Björn Karlsson

Senior professor

Forskningsämne: Energisystem


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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade

  • Gustafsson, M., Rönnelid, M., Trygg, L. & Karlsson, B. (2016). CO<sub>2</sub> emission evaluation of energy conserving measures in buildings connected to a district heating system. Energy, 111 (), (341-350). [Mer information]

  • Davidsson, H., Bernardo, R., Gomes, J., Gentile, N., Gruffman, C., Chea, L. & Karlsson, B. (2014). Construction of laboratories for solar energy research in developing countries. Energy Procedia, 57 (), (982-988). [Mer information]

  • Gomes, J., Cabral, D. & Karlsson, B. (2022). Defining an Annual Energy Output Ratio between Solar Thermal Collectors and Photovoltaic Modules. MDPI, Energies, 15 (15), 10.3390/en15155577 [Mer information]

  • Cabral, D. & Karlsson, B. (2018). Electrical and thermal performance evaluation of symmetric truncated C-PVT trough solar collectors with vertical bifacial receivers. Elsevier Ltd, Solar Energy, 174 (), (683-690). [Mer information]

  • Cabral, D., Gomes, J., Hayati, A. & Karlsson, B. (2021). Experimental investigation of a CPVT collector coupled with a wedge PVT receiver. Elsevier, Solar Energy, 215 (), (335-345). 10.1016/j.solener.2020.12.038 [Mer information]

  • Gustafsson, M., Karlsson, B. & Rönnelid, M. (2017). How the electric meter configuration affect the monitored amount of self-consumed and produced excess electricity from PV systems. Energy and Buildings, 138 (), (60-68). [Mer information]

  • Bernardo, R., Davidsson, H., Gentile, N., Gomes, J., Gruffman, C., Chea, L., Chabu, M. & Karlsson, B. (2013). Measurements of the Electrical Incidence Angle Modifiers of an Asymmetrical Photovoltaic/Thermal Compound Parabolic Concentrating-Collector. Engineering, 5 (), (37-43). 10.4236/eng.2013.51b007 [Mer information]

  • Gomes, J., Diwan, L., Bernardo, R. & Karlsson, B. (2014). Minimizing the impact of shading at oblique solar angles in a fully enclosed asymmetric concentrating PVT collector. Energy Procedia, 57 (), (2176-2185). 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.10.184 [Mer information]

  • Cabral, D., Gomes, J. & Karlsson, B. (2019). Performance Evaluation of Non-Uniform Illumination on a Transverse Bifacial PVT Receiver in Combination with a CPC Geometry. Solar Energy, 194 (), (696-708). [Mer information]

  • Gustafsson, M., Thygesen, R., Karlsson, B. & Ödlund, L. (2017). Rev-Changes in Primary Energy Use and CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions. Energies, 10 (7), 10.3390/en10070978 [Mer information]

  • Gallardo-Saavedra, S. & Karlsson, B. (2018). Simulation, validation and analysis of shading effects on a PV system. Elsevier, [Mer information]

  • Gomes, J., Davidsson, H., Gruffman, C., Maston, S. & Karlsson, B. (2013). Testing bifacial PV cells in symmetric and asymmetric concentrating CPC collectors. Engineering, 5 (), (185-190). 10.4236/eng.2013.51b034 [Mer information]

  • Afzali Gorouh, H., Salmanzadeh, M., Nasseriyan, P., Hayati, A., Cabral, D., Gomes, J. & Karlsson, B. (2022). Thermal modelling and experimental evaluation of a novel concentrating photovoltaic thermal collector (CPVT) with parabolic concentrator. Elsevier, Renewable energy, 181 (), (535-553). 10.1016/j.renene.2021.09.042 [Mer information]


  • Cabral, D., Gomes, J., Dostie-Guindon, P. & Karlsson, B. (2017). Ray tracing simulations of a novel low concentrator PVT solar collector for low latitudes. : ISES Solar World Congress 2017 - IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2017, Proceedings. S. 1068-1079. Länk [Mer information]

  • Francisco Contero, J., Gomes, J., Gustafsson, M. & Karlsson, B. (2017). The impact of shading in the performance of three different solar PV systems. [Mer information]

  • Contero, F., Gomes, J., Gustafsson, M. & Karlsson, B. (2016). The impact of shading in the performance of three different solar PV systems<em></em>. Länk [Mer information]

  • Mantei, F., Henriques, M., Gomes, J., Olsson, O. & Karlsson, B. (2015). The night cooling effect on a C-PVT solar collector. : ISES Solar World Congress 2015, Conference Proceedings. S. 1167-1175. [Mer information]

  • Giovinazzo, C., Bonfiglio, L., Gomes, J. & Karlsson, B. (2014). Ray Tracing Modelling of an Asymmetric Concentrating PVT. : EuroSun 2014 Proceedings. Länk [Mer information]


    Mattsson, M., Akander, J., Ameen, A. & Karlsson, B. (2020). Fältstudie av två metoder för energieffektivisering av äldre fönster – fönsterfilmer testade med hotbox-teknik : . : Högskolan i Gävle. s 92 Mer information [Mer information]

Kapitel i böcker

  • Wallhagen, M., Akander, J., Hayati, A., Cehlin, M. & Karlsson, B. (2021). Viewpoints on Environmental Assessment of Building Certification Method - Miljöbyggnad. Urban Transition - Perspectives on Urban Systems and Environments. IntechOpen. [Mer information]

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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18