Olli-Pekka Hilmola
Om forskaren
Hilmola är professor i industriell förvaltning vid Lappeenranta/Lahti tekniska universitet och forskar vid Högskolan i Gävle. Hans forskningsintressen omfattar transportsystem, infrastrukturutveckling, industriell konkurrenskraft och förvaltning av leveranskedjor. Forskningsmetoder som används är bland annat fallstudier, matematisk modellering, simulering och enkätundersökningar. Han har varit konsortieledare, projektledare och huvudforskare i ett flertal nationella och internationella forskningsprojekt. Den totala summan av erhållen forskningsfinansiering motsvarar ungefär 20 miljoner kronor. Många av de tidigare projekten är relevanta för den aktuella ansökan och omfattar aspekter som utformning av försörjningskedjor, principer för offshoring och outsourcing samt konkurrenskraftig tillverkning i utvecklade länder. Han är handledare för flera doktorander, har publicerat mer än 180 vetenskapliga tidskriftsartiklar och är välciterad. Hans forskning har vunnit flera priser.
Visa innehållet
Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade
Ujvari, S. & Hilmola, O. (2006). Advanced manufacturing simulation. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Industrial management & data systems, 106 (8), (1166-1186). [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Ujvari, S., Lättilä, L. & Hilmola, O. (2010). Agent-based decision support for maintenance service provider. International Journal of Services Sciences, 3 (2/3), (194-215). [Mer information]
Ascic, I., Ascic, J., Hilletofth, P., Pimenta, M. & Hilmola, O. (2022). An evaluation of critical capabilities and improvement areas for competitive manufacturing in a developed country environment. MDPI, Sustainability, 14 (11), 10.3390/su14116678 [Mer information]
Lähdeaho, O. & Hilmola, O. (2024). An exploration of quantitative models and algorithms for vehicle routing optimization and traveling salesman problems. Elsevier, Supply Chain Analytics, 5 (), (100056-100056). 10.1016/j.sca.2023.100056 [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Li, H., Hilletofth, P. & Fjellström, D. (2023). A Supply Chain Perspective Reviewing Shoring Cases. OSCM, Operations and Supply Chain Management, 16 (4), (524-534). [Mer information]
Otsason, R., Hilmola, O., Tapaninen, U. & Tovar, B. (2024). Business Opportunities for a Ground Effect Vehicle - Case of Canary Islands. De Gruyter, Transport and Telecommunication, 25 (4), (473-482). 10.2478/ttj-2024-0034 [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Kiisler, A. & Hilletofth, P. (2017). Cabotage and Sulphur Regulation Change. InderScience Publishers, International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 11 (4), (417-428). [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2023). Competitive priorities and capabilities: High-cost country case survey. Emerald, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 16 (3), (641-660). 10.1108/JGOSS-02-2022-0009 [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Lähdeaho, O., Henttu, V. & Hilletofth, P. (2020). Covid-19 Pandemic: Early Implications for North European Manufacturing and Logistics. MDPI, Sustainability, 12 (20), 10.3390/su12208315 [Mer information]
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2013). Creating value through wholesaler and retailer interface. Emerald, Industrial management & data systems, 113 (8), (1169-1188). 10.1108/IMDS-02-2013-0078 [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Ujvari, S. & Szekely, B. (2007). Deregulation of Railroads and future development scenarios in Europe. InderScience, World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR), 1 (2), (146-169). [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Fjellström, D. & Hilletofth, P. (2024). Era of uncertain events: Swedish foreign trade in 2010–2023. Springer, Marine Development, 2 (1), 10.1007/s44312-024-00037-y [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Li, H., Hilletofth, P. & Fjellström, D. (2025). Evaluation of EU-27 countries as manufacturing location: Strengths and weaknesses model. Springer, 10.1007/s12063-024-00539-4 [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Abraha, D. & Lorentz, H. (2008). Export based strategy or manufacturing establishment?. InderScience Publishers, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 4 (2), (155-183). [Mer information]
Yurtkulu, E., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2014). Extended service use and new product possibilities in Swedish trucking. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR), 5 (1), (80-98). [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Ujvari, S., Torkkeli, M., Lorentz, H. & Andersson, T. (2010). From Northern Europe to Russia and Asia, and vice versa. InderScience Publishers, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 6 (2), (205-217). [Mer information]
Hedenstierna, P., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2011). Integrative purchasing and inventory control at wood retailer. International Journal of procurement management, 4 (2), (139-155). [Mer information]
