert, M., Trunk, U., Xia, Q., Zhang, J., Zimmer, M., Das, D., Guerrini, N., Marsh, B., Sedgwick, I., Turchetta, R., Cautero, G., Giuressi, D., Menk, R., Khromova, A., Pinaroli, G., Stebel, L., Marchal, J., Pedersen, U., Rees, N., Steadman, P., Sussmuth, M., Tartoni, N., Yousef, H., Hyun, H., Kim, K., Rah, S., Dinapoli, R., Greiffenberg, D., Mezza, D., Mozzanica, A., Schmitt, B., Shi, X., Krueger, H., Klanner, R., Schwandt, J. & Graafsma, H. (2016). Detector developments at DESY. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 23 (), (111-117). [Mer information]
Correa, J., Marras, A., Wunderer, C., Göttlicher, P., Lange, S., Reza, S., Shevyakov, I., Tennert, M., Niemann, M., Hirsemann, H., Smoljanin, S., Supra, J., Xia, Q., Zimmer, M., Allahgholi, A., Gloskovskii, A., Viefhaus, J., Scholz, F., Seltmann, J., Klumpp, S., Cautero, G., Giuressi, D., Khromova, A., Menk, R., Pinaroli, G., Stebel, L., Rinaldi, S., Zema, N., Catone, D., Pedersen, U., Tartoni, N., Guerrini, N., Marsh, B., Sedgwick, I., Nicholls, T., Turchetta, R., Hyun, H., Kim, K., Rah, S., Hoenk, M., Jewell, A., Jones, T., Nikzad, .. & Graafsma, H. (2016). On the Charge Collection Efficiency of the PERCIVAL Detector. IOP, Journal of Instrumentation, 11 (12), [Mer information]
Khromova, A., Cautero, G., Giuressi, D., Menk, R., Pinaroli, G., Stebel, L., Correa, J., Marras, A., Wunderer, C., Lange, S., Tennert, M., Niemann, M., Hirsemann, H., Smoljanin, S., Reza, S., Graafsma, H., Göttlicher, P., Shevyakov, I., Supra, J., Xia, Q., Zimmer, M., Guerrini, N., Marsh, B., Sedgwick, I., Nicholls, .., Turchetta, R., Pedersen, U., Tartoni, N., Hyun, H., Kim, K., Rah, S., Hoenk, M., Jewell, A., Jones, T. & Nikzad, J. (2016). Report on recent results of the PERCIVAL soft X-ray imager. IOP, Journal of Instrumentation, 11 (), [Mer information]
Norlin, B., Reza, S., Krapohl, D., Fröjdh, E. & Thungström, G. (2015). Readout cross-talk for alpha-particle measurements in a pixelated sensor system. IOP, Journal of Instrumentation, 10 (), 10.1088/1748-0221/10/05/C05025 [Mer information]
Thim, J., Reza, S., O'Nils, M. & Norlin, B. (2015). X-ray imaging of high velocity moving objects by scanning summation using a single photon processing system. IOP, Journal of Instrumentation, 10 (), [Mer information]
Reza, S., Pelzer, G., Weber, T., Fröjdh, C., Bayer, F., Anton, G., Rieger, J., Thim, J., Michel, T. & Norlin, B. (2014). Investigation on the directional dark-field signals from paperboards using a grating interferometer. IOP, Journal of Instrumentation, 9 (), [Mer information]
Thungström, G., Harrnsdorf, L., Norlin, B., Reza, S., Krapohl, D., Mattsson, S. & Gunnarsson, M. (2013). Measurement of the sensitive profile in a solid state silicon detector, irradiated by X-rays. IOP, Journal of Instrumentation, 8 (4), [Mer information]
Reza, S., Norlin, B., Thim, J. & Fröjdh, C. (2013). Non-Destructive Method to Resolve the Core and the Coating on Paperboard by Spectroscopic X-ray Imaging. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 28 (3), (439-442). [Mer information]
Reza, S., Wong, W., Fröjdh, E., Norlin, B., Fröjdh, C., Thungstörm, G. & Thim, J. (2012). Smart dosimetry by pattern recognition using a single photon counting detector system in time over threshold mode. Journal of Instrumentation, 7 (1), [Mer information]
Thim, J., Reza, S., Nawaz, K., Norlin, B., O'Nils, M. & Oelmann, B. (2011). Suitable Post Processing Algorithms for X-Ray Imaging using Oversampled Displaced Multiple Images. Journal of Instrumentation, 6 (2), [Mer information]
