Siv Lindberg, profilbild

Siv Lindberg


Forskningsämne: Industridesign


Om forskaren

Siv Lindberg har en doktorsexamen i psykologi och disputerade med "Perceptual determinants of print quality" vid Stockholms universitet (SU). Vid SU var hon verksam inom bullerforskning. Vid Högskolan undervisar hon inom miljöpsykologi och forskar inom både industridesign och miljövetenskap.

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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade

  • Lindberg, S., Roos, A., Kihlstedt, A. & Lindström, M. (2013). A product semantic study of the influence of the sense of touch on the evaluation of wood-based materials. Materials & design, 52 (), (300-307). [Mer information]

  • Roos, A., Lindberg, S. & Kihlstedt, A. (2013). A product semantic study of the influence of vision on wood evaluation. Society of Wood Science and Technology, Wood and Fiber Science, 45 (4), (353-362). [Mer information]

  • Johnson, O., Lindberg, S., Roos, A., Hugosson, M. & Lindström, M. (2008). Consumer perceptions and preferences on solid wood, wood-based panels, and composites. Wood and Fiber Science, 40 (4), (663-678). [Mer information]

  • Stenfelt, C., Ydenius, L., Lindberg, S., Spira, J. & Edelstam, G. (2020). Effects of the colour and design of a new pelvic examination chair on comfort during gynaecological examination. IMR Press Limited, Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology, 47 (4), (556-559). 10.31083/J.CEOG.2020.04.5166 [Mer information]

  • Lindberg, S. & Backteman, O. (1988). Loudness of Impulse and Community Noises. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 7 (3), (98-103). [Mer information]

  • Lindberg, S. & Green, P. (2005). Methods of quality assessment for large sample sets. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 49 (4), (442-449). [Mer information]

  • Béland, M., Lindberg, S. & Johansson, P. (2000). Optical measurement and perception of gloss quality of printed matte-coated paper. Canadian Pulp & Paper Assoc, Montreal, Canada, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science (JPPS), 26 (3), (120-123). [Mer information]

  • Lindberg, S. & Fahlcrantz, C. (2005). Perceptual assessment of simulated print noise with random and periodic structure. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 16 (3), (271-287). [Mer information]

  • Baird, J., Berglund, B., Berglund, U. & Lindberg, S. (1991). Stimulus Sequence and the Exponent of the Power Function for Loudness. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 73 (1), (3-17). [Mer information]


  • Lindberg, S. (2004). Perceptual determinants of print quality. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2004. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, Psykologiska institutionen. s. ( ) [Mer information]


  • Hartzén, A. & Lindberg, S. (2016). The material expression of new pulp-fibre reinforced composites in relation to other material categories. : Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Design and Emotion – Celebration & Contemplation. S. 191-200. [Mer information]

  • Lindberg, S., Béland, M., Edström, K., Granberg, H. & Berthold, F. (2016). Towards a cellulose-based society : Demonstrating the feasibility of new bio-based material concepts and products. : Proceedings - D and E 2016: 10th International Conference on Design and Emotion - Celebration and Contemplation. S. 411-419. [Mer information]

  • Granberg, H., Béland, M., Lindberg, S., Berthold, F., Vomhoff, H., Wickholm, K. & Lindström, M. (2015). It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a super multimaterial!. : Paper Conference and Trade Show (PaperCon 2015). S. 492-504. [Mer information]

  • Lindberg, S., Hansen, P., Drotz, M., Kihlstedt, A. & Rosén, F. (2015). Tactile and instrumental characterization of tissue products. [Mer information]

  • Kihlstedt, A., Lindberg, S., Lindström, A. & Pousette, S. (2014). Material identity in a packaging context. S. 396-403. [Mer information]

  • Lindberg, S., Hartzen, A., Wodke, T. & Lindström, M. (2013). Hierarchic design and material identity. [Mer information]

  • Coppel, L., Andersson, M., Norberg, O. & Lindberg, S. (2013). Impact of illumination spectral power distribution on radiance factor of fluorescing materials. : 2013 Colour and Visual Computing Symposium (CVCS). [Mer information]

  • Lindberg, S., Lindström, A., Cederström, C., From, A. & Westerlind, C. (2013). Shoppers' attention to packaging and in-store media. [Mer information]