Hilmola, O. (2023). In the Midst of the Coronavirus and Geopolitical Crises—Inventory Efficiency and Challenges Faced in Finland. MDPI, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16 (1), 10.3390/jrfm16010012 [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. & Claesson, F. (2011). In-transit distribution strategy. Emerald, Industrial management & data systems, 111 (1), (20-40). [Mer information]
Andersson, R., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2015). Lean implementation in the geriatric care sector in Sweden. International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage (IJSSCA), 9 (1), (56-71). [Mer information]
Andersson, R., Hilletofth, P., Manfredsson, P. & Hilmola, O. (2014). Lean Six Sigma strategy in telecom manufacturing. Emerald, Industrial management & data systems, 114 (6), (904-921). [Mer information]
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2013). Linking Moral Disengagement to Supply Chain Practices. Inderscience, World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR), 4 (2/3), (207-225). [Mer information]
Hernant, M., Andersson, T. & Hilmola, O. (2007). Managing retail chain profitability based on local competitive conditions. Emerald, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35 (11), (912-935). [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Lorentz, H., Hilletofth, P. & Malmsten, J. (2015). Manufacturing strategy in SMEs and its performance implications. Industrial management & data systems, 115 (6), (1004-1021). [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Aslam, T. & Hilmola, O. (2010). Multi-agent based supply chain management. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 7 (2/3), (184-206). [Mer information]
Jäger, K., Ujvari, S. & Hilmola, O. (2007). Operating as a third-party logistics integrator without any distribution operations ownership. InderScience Publishers, International Journal of Services and Standards, 3 (2), (154-168). [Mer information]
Persson, E., Hilmola, O. & Hilletofth, P. (2024). Proactive Relocation Decision-Making in a Multinational Manufacturing Network. Elsevier, Procedia Computer Science, 232 (), (43-52). 10.1016/j.procs.2024.01.005 [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2010). Role of logistics outsourcing on supply chain strategy and management. d, Strategic Outsourcing, 3 (1), (46-61). [Mer information]
Ujvari, S. & Hilmola, O. (2009). Semi-autonomous vehicles with routing flexibility. InderScience Publishers, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 5 (4), (444-462). [Mer information]
Elias, M., Bartocci Liboni, L., Cezarino, L., Pinheiro Martins, F., Lopes Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2022). Shedding Light on the Brazilian Amazon Biotrade: A Study on Sustainable Development in Native Communities. MDPI, Sustainability, 14 (19), 10.3390/su141912826 [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. & Wang, Y. (2016). Simulation based decision support systems in the supply chain context. Emerald, Industrial management & data systems, 116 (2), [Mer information]
Ujvari, S. & Hilmola, O. (2008). Simulation of Automatic Guided Vehicle systems in manufacturing environment. InderScience Publishers, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), 15 (1), (45-63). [Mer information]
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2013). Supply chain configuration and moral disengagement. Inderscience, International Journal of procurement management, 6 (6), (718-736). [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2008). Supply chain management in fashion and textile industry. Inderscience, International Journal of Services Sciences, 1 (2), (127-147). [Mer information]
Claesson, F., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2011). Supply chain planning in automotive sector. Conradi Research Review, 6 (2), (33-54). [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. & Ujvari, S. (2010). Teaching ERP in logistics curriculum. Inderscience, International Journal of Business Information Systems, 6 (3), (295-314). [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. & Hilmola, O. (2012). Two Sides of a Token. Inderscience, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 7 (2), (101-122). [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Lorentz, H., Savolainen, V., Hilmola, O. & Ivanova, O. (2007). Using Eurasian land-bridge in logistics operations. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR), 1 (2), (183-201). [Mer information]
Vetenskapliga artiklar, ej refereegranskade
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. & Lorentz, H. (2013). Editorial. Inderscience, World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR), 4 (2/3), (97-98). [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2012). Editorial. InderScience, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 7 (2), (99-100). [Mer information]
Oskari, L. & Hilmola, O. (2024). Environmental sustainability capabilities in transportation, logistics and supply chains: literature review and bibliometric analysis. [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Fjellström, D. & Hilletofth, P. (2024). Era of Uncertain Events: Swedish Foreign Trade in 2010-2023. [Mer information]
Fjellström, D., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2024). MNE governance of GVC under geopolitical disruptions: Developing resilience under new realities. [Mer information]
