Niklas Humble
Om forskaren
Niklas är programansvarig för forskningsprogrammet Digitalisering, teknologier, media och lärande (DTML). Läs mer om DTML Länk till annan webbplats..
Han disputerade i data- och systemvetenskap vid Mittuniversitetet med avhandlingen ”Programming in grade 7-9: Action possibilities and constraints from the perspective of mathematics and technology teachers”.
Niklas forskningsintressen inkluderar programmering, spelbaserat lärande, design science, inlärningsanalys, och artificiell intelligens. Han är för närvarande involverad i projektet SPEDAT (Spel för datalogiskt tänkande) vid Mittuniversitetet som har till syfte att utveckla ett digitalt spel om programmering som ska underlätta för studenter att lära sig grunderna i programmering.
Visa innehållet
Humble, N., Boustedt, J., Holmgren, H., Milutinovic, G., Seipel, S. & Östberg, A. (2024). Cheaters or AI-Enhanced Learners. Academic Publishing International Limited, Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 22 (2), (16-29). 10.34190/ejel.21.5.3154 [Mer information]
Mozelius, P. & Humble, N. (2023). Educational Game Design for Girls and Boys. European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 10 (), (1-10). 10.4108/eetct.4043 [Mer information]
Humble, N. (2023). Future paths for GIS in K-12 education. European Association of Geographers, European Journal of Geography, 14 (3), (79-88). 10.48088/ejg.n.hum. [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2023). Grades 7–12 teachers' perception of computational thinking for mathematics and technology. Frontiers, Frontiers in Education, 8 (), 10.3389/feduc.2023.956618 [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2023). Making programming part of teachers' everyday life - Programming affordances and constraints for K-12 mathematics and technology. ald, The international journal of information and learning technology, 40 (1), (98-112). 10.1108/IJILT-03-2022-0069 [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2022). Content Analysis or Thematic Analysis. ACPIL, Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 20 (3), (89-98). 10.34190/ejbrm.20.3.2920 [Mer information]
Humble, N. (2022). Teacher observations of programming affordances for K-12 mathematics and technology. Springer Nature, Education and Information Technologies, 27 (4), (4887-4904). 10.1007/s10639-021-10811-w [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2022). The threat, hype, and promise of artificial intelligence in education. Springer, Discover Artificial Intelligence, 2 (1), 10.1007/s44163-022-00039-z [Mer information]
Humble, N., Mozelius, P. & Sällvin, L. (2020). Remaking and reinforcing mathematics and technology with programming – teacher perceptions of challenges, opportunities and tools in K-12 settings. d, The international journal of information and learning technology, 37 (5), (309-321). 10.1108/IJILT-02-2020-0021 [Mer information]
Hrastinski, S., Olofsson, A., Arkenback, C., Ekström, S., Ericsson, E., Fransson, G., Jaldemark, J., Ryberg, T., Öberg, L., Fuentes, A., Gustafsson, U., Humble, N., Mozelius, P., Sundgren, M. & Utterberg, M. (2019). Critical Imaginaries and Reflections on Artificial Intelligence and Robots in Postdigital K-12 Education. Postdigital Science and Education, 1 (2), (427-445). 10.1007/s42438-019-00046-x [Mer information]
Övrigt vetenskapligt
Jandrić, P., Martinez, A., Reitz, C., Jackson, L., Grauslund, D., Hayes, D., Lukoko, H., Hogan, M., Mozelius, P., Arantes, J., Levinson, P., Ozoliņš, J., Kirylo, J., Carr, P., Hood, N., Tesar, M., Sturm, S., Abegglen, S., Burns, T., Sinfield, S., Stewart, G., Suoranta, J., Jaldemark, J., Gustafsson, U., Monzó, L., Kokić, I., Kihwele, J., Wright, J., Kishore, P., Stewart, P., Bridges, S., Lodahl, M., Bryant, P., Kaur, K., Hollings, S., Brown, J., Steketee, A., Prinsloo, P., Hazzan, M., Jopling, M., Mañero, J., Gibbons, A., Pfohl, S., Humble, N., Davidsen, J., Ford, D., Sharma, N., Stockbridge, K., Pyyhtinen, O., Escaño, C., Achieng-Evensen, C., Rose, J., Irwin, J., Shukla, R., SooHoo, S., Truelove, I., Buchanan, R., Urvashi, S., White, E., Novak, R., Ryberg, T., Arndt, S., Redder, B., Mukherjee, M., Komolafe, B., Mallya, M., Devine, N., Sattarzadeh, S. & Hayes, S. (2022). Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—The New Normal. Postdigital Science and Education, 4 (3), (877-1015). 10.1007/s42438-022-00332-1 [Mer information]