  • Coppel, L., Norberg, O. & Lindberg, S. (2010). Paper whiteness and its effect on perceived image quality. : 18th Color and Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, Technologies, and Applications, Technical Papers and Proceedings: CIC18. S. 62-67. [Mer information]

  • Coppel, L., Norberg, O. & Lindberg, S. (2010). Paper whiteness and its effect on perceived image quality. : Final Program and Proceedings - IS and T/SID Color Imaging Conference. S. 62-67. [Mer information]

  • Lindberg, S., Fahlcrantz, C. & Forsgren, G. (2008). Making subjective assessments objective : A mottle ruler for calibration of panel assessments of perceived print mottle. : TAPPI Press - Paper Conference and Trade Show, PaperCon '08. S. 2086-2124. [Mer information]

  • Coppel, L. & Lindberg, S. (2008). Modelling the effect of simultaneous contrast on perceived whiteness. : 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision and 10th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science. S. 183-188. [Mer information]

  • Coppel, L., Lindberg, S. & Rydefalk, S. (2007). Whiteness assessment of paper samples at the vicinity of the upper CIE whiteness limit. : 26th Session of the CIE, 2007. [Mer information]

  • Green, P. & Lindberg, S. (2004). Methods of quality assessment for large sample sets. : CGIV 2004 - Second European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision and Sixth International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science. S. 201-206. [Mer information]

  • Norberg, O., Westin, P., Lindberg, S., Klaman, M. & Eidenvall, L. (2001). A Comparison of Print Quality between Digital and Traditional Technologies. : IS and T's International Conference on Digital Production Printing and Industrial Applications. S. 380-385. [Mer information]

  • Jakobsson, T., Bergström, S., Gustavsson, K. & Lindberg, S. (1998). Human sensitivity to colour shifts in prints. [Mer information]

  • Beland, M., Johansson, P. & Lindberg, S. (1998). Optical measurement and perception of gloss quality of printed matte-coated paper. : Proceedings of the International Printing and Graphic Arts Conference. S. 187-191. [Mer information]

  • Kuwano, S., Namba, S., Berglund, B., Berglund, U. & Lindberg, S. (1988). On the definition of loudness, noisiness, and annoyance using selected description method. : Proc. 5th Int. Congr. Noise as a Public Health Problem. S. 223-228. [Mer information]

  • Berglund, B., Berglund, U. & Lindberg, S. (1987). Loudness of community noise: Assessment, calibration and calculation. : INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings. S. 1669-1672. [Mer information]


    Lindberg, S., Roos, A. & Kihlstedt, A. (2021). A product semantic study of the influence of the sense of vision on the evaluation of wood : . Uppsala: Department of Forest Products, SLU. (Research Results 8) Mer information [Mer information]

    Jensen, C., Edo, M., Lindberg, S. & Lindström, A. (2020). Hinder och möjligheter för att öka källsortering av plastavfall från tillverkningsindustrin : . Göteborg: RISE. s 85. (RISE Rapport 28) Mer information [Mer information]

    Lindberg, S., Edström, K., Tholander, H. & Grari, M. (2017). Aktivt åldrande - individuellt anpassade måltidslösningar för hälsa och livskvalitet hos äldre : Förpackningskoncept. Stockholm: Innventia. s 46 Mer information [Mer information]

    Arvidsson, N., Bolin, L., Lindberg, S., Linder, M., Mellquist, A., Norefjell, F., Nyström, T., Rex, E., Norrblom, H. & Tööj, L. (2017). Cirkulära möbelflöden : Hur nya affärsmodeller kan bidra till hållbar utveckling inom offentliga möbler. Göteborg: RISE. s 17 Mer information [Mer information]

    Berglund, B., Berglund, U. & Lindberg, S. (1983). Master scaling of environmental loudness : . Stockholm: Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm. (Reports from the Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm 610) [Mer information]

Kapitel i böcker

  • Donderi, D. & Lindberg, S. (2001). Image quality of four digital printing methods compared to offset and flexographic printing. Advances in color reproduction : Proceedings of the 28th research conference of the international association of research institutes for the printing, information and communication industries survey. GATF. [Mer information]

  • Johansson, P., Lundby, H., Lindberg, S. & Nyström, S. (1999). Optical homogeneity of traditional and digital prints. Advances in paper and board performance : Proceedings of the 26th research conference of the international association of research institutes fot the pringing, information and communication industries surrey. Pira International Ltd. S. 137-149. [Mer information]

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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18