Ulf Larsson
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Ulf är teknologie doktor i energisystem.
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Choonya, G., Larsson, U. & Moshfegh, B. (2023). Experimental investigations of flow and thermal behavior of wall confluent jets as a heating device for large-space enclosures. Elsevier, Building and Environment, 236 (), 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110282 [Mer information]
Ameen, A., Cehlin, M., Larsson, U., Yamasawa, H. & Kobayashi, T. (2022). Numerical investigation of the flow behavior of an isothermal corner impinging jet for building ventilation. Elsevier, Building and Environment, 223 (), 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109486 [Mer information]
Cehlin, M., Karimipanah, T., Larsson, U. & Ameen, A. (2019). Comparing thermal comfort and air quality performance of two active chilled beam systems in an open-plan office. Elsevier, Journal of Building Engineering, 22 (), (56-65). 10.1016/j.jobe.2018.11.013 [Mer information]
Ameen, A., Cehlin, M., Larsson, U. & Karimipanah, T. (2019). Experimental Investigation of Ventilation Performance of Different Air Distribution Systems in an Office Environment. Energies, 12 (10), 10.3390/en12101835 [Mer information]
Ameen, A., Cehlin, M., Larsson, U. & Karimipanah, T. (2019). Experimental investigation of ventilation performance of different air distribution systems in an office environment – cooling mode. MDPI, Energies, 12 (7), 10.3390/en12071354 [Mer information]
Larsson, U. & Moshfegh, B. (2017). Comparison of ventilation performance of three different air supply devices. Taylor and Francis Ltd., The International Journal of Ventilation, 16 (3), (244-254). [Mer information]
Arghand, T., Karimipanah, T., Awbi, H., Cehlin, M., Larsson, U. & Linden, E. (2015). An experimental investigation of the flow and comfort parameters for under-floor, confluent jets and mixing ventilation systems in an open-plan office. Building and Environment, 92 (), (48-60). [Mer information]
Chen, H., Janbakhsh, S., Larsson, U. & Moshfegh, B. (2015). Numerical investigation of ventilation performance of different air supply devices in an office environment. Building and Environment, 90 (), (37-50). [Mer information]
Larsson, U. & Moshfegh, B. (2002). Experimental investigation of downdraught from well-insulated windows. Building and Environment, 37 (11), (1073-1082). [Mer information]
Larsson, U., Moshfegh, B. & Sandberg, M. (1999). Thermal analysis of super insulated windows (numerical and experimental investigations). Energy and Buildings, 29 (2), (121-128). [Mer information]
Larsson, U. (2018). On the performance of stratified ventilation. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2018. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. 87 s. ( ) [Mer information]
Choonya, G., Larsson, U. & Moshfegh, B. (2023). Heating of Cold Wall with Confluent Jets in Large Space Enclosures: Application in Greenhouse Premises. Länk [Mer information]
Larsson, U. & Moshfegh, B. (2018). Comparison of the thermal comfort and ventilation effectiveness in an office room with three different ventilation supply devices : a measurement study. : Proceedings of14th International Conference of Roomvent & Ventilation. S. 187-192. [Mer information]
Cehlin, M., Larsson, U. & Chen, H. (2018). Numerical investigation of Air Change Effectiveness in an Office Room with Impinging Jet Ventilation. : Proceedings of the 4<sup>th</sup> international Conference on Building Energy & Environment. S. 641-646. [Mer information]
Larsson, U. & Moshfegh, B. (2015). Comparison of ventilation performance of three different air supply devices - A measurement study. : Ventilation 2015. S. 359-366. [Mer information]
Karimipanah, T., Larsson, U. & Cehlin, M. (2014). Investigation of flow pattern for a confluent-jets system on a workbench of an industrial space. : Indoor Air 2014. S. 192-199. Länk [Mer information]
Cehlin, M., Karimipanah, T. & Larsson, U. (2014). Unsteady CFD simulations for prediction of airflow close to a supply device for displacement ventilation. : Indoor Air 2014 - 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. S. 47-54. Länk [Mer information]
Cehlin, M., Moshfegh, B., Karlsson, F. & Larsson, U. (2008). Analysis on Thermal Comfort for a Hospital Building by Multi-zone Modeling : Summer Condition. : Proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress X. [Mer information]
Milic, V., Choonya, G., Larsson, U. & Moshfegh, B. (2023). Energieffektiv klimatstyrning i växthus : . Gävle: Gävle University Press. s 19. (Working paper 65) Mer information [Mer information]
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