Fereshteh Ahmadi
Professor i sociologi
Om forskaren
Fereshteh Ahmadi är professor i sociologi, docentur i sociologi (2001) och har en doktorsexamen i sociologi, Uppsala universitet, 1995.
Aktuell forskning
- Ett internationellt projekt om kultur och meningsskapande coping
- Coping och cancer
- Coping och Covid-19
- Coping and war
- Projekt coping: föräldrar som har förlorat ett barn
- Coping och musik
- Barn och existentiella frågor
- Mångfaldsbarometern
Min forskningsverksamhet har huvudsakligen berört tre övergripande frågeställningar:
- Avhandling "Iranian Islam and the Concept of the Individual"
- Äldreforskning
- Kvinnofrågor - integration utifrån könsperspektiv samt islam och feminism
Avhandling "Iranian Islam and the Concept of the Individual
Den första som rör skapandet av tanke- och förståelseformer har fått sitt huvudsakliga uttryck i min avhandling "Iranian Islam and the Concept of the Individual" (skriven tillsammans med Nader Ahmadi). En bearbetad version av avhandlingen har publicerats av MacMillan press, oktober 1998, med titeln "Iranian Islam; The Concept of the Individual".
Den andra frågeställningen rör äldreforskning
Jag har varit intresserad av tre teman inom detta område:
a) äldre invandrare
b) åldrande och andlighet
c) åldrandet och anpassning till sociala förändringar
a) äldre invandrare
Jag har studerat ett outforskat migrationsmönster där äldre immigranter pendlar mellan Sverige och sitt ursprungsland och tillbringar långa perioder i respektive land. Frågeställningen har varit om detta är förknippat med alienation och rotlöshet eller om det är ett mönster där den gamla "flygande holländaren" fungerar som medlare och lyckas utnyttja det bästa av de två kulturerna. Jag har studerat detta bland pendlande iranier som bor i Sverige.
b) åldrande och andlighet
Jag har i detta sammanhang arbetat inom ett internationellt projekt: "The Development of Wisdom and Spiritual Maturity in Secular and Religious Individuals in Different Cultures". Syftet med detta projekt var att 1) undersöka hur individer i olika kulturer utvecklar sin självuppfattning under senare delen av livet och 2) undersöka i vilken utsträckning självuppfattningen bland äldre människor som bor i ett individualistiskt samhälle skiljer sig från äldre som bor i ett samhälle där traditionella levnadssätt och icke-individualistiska tänkesätt fortfarande dominerar.
Genom en empirisk uppläggning med bl.a. biografiska intervjuer av religiösa och icke religiösa individer i tre kulturer (iransk, svensk och turkisk) ville vi bidraga till förståelsen av hur religiösa, generellt existentiella och kulturella faktorer samverkar till att främja eller motverka utveckling och mognad under ålderdomen.
c) åldrandet och anpassning till sociala förändringar
En av paradoxerna inom samhällsvetenskapen är det att å ena sidan sagts att globaliseringen under den postindustriella tiden har påverkat alla människor runt om i världen, fattiga som rika, äldre som unga, kvinnor som män och givit dem en flexibel identitet. Å andra sidan antas, när det gäller äldre människor och i synnerhet äldre invandrare, att dessa människor har svårt att anpassa sig till pågående förändringar i det post-industriella samhället, att äldre tar fast på de förutvarande gamla normer. Ännu värre är fallet med äldre invandrare som dessutom påståtts vara fångna i sin egna kulturella värderingar och normer; äldre och i synnerhet äldre invandrare saknar helt enkelt flexibilitet. Här glömmer man att effekterna av globalisering varit ännu intensivare i de icke- västerländska samhällen, som många äldre invandrare kommer ifrån. Att anpassa sig till pågående politiska, sociala och kulturella förändringar har varit en integrerad del av livet för de människor som nu kategoriseras som äldre invandrare. I min forskning har jag alltså ifrågasatt den ensidiga bilden av äldre inom såväl massmedia som forskningsvärlden. Mitt syfte har varit att presentera en annan bild av äldre och i synnerhet av äldre invandrare, att såväl teoretiskt som empiriskt visa att ovannämnda antagande om äldres "konservatism" och brist på flexibilitet inte är hållbar.