Jandrić, P., Hayes, D., Levinson, P., Christensen, L., Lukoko, H., Kihwele, J., Brown, J., Reitz, C., Mozelius, P., Nejad, H., Martinez, A., Arantes, J., Jackson, L., Gustafsson, U., Abegglen, S., Burns, T., Sinfield, S., Hogan, M., Kishore, P., Carr, P., Batarelo Kokić, I., Prinsloo, P., Grauslund, D., Steketee, A., Achieng-Evensen, C., Komolafe, B., Suoranta, J., Hood, N., Tesar, M., Rose, J., Humble, N., Kirylo, J., Mañero, J., Monzó, L., Lodahl, M., Jaldemark, J., Bridges, S., Sharma, N., Davidsen, J., Ozoliņš, J., Bryant, P., Escaño, C., Irwin, J., Kaur, K., Pfohl, S., Stockbridge, K., Ryberg, T., Pyyhtinen, O., SooHoo, S., Hazzan, M., Wright, J., Hollings, S., Arndt, S., Gibbons, A., Urvashi, S., Forster, D., Truelove, I., Mayo, P., Rikowski, G., Stewart, P., Jopling, M., Stewart, G., Buchanan, R., Devine, N., Shukla, R., Novak, R., Mallya, M., Biličić, E., Sturm, S., Sattarzadeh, S., Philip, A., Redder, B., White, E., Ford, D., Allen, Q., Mukherjee, M. & Hayes, S. (2021). Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—1 Year Later. Postdigital Science and Education, (3), (1073-1223). [Mer information]
Jandrić, P., Hayes, D., Truelove, I., Levinson, P., Mayo, P., Ryberg, T., Monzó, L., Allen, Q., Stewart, P., Carr, P., Jackson, L., Bridges, S., Escaño, C., Grauslund, D., Mañero, J., Lukoko, H., Bryant, P., Fuentes-Martinez, A., Gibbons, A., Sturm, S., Rose, J., Chuma, M., Biličić, E., Pfohl, S., Gustafsson, U., Arantes, J., Ford, D., Kihwele, J., Mozelius, P., Suoranta, J., Jurjević, L., Jurčević, M., Steketee, A., Irwin, J., White, E., Davidsen, J., Jaldemark, J., Abegglen, S., Burns, T., Sinfield, S., Kirylo, J., Kokić, I., Stewart, G., Rikowski, G., Christensen, L., Arndt, S., Pyyhtinen, O., Reitz, C., Lodahl, M., Humble, N., Buchanan, R., Forster, D., Kishore, P., Ozoliņš, J., Sharma, N., Urvashi, S., Nejad, H., Hood, N., Tesar, M., Wang, Y., Wright, J., Brown, J., Prinsloo, P., Kaur, K., Mukherjee, M., Novak, R., Shukla, R., Hollings, S., Konnerup, U., Mallya, M., Olorundare, A., Achieng-Evensen, C., Philip, A., Hazzan, M., Stockbridge, K., Komolafe, B., Bolanle, O., Hogan, M., Redder, B., Sattarzadeh, S., Jopling, M., SooHoo, S., Devine, N. & Hayes, S. (2020). Teaching in the Age of Covid-19. Postdigital Science and Education, 2 (3), (1069-1230). [Mer information]
Övrig (populärvetenskap, debatt, mm)
Humble, N., Sällvin, L. & Mozelius, P. (2019). Programmering i matte och teknik. Lärarförbundet, Pedagogiska Magasinet, (20-nov), [Mer information]
Humble, N. (2023). Programming in grade 7-9 : Action possibilities and constraints from the perspective of mathematics and technology teachers. Diss. (sammanfattning), 2023. Sundsvall: Mid Sweden University. 104 s. ( ) Länk [Mer information]
Sällvin, L., Mozelius, P., Humble, N., Calvo-Morata, A., Fernández-Manjón, B., Pechuel, R. & Kreuzberg, T. (2024). On Design of Inclusive and Enjoyable Educational Games : The Gaming4Coding Concept. [Mer information]
Mozelius, P. & Humble, N. (2024). On the Use of Generative AI for Literature Reviews : An Exploration of Tools and Techniques. [Mer information]
Sällvin, L., Mozelius, P. & Humble, N. (2023). 3 Games 4 Coding : Do Girls Feel Welcome?. : Proceeding of the 17th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2023). [Mer information]
Humble, N. (2023). A lifelong learning perspective on artificial intelligence : What do we need to know?. [Mer information]
Mozelius, P., Sällvin, L. & Humble, N. (2023). An Educational Escape Room for Computational Thinking : Defining the Requirements. : Education and New Developments, volume 2. S. 190-194. [Mer information]
Mozelius, P. & Humble, N. (2023). Design Factors for an Educational Game where Girls and Boys Play Together to Learn Fundamental Programming. [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2023). Design science for small scale studies : Recommendations for undergraduates and junior researchers. : Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies ECRM 2023. S. 87-92. [Mer information]
Mozelius, P., Pechuel, R., Fernández-Manjón, B., Kreuzberg, T., Humble, N. & Sällvin, L. (2023). Development of an Enjoyable Educational Game on Fundamental Programming : Designing for Inclusion and Learning Analytics. : Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2023). S. 435-442. [Mer information]
Humble, N., Mozelius, P. & Sällvin, L. (2023). Need-Based Game Design : Developing a CT Game Based on Educational Needs. : Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2023). S. 269-277. [Mer information]
Bergkvist, L., Ahlin, K., Humble, N., Mozelius, P. & Johansson, J. (2023). Redesigning Professional Development on Digital Transformation Using Andragogy as a Theoretical Lens. : Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2023). S. 25-32. [Mer information]
Brodén, K., Bergkvist, L., Humble, N., Mozelius, P. & Johansson, J. (2023). Redesigning technology-enhanced professional development to facilitate lifelong learning. [Mer information]
Humble, N., Boustedt, J., Holmgren, H., Milutinovic, G., Seipel, S. & Östberg, A. (2023). The consequences of ChatGPT for programming education : Cheating or AI-enhanced learning?. : Symposium on AI Opportunities and Challenges. S. 15-16. [Mer information]