Yurtkulu, E., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2013). Value and risk of extended services within Swedish road freight sector. : Proceedings of the 20th International Annual EurOMA Conference, International Annual EurOMA Conference, 2013. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Claesson, F. & Hilmola, O. (2010). In-transit distribution strategy : hope for European factories. : Rapid Modelling and Quick Response: Intersection of Theory and Practice. S. 249-262. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2010). Role of Emerging Markets in Demand-Supply Chain Management. : Proceedings of the 15th annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium. S. 1-16. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Lättilä, L. & Hilmola, O. (2009). Agent Based Decision Support in Manufacturing Supply Chain. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Lättilä, L., Ujvari, S. & Hilmola, O. (2009). Agent-based decision support in maintenance service operations. : Proceedings of the 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference. [Mer information]
Hedenstierna, P., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2009). An integrative approach to inventory control. : Rapid Modelling for Increasing Competitiveness : Tools and Mindset. S. 105-118. [Mer information]
Hedenstierna, P., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2009). Design of a Framework for Inventory Control - Evaluation of Forecasting and Inventory Control Systems. : Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing 2009 (FAIM 2009). S. 573-580. [Mer information]
Hedenstierna, P., Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2009). Design of a framework for inventory control : Evaluation of forecasting and inventory control system. : Rapid Modelling for Increasing Competitiveness : Tools and Mindset: Proceedings of the 1st Rapid Modeling Conference. S. 573-580. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Ericsson, D., Hilmola, O. & Hedenstierna, P. (2009). New product development in a manufacturing company : A challenge for supply chain management. : Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, 2009. S. 1169-1177. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Ericsson, D., Hilmola, O. & Ujvari, S. (2008). Differentiated Supply Chains Strategies Based on Customer Insights. : Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2008), Skövde, 30/6-2/7, 2008. Länk [Mer information]
Saranen, J., Hilmola, O. & Ujvari, S. (2008). Modelling Stochastic Elements in Transportation System Simulation : Evidence from Four Projects. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Ujvari, S. & Hilmola, O. (2007). Information fusion in maintenance planning. : Proceedings of Swedish Production Symposium, Göteborg, Sweden, 2007. [Mer information]
Hilmola, O., Torkkeli, M., Andersson, T., Ujvari, S. & Lorentz, H. (2006). From Northern Europe to Russia and Asia, and Vice Versa : Traffic Flow Analysis – Current Situation and Development trends. : Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Industrial Logistics, ICIL '2006. S. 96-107. [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Laasma, A., Otsason, R., Tapaninen, U. & Hilmola, O. (2024). Decarbonising coastal ferries: Case of the Estonian state fleet ferry. Towards a Zero-Emissions and Digitalized Transport Sector. UK, Edward Elgar Publishing. S. 121-139. [Mer information]
Tapaninen, U. & Hilmola, O. (2024). Profitability of Shipping and the Role of Fleet Ownership — North European Company Case Study. Handbook of Digital Innovation, Transformation, and Sustainable Development in a Post-Pandemic Era. Boca Raton, USA, CRC Press. S. 311-329. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Lättilä, L. & Hilmola, O. (2009). Agent-based decision support in manufacturing supply chain. Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of the 3rd International KES Symposium. Berlin, Springer Verlag. S. 677-686. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2009). ERP Training through Traditional and Intensive Course Formats. Lappeenranta University of Technology. [Mer information]
Szekely, B., Saranen, J., Hilmola, O., Toikka, T. & Hilletofth, P. (2008). Globalization and international division of work. Proceedings of the 4th Railway logistics Seminar: Co-operation among Transportation Modes in Northern Europe : Research report 200. Kouvola, Finland, Lappeenranta University of Technology. S. 181-198. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. & Wang, Y. (2016). Special issue. Industrial management + data systems. Emerald. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. & Lorentz, H. (2013). Special Issue on Sustainability and Ethics in Global Transportation Logistics Networks Sustainability and Ethics in Global Transportation Logistics Networks. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research. InderScience Publishers. [Mer information]
Hilletofth, P. & Hilmola, O. (2012). Special Issue on Industrial Case Studies of Demand-Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Manufacturing Research. InderScience Publishers. [Mer information]
Hilmola, O. & Ujvari, S. (2010). International Journal of Services Sciences. International Journal of Services Sciences. Inderscience. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18