Den tredje frågeställningen rör kvinnofrågor
Två områden har särskilt berörts av mig i detta sammanhang:
a) Integration utifrån könsperspektiv
b) Islam och feminism
a) Integration och könsperspektiv:
Syftet med denna studie var att visa de olika attityder som iranska män och kvinnor visar mot integration i det svenska samhället. Så som en del studier i olika länder visar, iranska kvinnor har varit mer framgångsrika än män att anpassa sig till västerländska normer och värderingar. En viktig förklaring till detta ligger, enligt min studie, i de olika positioner som iranska män och kvinnor har på arbetsmarknaden. Svensk samhället erbjuder de iranska kvinnorna en bättre arbetsstatus än de kunde ha i det egna samhället. Den andra förklaringen kan ges utifrån ett existentialistiskt perspektiv. En del Iranska kvinnor har efter många år i Sverige lyckas lämna — för att använda Sartres ord- stadiet av “being for other “ bakom sig och nått ett stadium av “being for itself". Att ha större möjligheter till att finna arbete, bli en karriär-inriktad kvinna och ha en bättre psykologisk status jämfört med de iranska männen, ger de iranska kvinnorna känslan av att vara “the Self", av "being för itself". Detta hjälper dem att övervinna identitetskrisen och att anpassa sig till det nya samhället.
c) Islam och feminism:
Jag erhåll forskningsmedel från Riksbankens Jubileum Fond att under 2004-2006 forska om islamisk feminism i Iran. Syftet med studien var att belysa islamiska feministers försök att integrera västerländska feministiska idéer med Islam. Genom att studera nya trender inom islamisk feminism i Iran undersökte jag förekomst och utformning av sådana ansatser. Bakgrunden till att jag fokuserade islamisk feminism i Iran var att Iran i två viktiga avseenden skiljer sig från vissa muslimska länder. Den första är att landet inte har varit koloniserat. Den andra är att Islam utgör en statsmakt i Iran.
Ett internationellt projekt om meningsskapande coping
Professor Fereshteh Ahmadi
Department of Social Work, Criminology and Public Health
University of Gävle, Sweden

The primary objective of this project is to carry out international research focused on understanding the ways in which individuals affected by crises employ meaning-making coping strategies, with a particular emphasis on the influence of culture. "Meaning-making coping" refers to the array of coping methods that address existential questions, encompassing religious, spiritual (both religious-spiritual and non-religious-spiritual), and other existential coping techniques.
This study is conducted among cancer patients in multiple countries, including Sweden, China, South Korea, Turkey, Japan, Malaysia, Brazil, the Philippines, Iran, and Portugal. Additionally, the study will be extended to include South Africa.
The project builds on two previous projects: a) a qualitative study on "Religious and spiritual coping methods among cancer sufferers in Sweden" (2000-2006). The Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Sciences- FAS obtained the grant. Results have been published in the form of two monographs and an article. Final report has been sent. b) a survey on "Religious and spiritual coping methods among cancer sufferers in Sweden" (2010-2012).
Existential relevance for human well-being has been highlighted in recent decades. However, when I completed my survey of religious and spiritual coping methods in 2009, there were not any empirical study that showed the extent to which spirituality, rather than denominational religiosity, played the role of coping in serious crises. In the few studies that had been done had been focused on religious people. Many studies in this field, even internationally, had neglected the non-religious populations. Already in 2001-2004, I conducted a qualitative study to answer the question "what is the role of spiritual coping methods (even the non-religious) in life-threatening crises?" And "what is the role of culture in the selection of these methods." I had interviewed 51 cancer patients, religious and non-religious men and women 25-83 years of age (Ahmadi 2006). All had been socialized in the Swedish cultural environment. This exploratory study was used to design a more extensive quantitative study of cancer patients, men and women. I have been in 2009 conducted a quantitative study to examine the extent to which the results obtained in the qualitative study among patients with cancer in Sweden applies to a wider population of cancer patients in this country. The design of the new quantitative study I have, in addition to questions from the previous qualitative survey study also used a RCOPE questionnaire (designed by Kenneth I. Pargament). Surveys were distributed to various cancer organizations; 2355 people diagnosed with cancer responded.