Fuentes-Martinez, A., Ekström, S. & Humble, N. (2023). Why do children learn programming? : A literature review of contemporary research. : Proceeding of the 17th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2023). [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2022). Content Analysis or Thematic Analysis : Similarities, Differences and Applications in Qualitative Research. Länk [Mer information]
Mozelius, P., Humble, N., Sällvin, L., Öberg, L., Pechuel, R. & Fernández-Manjón, B. (2022). How to get the girls gaming : A literature study on inclusive design. : Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2022). S. 396-402. Länk [Mer information]
Mozelius, P. & Humble, N. (2022). Programming in K-12 Mathematics – A two-step rocket. : 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. S. 2389-2397. [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2022). Refurbishing the Educational Escape Room for Programming : Lowering the Threshold and Raising the Ceiling. : Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2022). S. 280-287. Länk [Mer information]
Bergman, S. & Humble, N. (2022). Sentiment Analysis for Emotional Navigation in Written Communication : What Support do Autistic People Need?. : European Conference on the Impact of AI and Robotics (ECIAIR 2022). S. 6-11. Länk [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2021). Computational Moral Support in Crisis Management : The Idea of Facilitating Decision Making. : NEEDS 2021 - the fifth edition of the Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies. [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2021). Computerised Consequentialism to Support Moral Reasoning and Decision Making in Crisis Management. : Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ECIAIR 2021. Länk [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2021). Enhancing Pedagogy to Andragogy in the Redesign of Teacher Training Courses on Programming. : Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2021). S. 210-217. Länk [Mer information]
Humble, N. (2021). The Development of Computational Thinking Concepts in Course Participants’ Programming Solutions. Länk [Mer information]
Humble, N., Mozelius, P. & Sällvin, L. (2021). You can't Escape Learning, but Maybe you can get out of the room! : Game-based Learning for Programming Education. Länk [Mer information]
Humble, N. (2020). Developing a web application for auto-generating grammar tests. [Mer information]
Mozelius, P. & Humble, N. (2020). Lessons learnt from teacher professional development in programming. : Proceedings of the 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. S. 3903-3908. [Mer information]
Humble, N. (2020). Using textual programming tools to develop computational thinking skills in K-12 education. [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2019). Artificial Intelligence in Education - a Promise, a Threat or a Hype?. : Proceedings of the European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, EM-Normandie Business School Oxford, UK, 31 October-1 November 2019. S. 149-156. Länk [Mer information]
Humble, N. (2019). Developing Computational Thinking Skills In K-12 Education Through Block Programming Tools. : 12th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville (Spain), 11-13 November 2019. S. 4865-4873. [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2019). Learning Analytics For Programming Education: Obstacles And Opportunities. : 12th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville (Spain), 11-13 November 2019. S. 6159-6166. [Mer information]
Humble, N., Mozelius, P. & Sällvin, L. (2019). On the Role of Unplugged Programming in K-12 Education. : Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL. S. 224-230. Länk [Mer information]
Humble, N., Mozelius, P. & Sällvin, L. (2019). Teacher Challenges And Choice Of Programming Tools For Teaching K-12 Technology And Mathematics. Länk [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2019). Teacher Perception Of Obstacles And Opportunities In The Integration Of Programming In K-12 Settings. [Mer information]
Humble, N. & Mozelius, P. (2019). Teacher-supported AI or AI-supported teachers?. : Proceedings of the European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, EM-Normandie Business School Oxford, UK, 31 October-1 November 2019. S. 157-164. Länk [Mer information]
Kapitel i böcker
Humble, N., Mozelius, P. & Sällvin, L. (2021). Olika programmeringsverktyg och lärares fortbildning. Programmering i skolmatematiken : <em>möjligheter och utmaningar</em>. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. S. 143-155. [Mer information]
Humble, N., Mozelius, P. & Sällvin, L. (2020). The Introduction of Programming in K-12 Technology and Mathematics. Portugal, inScience Press. [Mer information]
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Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-20