Anders Johansson
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Johansson, A., Öberg, A. & Pollicott, M. (2019). Phase transitions in long-range Ising models and an optimal condition for factors of g-measures. Cambridge University Press, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 39 (5), (1317-1330). [Mer information]
Johansson, A., Öberg, A. & Pollicott, M. (2017). Ergodic Theory of Kusuoka Measures. European Mathematical Society Publishing House, Journal of Fractal Geometry, 4 (2), (185-214). [Mer information]
Ma, Q., Johansson, A., Tero, A., Nakagaki, T. & Sumpter, D. (2013). Current-reinforced random walks for constructing transport networks. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10 (80), (20120864-). [Mer information]
Johansson, A., Ramsch, K., Middendorf, M. & Sumpter, D. (2012). Tuning positive feedback for signal detection in noisy dynamic environments. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 309 (), (88-95). [Mer information]
Johansson, A., Öberg, A. & Pollicott, M. (2012). Unique Bernoulli <em>g</em>-measures. Journal of the European Mathematical Society (Print), 14 (5), (1599-1615). [Mer information]
Ma, Q., Johansson, A. & Sumpter, D. (2011). A first principles derivation of animal group size distributions. Elsevier, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 283 (1), (35-43). [Mer information]
Johansson, A., Johansson, R. & Marklund, K. (2010). Factors of r-partite graphs and bounds for the strong chromatic number. Ars combinatoria, 95 (), (277-287). [Mer information]
Johansson, A., Jordan, T., Öberg, A. & Pollicott, M. (2010). Multifractal analysis of non-uniformly hyperbolic systems. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 177 (1), (125-144). [Mer information]
Johansson, A., Kahn, J. & Vu, V. (2008). Factors in random graphs. Random structures & algorithms (Print), 33 (1), (1-28). [Mer information]
Häggkvist, R. & Johansson, A. (2008). Orthogonal Latin Rectangles. Combinatorics, probability & computing, 17 (4), (519-536). [Mer information]
Johansson, A. & Öberg, A. (2008). Square summability of variations and convergence of the transfer operator. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 28 (4), (1145-1151). [Mer information]
Johansson, A., Öberg, A. & Pollicott, M. (2007). Countable state shifts and uniqueness of g-measures. American Journal of Mathematics, 129 (6), (1501-1511). [Mer information]
Johansson, A. & Öberg, A. (2003). Square summability of variations of g-functions and uniqueness of g-measures. Mathematical Research Letters, 10 (5), (587-601). [Mer information]
Johansson, A. & Zou, J. (2012). A Slime Mold Solver for Linear Programming Problems. [Mer information]
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