Main purpose and specific issues
The primary aim of this international research project was to investigate the utilization of meaning-making coping strategies within diverse cultural contexts. Beyond this overarching goal, our project sought to identify and elucidate novel meaning-making methods. These endeavors were undertaken with the intention of enriching and evolving our theoretical understanding of the pivotal role that culture plays in the coping process.
Exploration of Cultural Variability in Coping Mechanisms
Our project was designed to explore the wide spectrum of meaning-making coping mechanisms employed by individuals from various cultural backgrounds. We aimed to discern the cultural nuances and variations in the adoption of coping strategies, recognizing that culture significantly influences the ways in which people navigate crises and seek to find meaning in challenging situations.
Identification of Innovative Coping Strategies
In addition to investigating established coping methods, our research also sought to uncover innovative and potentially culture-specific approaches to meaning-making. By identifying these novel coping strategies, we aimed to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on how individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds adapt to and derive meaning from adversity.
Advancement of Cultural-Coping Theory
One of the central goals of our project was to advance our theoretical framework regarding the influence of culture on coping. By examining the coping practices of individuals from different cultures, we aimed to refine and expand our understanding of how cultural factors shape the coping process. This exploration allowed us to develop a more comprehensive and nuanced perspective on the interplay between culture and meaning-making in the face of crises.
Our international research project was dedicated to unraveling the intricate relationship between culture and meaning-making coping methods, with a particular focus on both established and emerging strategies. By achieving these objectives, we aimed to contribute to the field's theoretical underpinnings and enhance our understanding of the profound impact of culture on coping in diverse societies.
The methodology employed in this research project involves a structured two-step approach implemented across various countries:
Step 1: Qualitative Semi-Structured Interview Studies
In the initial stage of the research, qualitative semi-structured interviews are conducted with individuals who are currently experiencing a crisis, such as cancer patients. Each research team utilizes the interview questions that were originally employed in the Swedish study, with the adaptation and modification of questions guided by a socio-cultural perspective. This approach enables the comparative analysis of the data collected from different cultural contexts.
Selection Criteria: Informants are selected from a pool of male and female cancer patients aged 18 years and older. It is essential to note that none of the participants are chosen based on their specific interest in religion or spirituality.
Step 2: Quantitative Study Based on Qualitative Findings
Building on the outcomes of the qualitative study, the second step involves the implementation of a quantitative study. This quantitative phase is designed to provide a broader and more quantifiable perspective on the coping methods identified in the initial qualitative investigation.
The research methodology consists of a tandem approach. The initial qualitative phase captures the rich narratives and experiences of crisis-affected individuals, and the subsequent quantitative phase complements this by offering a quantitative analysis of the observed coping methods. This two-step process enables a comprehensive understanding of how individuals across different cultures manage crises and seek meaning in their experiences, all while ensuring that participants are selected without any preconceived focus on religious or spiritual interests.
Ethical considerations
The objective and the questionnaire employed in this project have undergone rigorous ethical scrutiny and have received approval from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority[1], which is the state authority responsible for ethical reviews. The study diligently adheres to four fundamental research principles, which encompass the information requirement, the consent requirement, confidentiality requirements, and usage requirements. All researchers involved in this project possess substantial experience in conducting research with vulnerable populations and recognize the necessity to uphold ethical standards, especially in studies dealing with sensitive information.