Övrig (populärvetenskap, debatt, mm)
Reza, S. (2022). Universities should focus on intellectual diversity. SULF, Universitetsläraren, (10-okt), [Mer information]
Reza, S. (2021). Corona has triggered a third wave of distance education. SULF, Universitetsläraren, (26-apr), [Mer information]
Reza, S. (2019). Stressed in a small group or university?. Sveriges universitetslärare och forskares (SULF) medlemstidning, Universitetsläraren, (11-feb), [Mer information]
Reza, S. (2018). Students are stories – let us recognize them. Sveriges universitetslärare och forskares (SULF) medlemstidning, Universitetsläraren, (12-feb), [Mer information]
Reza, S. (2018). Unacknowledged supervisors – superheroes without capes. Sveriges universitetslärare och forskares (SULF) medlemstidning, Universitetsläraren, (24-sep), [Mer information]
Reza, S. (2017). Cultural contrasts affect the teacher–student relationship. Sveriges universitetslärare och forskares (SULF) medlemstidning, Universitetsläraren, (20-mar), [Mer information]
Reza, S. (2017). In a non-hierarchical society far, far away from home …. Sveriges universitetslärare och forskares (SULF) medlemstidning, Universitetsläraren, (25-sep), [Mer information]
Reza, S. (2016). Advanced X-ray Detectors for Industrial and Environmental Applications. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2016. Sundsvall: Mid Sweden University. 159 s. (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis ) [Mer information]
Reza, S. (2014). Phase-Contrast and Spectroscopic X-ray Imaging for Paperboard Quality Assurance. Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning), 2014. Sundsvall: Mid Sweden University. s. ( ) [Mer information]
Norlin, B., Reza, S. & Fröjdh, C. (2017). X-ray fluorescence measurements of toxic metal content in ash from municipal solid waste incineration. : 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop. [Mer information]
Marras, A., Wunderer, C., Bayer, M., Correa, J., Goettlicher, P., Lange, S., Shevyakov, I., Smoljanin, S., Viti, M., Xia, Q., Zimmer, M., Das, D., Guerrini, N., Marsh, B., Sedgwick, I., Turchetta, R., Cautero, G., Giuressi, D., Khromova, A., Menk, R., Stebel, L., Fan, R., Marchal, J., Pedersen, U., Rees, N., Steadman, P., Sussmuth, M., Tartoni, N., Yousef, H., Hyun, H., Kim, K., Rah, S., Reza, S. & Graafsma, H. (2016). Experimental characterization of the PERCIVAL soft X-ray detector. : 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC). [Mer information]
Reza, S., Chang, H., Norlin, B., Fröjdh, C. & Thungström, G. (2015). Detecting Cr Contamination In Water Using X-Ray Fluorescence. : 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC). [Mer information]
Reza, S. (2015). Report on Control/DAQ Software Design and Current State of Implementation for the Percival Detector. : Proceedings ICALEPCS 2015, Melbourne, Australia. [Mer information]
Fröjdh, C., Krapohl, D., Reza, S., Fröjdh, E., Thungström, G. & Norlin, B. (2013). Spectral resolution in pixel detectors with single photon processing. : Proceedings SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2013. [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Reza, S. (2015). Grating based phase-contrast X-ray imaging technique. Radiation Detectors for Medical Imaging. CRC Press. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18