Nancy Joy Lim
Forskningsämne: Geografi
Forskningsområde: Geospatial informationsvetenskap
Om forskaren
Nancy Joy Lim har en teknologie doktorsexamen i geospatial informationsvetenskap.
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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade
Lim, N. & Brandt, S. (2019). Are Feature Agreement Statistics Alone Sufficient to Validate Modelled Flood Extent Quality?. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Mathematical problems in engineering (Print), 2019 (), 10.1155/2019/9816098 [Mer information]
Lim, N., Brandt, S. & Seipel, S. (2024). Assessment of how uncertainty representation in flood maps can affect geographic-based decisions. Springer, Discover Water, 4 (1), 10.1007/s43832-024-00170-1 [Mer information]
Seipel, S. & Lim, N. (2017). Color map design for visualization in flood risk assessment. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31 (11), (2286-2309). 10.1080/13658816.2017.1349318 [Mer information]
Samuelsson, K., Brandt, S., Barthel, S., Linder, N., Lim, N., Hallman, D. & Giusti, M. (2024). Diverse experiences by active travel for carbon neutrality: A longitudinal study of residential context, daily travel and experience types. Elsevier, Geography and Sustainability, 5 (3), (459-469). 10.1016/j.geosus.2024.05.002 [Mer information]
Lim, N. & Brandt, S. (2019). Flood map boundary sensitivity due to combined effects of DEM resolution and roughness in relation to model performance. Taylor & Francis, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10 (1), (1613-1647). 10.1080/19475705.2019.1604573 [Mer information]
Brandt, S., Lim, N., Colding, J. & Barthel, S. (2021). Mapping Flood Risk Uncertainty Zones in Support of Urban Resilience Planning. Cogitatio, Urban Planning, 6 (3), (258-271). 10.17645/up.v6i3.4073 [Mer information]
Lim, N., Brandt, S. & Seipel, S. (2016). Visualisation and evaluation of flood uncertainties based on ensemble modelling. Taylor & Francis, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 30 (2), (240-262). [Mer information]
Övriga artiklar (populärvetenskap, debatt etc.)
Brandt, S. & Lim, N. (2022). Geodata, översvämningsmodellering och kompetens – Hur kan osäkerhet bidra till ökad resiliens?. Kartografiska Sällskapet, Kart och Bildteknik, 2022 (2), (6-12). [Mer information]
Lim, N., Seipel, S., Brandt, S., Sahlin, E. & Wilson, M. (2018). Modelling, mapping and visualisation of flood inundation uncertainties. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2018. Gävle: Gävle University Press. 109 s. (Studies in the Research Profile Built Environment. Doctoral thesis ) [Mer information]
Lim, N. (2021). Effects of the absence/presence of river bathymetric data in DEMs used for hydraulic modelling and flood prediction. : Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics. S. 220-. [Mer information]
Lim, N. & Sahlin, E. (2017). Quantification, classification and mapping of spatial uncertainties of floods. [Mer information]
Brandt, S. & Lim, N. (2016). Visualising DEM-related flood-map uncertainties using a disparity-distance equation algorithm. Länk [Mer information]
Lim, N., Åhlén, J. & Seipel, S. (2014). Geovisualisation of uncertainty in simulated flood maps. : Proceedings of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2014, Game and Entertainment Technologies 2014 and Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2014 - Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2014. S. 206-214. Länk [Mer information]
Moreira, J., Nex, F., Agugiaro, G., Remondino, F. & Lim, N. (2013). From DSM to 3D building models : A quantitative evaluation. [Mer information]
Brandt, S. & Lim, N. (2012). Importance of river bank and floodplain slopes on the accuracy of flood inundation mapping. : River Flow 2012. S. 1015-1020. [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Lim, N. & Brandt, S. (2023). DEM Resolution and Roughness Effect in Relation to Model Performance. Boca Raton, CRC Press. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18