In certain countries, due to local legal requirements mandating additional ethical clearance, we have duly applied for and obtained such permissions when necessary.
It is worth noting that the four general requirements for research will be upheld with some necessary modifications, taking into account the information requirement, the requirement for consent, confidentiality provisions, and usage criteria. All members of the research team bring valuable experience in conducting research involving vulnerable individuals, fully understanding the need to handle sensitive information with the utmost adherence to ethical principles.
Researchers in the Project (Ranked by the Commencement Date of the Studies):
Swedish study:
- Fereshteh Ahmadi, (main responsible of the project) Ph. D. Full professor in Sociology, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, University of Gävle, Sweden.
2. Nader Ahmadi, Ph.D. Full professor in Sociology, director general of the Swedish Agency for Work Environment (a government agency under the Ministry of Labor and Employment).
- Andreas Önver Cetrez Ph. D. Full Professor in Psychology of Religion, Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University.
- Jimmy Munobwa (PhD in Social Work, University of Gävle).
Korean Study:
- Kyung Mee Kim, Ph.D. in School of Social Welfare at University of Kansas in USA. She works at the Department of Social Welfare, Soongsil University, Seoul, South Korea.
- Jisung Park, Ph.D. in Socil Welfare, aging studies, at State University of New York at Albany. She works as a researcher at the School of Social Welfare Chief Research fellow, Retirement Research Center, Samsung Life Insurance. Seoul, South Korea.
Chinese study
- Chen Weijia, Ph.D., in Social Welfare, Postdoctoral Research Fellow,Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China.
Turkish study
- Pelin Erbil, Ph.D in psychology, Oncology Clinic, Humanity Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Önver, A. Cetrez, Associate professor. Ph.D. in Psychology of Religion and Cultural Psychology, Lecturer at the Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden. Deputy Director Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Turkey.
- Asli Ortakmac, President of Cancer Survivors Association, Istanbul, Turkey.
Malaysian study
- Nur Atikah Mohamed Hussin, Ph.D in Social Work; lecturer at the Social Work Department, School of Social Sciences. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
- Mohd Taufik Mohammad, Ph. D. in Social Work; lecturer at the Social Work Department, School of Social Sciences. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Philippian study
- Mae- Lanie, O. Poblete , D. student, College of Nursing, MSU- Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City, Philippines.
Brazilian study
- Mary Rute G. Esperandio, Professor and psychologist. Department of Theology and Bioethics .Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil.
- Julia M. C. FerreiraPontifical . Ph.D. student. Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Parana (PUCPR), Brazil.
Portuguese study
- Paula Mena Matos, Professor of Pychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Center for Psychology, University of Porto, Portugal.
- Carla Tomas, PhD in Psychology, the Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes (ISMAT), university city is Portimão, Algarve. Portugal.
- Rita Tavares, PhD student, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Center for Psychology, University of Porto, Portugal
Japanese study
- Hiroko Kase, Ph.D. in Human Sciences, Professor of Gerontology, Department of Health Science and Social Welfare, Faculty of Human Sciences , Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Yi Xiaohe, MS student in Gerontology, Department of Health Science and Social Welfare, Faculty of Human Sciences , Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Chizuko Saito, Professor in religion and Psychology, Department of Social system Studies, Doshisha Women’s college of Liberal Arts. Kyoto, Japan.
- Mohammad Rabbani, Department of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Iranian study
- Mohammad Khodayarifard. Professor of clinical child Psychology and the Dean of the Faculty of Department of the Psychology and Education at the Tehran University, Iran.
