Kourosh Tatar, profilbild

Kourosh Tatar


Forskningsämne: Maskinteknik



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Vetenskapliga artiklar, refereegranskade

  • Tatar, K., Gren, P. & Lycksam, H. (2008). Digital holographic interferometry for simultaneous orthogonal radial vibration measurements along rotating shafts. Applied Optics, 47 (18), (3269-3274). [Mer information]

  • Tatar, K. & Svenningsson, I. (2022). Effect of chamfer width and chamfer angle on tool wear in slot milling. Springer, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 120 (), (2923-2935). 10.1007/s00170-021-08605-y [Mer information]

  • Tatar, K. & Gren, P. (2016). Estimation of the in-plane vibrations of a rotating spindle, using out-of-plane laser vibrometry measurements. Mechanical systems and signal processing, 72-73 (), (660-666). [Mer information]

  • Svenningsson, I. & Tatar, K. (2023). Exploring the mechanics of adhesion in metal cutting. Springer, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 127 (), (3337-3356). 10.1007/s00170-023-11681-x [Mer information]

  • Svoboda, A., Tatar, K., Norman, P. & Bäckström, M. (2008). Integrated approach for prediction of stability limits for machining with large volumes of material removal. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (12), (3207-3222). [Mer information]

  • Tatar, K., Sjöberg, S. & Andersson, N. (2020). Investigation of cutting conditions on tool life in shoulder milling of Ti6Al4V using PVD coated micro-grain carbide insert based on design of experiments. Elsevier, Heliyon, 6 (6), 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04217 [Mer information]

  • Tatar, K., Rantatalo, M. & Gren, P. (2007). Laser vibrometry measurements of an optically smooth rotating spindle. Mechanical systems and signal processing, 21 (4), (1739-1745). [Mer information]

  • Gren, P., Tatar, K., Granström, J., Molin, N. & Jansson, E. (2006). Laser vibrometry measurements of vibration and sound fields of a bowed violin. Measurement science and technology, 17 (4), (635-644). [Mer information]

  • Tatar, K. & Gren, P. (2008). Measurement of milling tool vibrations during cutting using laser vibrometry. International journal of machine tools & manufacture, 48 (3-4), (380-387). [Mer information]

  • Pappadà, S., Gren, P., Tatar, K., Gustafson, T., Rametta, R., Rossini, E. & Maffezzoli, A. (2009). Mechanical and vibration characteristics of laminated composite plates embedding shape memory alloy superelastic wires. Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print), 18 (5-6), (531-537). [Mer information]

  • Svenningsson, I. & Tatar, K. (2021). On the mechanism of three-body adhesive wear in turning. Springer, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 113 (), (3457-3472). 10.1007/s00170-021-06849-2 [Mer information]

  • Salm, T., Tatar, K. & Chilo, J. (2024). Real-Time Acoustic Measurement System for Cutting-Tool Analysis During Stainless Steel Machining. MDPI, Machines, 12 (12), 10.3390/machines12120892 [Mer information]

  • Olsson, E. & Tatar, K. (2006). Sound field determination and projection effects using laser vibrometry. Measurement science and technology, 17 (10), (2843-2851). [Mer information]


  • Tatar, K. (2008). Spindle vibration and sound field measurement using optical vibrometry. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2008. Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet. 45 s. ( ) Länk

  • Tatar, K. (2006). Machine tool vibrations and violin sound fields studied using laser vibrometry. Lic.-avh. (sammanfattning), 2006. Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet. 31 s. ( ) Länk


  • Tatar, K., Olsson, E. & Forsberg, F. (2007). Tomographic reconstruction of 3D ultrasound fields measured using laser vibrometry. : Experimental analysis of nano and engineering materials and structures. [Mer information]

  • Tatar, K. (2007). Vibrationsmätning på roterande fräsverktyg med laservibrometri. : Svenska Mekanikdagar 2007. S. 75-. Länk [Mer information]

  • Sjödahl, M., Gren, P., Tatar, K. & Olsson, E. (2005). Laser metrology in experimental mechanics. : 10th NOLAMP Conference. S. 41-52. [Mer information]

  • Rantatalo, M., Tatar, K. & Norman, P. (2004). Laser doppler vibrometry measurements of a rotating milling machine spindle. [Mer information]

  • Rantatalo, M., Tatar, K. & Norman, P. (2004). Non-contact measurements of tool vibrations in a milling machine. : Nordic vibration research. [Mer information]

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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-18