Patrik Thollander
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Xavier, B., Thollander, P., Hilletofth, P. & Johansson, M. (2024). Exploring energy management integration into upstream supply chains: a systematic literature review. Frontiers, Frontiers in Energy Research, 12 (), 10.3389/fenrg.2024.1425795 [Mer information]
Lane, A., Cehlin, M. & Thollander, P. (2024). Success factors and barriers for facility management in keeping nearly-zero-energy non-residential buildings energy-efficient over time. MDPI, Buildings, 14 (), 10.3390/buildings14010242 [Mer information]
Raghunatha, A., Thollander, P. & Barthel, S. (2023). Addressing the emergence of drones – A policy development framework for regional drone transportation systems. Elsevier, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 18 (), 10.1016/j.trip.2023.100795 [Mer information]
Carlander, J. & Thollander, P. (2023). Barriers to implementation of energy-efficient technologies in building construction projects — Results from a Swedish case study. Elsevier, Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 11 (), 10.1016/j.resenv.2022.100097 [Mer information]
Pan, H., Page, J., Shi, R., Cong, C., Cai, Z., Barthel, S., Thollander, P., Colding, J. & Kalantari, Z. (2023). Contribution of prioritized urban nature-based solutions allocation to carbon neutrality. Springer, Nature Climate Change, 13 (), (862-870). 10.1038/s41558-023-01737-x [Mer information]
Raghunatha, A., Lindkvist, E., Thollander, P., Hansson, E. & Jonsson, G. (2023). Critical assessment of emissions, costs, and time for last-mile goods delivery by drones versus trucks. Springer, Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 10.1038/s41598-023-38922-z [Mer information]
Thollander, P. & Palm, J. (2023). The unhinged paradox – what does it mean for the energy system?. Elsevier, Advances in Applied Energy, 10 (), 10.1016/j.adapen.2023.100143 [Mer information]
Carlander, J. & Thollander, P. (2022). Drivers for implementation of energy-efficient technologies in building construction projects — Results from a Swedish case study. Elsevier, Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 10 (), 10.1016/j.resenv.2022.100078 [Mer information]
Hasan, A., Tuhin, R., Ullah, M., Sakib, T., Thollander, P. & Trianni, A. (2021). A comprehensive investigation of energy management practices within energy intensive industries in Bangladesh. Elsevier, Energy, 232 (), [Mer information]
Jalo, N., Johansson, I., Andrei, M., Nehler, T. & Thollander, P. (2021). Barriers to and drivers of energy management in Swedish SMEs. MDPI, Energies, 14 (21), 10.3390/en14216925 [Mer information]
Jalo, N., Johansson, I., Kanchiralla, F. & Thollander, P. (2021). Do energy efficiency networks help reduce barriers to energy efficiency?. Elsevier, Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 151 (), 10.1016/j.rser.2021.111579 [Mer information]
Lane, A., Boork, M. & Thollander, P. (2019). Barriers, driving forces and non-energy benefits for battery storage in photovoltaic (PV) systems in modern agriculture. MDPI, Energies, 12 (18), 10.3390/en12183568 [Mer information]
Johansson, I., Mardan, N., Cornelis, E., Kimura, O. & Thollander, P. (2019). Designing Policies and Programmes for Improved Energy Efficiency in Industrial SMEs. MDPI, Energies, 12 (7), [Mer information]
Monjurul Hasan, A., Rokonuzzaman, M., Tuhin, R., Salimullah, S., Ullah, M., Sakib, T. & Thollander, P. (2019). Drivers and barriers to industrial energy efficiency in textile industries of Bangladesh. MDPI, Energies, 12 (9), [Mer information]
Hasan, A., Hossain, R., Tuhin, R., Sakib, T. & Thollander, P. (2019). Empirical investigation of barriers and driving forces for efficient energy management practices in non-energy-intensive manufacturing industries of Bangladesh. MDPI, Sustainability, 11 (9), 10.3390/su11092671 [Mer information]
Thollander, P., Palm, J. & Hedbrant, J. (2019). Energy efficiency as a wicked problem. Sustainability, 11 (6), 10.3390/su11061569 [Mer information]
Thollander, P. & Palm, J. (2015). Industrial Energy Management Decision Making for Improved Energy Efficiency. Energies, 8 (6), (5694-5703). 10.3390/en8065694 [Mer information]
Johansson, I., Thollander, P., Esteban, E., Schalk, K., Baurecht, D., Janssen, M., Scimemi, G., Engers, C. & Marian, M. (2020). Review of regional energy efficiency policies towards industrial SMEs from within Europe. : Eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. S. 15-22. [Mer information]
Thollander, P., Rohde, C., Kimura, O., Helgerud, H., Realini, A., Maggiore, S., Cosgrove, J. & Johansson, I. (2019). A review of energy efficiency policies for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises from around the world. : 2019 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, Portland, August 12-14, 2019. S. 3-135-3-150. Länk [Mer information]
Johansson, I. & Thollander, P. (2019). Non-energy benefits in energy audit and energy efficiency network policy programs for industrial SMEs. : ECEEE 2019 Summer Study Proceedings. S. 225-233. Länk [Mer information]
Johansson, I., Stenqvist, C. & Thollander, P. (2017). Energy Efficiency Networks for SMEs - Program Theory and Ongoing Evaluation. Länk [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Palm, J. & Thollander, P. (2019). Reframing energy efficiency in industry. Energy and Behaviour: Towards a Low Carbon Future. Elsevier. S. 153-175. [Mer information]
Thollander, P., Karlsson, M., Rohdin, P., Wollin, J. & Rosenqvist, J. (2020). Introduction to industrial energy efficiency. Academic Press. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18