Strategies for developing sustainable digital transformation capacity in SMEs (STRIM)

The interdisciplinary STRIM project will help the county's small and medium-sized enterprises with their digital transformation.

Digital transformation in the region

Projektets målsättning är att stärka det regionala företagsfrämjande systemets förmåga att stötta små och medelstora företag i deras digitala omställningsarbete, samt att utveckla de projektdeltagande företagens förmåga att fungera som lärande organisationer med en egen förmåga till hållbar digital transformation.

The objective of the project is to strengthen the ability of the regional Business promoting organizations system to support SMEs in their digital transformation work, and to develop the ability of the participating companies to function as learning organizations with their own capacity for sustainable digital transformation.

The project aims to increase the capacity of SMEs to develop appropriate digital skills and formulate sustainable strategies for digital transformation. The focus on equality, gender equality and collaboration with regional business promoting organizations provides support in their work to:
a) identify needs and effects of promotional support measures for SMEs
b) design promotional support that meets the needs of SMEs and is offered in such a way that SMEs see benefits in using them
c) create a process model that can be used by SMEs to formulate strategies for digital value creation and sustainable digital transformation, as well as by promotional organizations to offer support in this.

The project is expected to result in a strengthened ability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to:

  • Identify the company's digitalization needs in relation to its environment, and to analyze how society's digitalization affects and may affect the company's conditions for creating and delivering value.
  • Analyze how other companies and your own company use and could use digital technology to create and deliver value.
  • From different perspectives, identify critical factors for your company's ability to use digitalization for value creation.
  • Consider how a digital transformation capacity can be developed in a sustainable way and with a focus on equity and equality.
  • Develop a learning culture that helps the company to remain digitally relevant in a changing environment, and promotes experience sharing, knowledge dissemination and collaboration within and between SMEs.

What makes STRIM unique is that it highlights the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation from the perspectives of business, education, media and communication, information and communication technology, and law.

Aims of the project

The project aims to increase the capacity of SMEs to develop appropriate digital skills and formulate sustainable strategies for digital transformation. The focus on equality, gender equality and collaboration with regional business promoting organizations provides support in their work to:

a) identify needs and effects of promotional support measures for SMEs
b) design promotional support that meets the needs of SMEs and is offered in such a way that SMEs see benefits in using them
c) create a process model that can be used by SMEs to formulate strategies for digital value creation and sustainable digital transformation, as well as by promotional organizations to offer support in this.

The project is expected to result in a strengthened ability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to:

  • Identify the company's digitalization needs in relation to its environment, and to analyze how society's digitalization affects and may affect the company's conditions for creating and delivering value.
  • Analyze how other companies and your own company use and could use digital technology to create and deliver value.
  • From different perspectives, identify critical factors for your company's ability to use digitalization for value creation.
  • Consider how a digital transformation capacity can be developed in a sustainable way and with a focus on equity and equality.
  • Develop a learning culture that helps the company to remain digitally relevant in a changing environment, and promotes experience sharing, knowledge dissemination and collaboration within and between SMEs.

What makes STRIM unique is that it highlights the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation from the perspectives of business, education, media and communication, information and communication technology, and law.

Project Management

Aihie Osarenkhoe, professor i företagsekonomi.

Project coordinator and principal investigator
Aihie Osarenkhoe, Professor of Business Administration, specializing in marketing, strategic entrepreneurship. Research leader for Sustainable Business Relationships (HAR).
Tel: 070-191 45 26 E-mail:

Daniella Fjellström, lektor.

Project coordinator
Daniella Fjellström
, Associate Professor in Business Administration, specializing in organization and leadership in the context of internationalization.

Jörgen Holmberg, universitetslektor.

Project coordinator
Jörgen Holmberg, senior lecturer in Educational Science and Didactics. Leads the research program Digitalization, Technologies, Media and Learning (DTML) and the research group IT in Learning.
Tel: 076 213 29 83 E-mail:

Nina Daskalova

Project coordinator
Nina Daskalova, lecturer in business administration, specializing in marketing and leadership. Many years of experience in project management and interested in digitalization and AI
Tel: 070 763 47 39 E-mail:

Other project members

Claes Westelius, Lecturer in Educational Science and Instructional designer, responsible for the Digital Learning Lab.

Eleonor Kristoffersson, Professor of Law, broad tax law expertise with research interest in legal aspects of e.g. society's digitalization.

Hanna Grylin, Senior Lecturer in Law, research interest in tax law, legal aspects of digitalization, income tax, forestry and agriculture.

Per Vesterlund, Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication Studies.

Doctoral students
Afsaneh Khodabandeh
, doctoral student in business administration and process leader in STRIM

Linus Ellström, doctoral student in curriculum studies and process leader in STRIM

Project partners

Want to know more or participate in the project?

If you are interested in learning more about the project and how it can contribute to your company's competitiveness, please contact the project management,

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STRIM Project Management

Facts about the project

Full project name: Strategies for the development of sustainable digital transformation capacity in SMEs

Project coordinator: Aihie Osarenkhoe, University of Gävle.

Other project co-workers from the University of Gävle: Claes Westelius, Daniella Fjellström, Eleonor Kristoffersson, Hanna Grylin, Jan Sjölund, Jörgen Holmberg, Nina Daskalova, Per Vesterlund.

Partners: Affärskompetens Sverige, Företagarna, Gävle Innovation Hub, Movexum, Propell, Sandbacka Science Park.

Financier: Tillväxtverket and Region Gävleborg

Schedule: April 2023 - July 2026

This page was last updated 2024-07-24