- Bagher Ghobari-Bonab, Ph.D. Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
- Saeid Zandi, Ph.D. student Faculty of Psychology and Education, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
- Mona Sabzevari, M.A. student in Child and Adolescent Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
South Africa
- Prof Nompumelelo Ntshingila: Associate Professor. specializing in DCur Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Johannesburg
- Prof Charlene Downing: Professor of Nursing, with qualifications DCur (UJ) and FFNM (RCSI). Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Johannesburg
Publications Concerning Project Meaning-making Coping
International referee articles:
- Ahmadi, F., Zandi, S., Khodayarifard, M., Cetrez, Ö. A., & Akhavan, S. (2023). Job Satisfaction and Overcoming the Challenges of Teleworking in Times of COVID-19: A Pilot Study Among Iranian University Community. SAGE Open, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440231173654
External link.
- Ahmadi F, Cetrez ÖA, Zandi S. (2023) Living through a Global Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study on the Psychological Resilience of the University Population in Iran. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20(6):4844. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20064844
External link.
- Ahmadi, F., Zandi, S., Khodayarifard, M., Cetrez, Ö. A., & Akhavan, S. (2023). Job Satisfaction and Overcoming the Challenges of Teleworking in Times of COVID-19: A Pilot Study Among Iranian University Community. SAGE Open, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440231173654
External link.
- Cetrez, Önver Andreas, Saeid Zandi, and Fereshteh Ahmadi. 2022. "When a Pandemic Strikes: Resilience of Swedish Academics in the Face of Coronavirus" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19, no. 20: 13346. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192013346
- Zandi, S., Ahmadi, F., Cetrez, Ö. A., & Akhavan, S. (2022). Coping Orientation of Academic Community in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Multi-Country Survey Study. Illness, Crisis & Loss. DOI: 1177/10541373221088391
External link.
- Ahmadi F, Zandi S, Cetrez ÖA, Akhavan S. (2022) Job satisfaction and challenges of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study in a Swedish academic setting. Work. 71(2):357-370. doi: 10.3233/WOR-210442. PMID: 35095001.
- F.; Khodayarifard, M.; Rabbani, M.; Zandi, S. & Sabzevari, M. (2022). Existential meaning-making coping in Iran: A qualitative study among patients with cancer. Social Sciences, 11(2). 10.3390/socsci11020080
External link.
- Ahmadi
External link., ; Cetrez
External link., A. Ö, Akhavan
External link.; Sh. Khodayarifard
External link., M & Zandi, S. (2022). How has the University Community Been Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic? An Iranian Survey. Front. Sociol., 18 January 2022 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2021.645670
External link.
- Ahmadi, F., Khodayarifard, M, Zandi, S. Khorrami-Markani, A. Ghobari-Bonab, B, Sabzevari, M. &Ahmadi, N. (2021). Religion, culture and illness: a sociological study on religious coping in Iran. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 21 (7). https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13674676.2018.1555699
- Ahmadi, F. & Zandi. S. (2021). Meaning-Making Coping Methods among Bereaved Parents: A Pilot Survey Study in Swede. Behavioral Sciences11, no. 10: 131. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs11100131
- Ahmadi, F., Akhavan, sh., Zandi, S. & Cetrez. Ö. A. (2021) Job satisfaction and challenges of working from home at the time of COVID-19: A study in a Swedish academic setting. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation.
- Ahmadi, F., Cetrez, Ö. A. Akhavan, Sh. & Zandi. S. (2021). Meaning-Making Coping with COVID-19 in Academic Settings: The Case of Sweden. Illness, Crisis & Loss. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10541373211022002
- Ahmadi, F. & Ahmadi, N. (2021). Sanctification in coping from a cultural perspective". Illness, Crisis& https://doi.org/10.1177/1054137320982203
External link..
- Cetrez, Ö. A. Ahmadi, F. Erbil E. (2020) A Comparative Survey Study on Meaning‐Making Coping among Cancer Patients in Turkey. Religions/ Special Issue "Meaning-Making Coping, Health and Crisis".
Doi: 10.3390/rel11060284.
https://susy.mdpi.com/user/manuscripts/review_info/16681988e7f021e66533a1d70899fed1 External link.
- Ahmadi, F; Mohamad Hussin, N. A. (2020) Patients` meaning making regarding their dreams: A study among cancer patients in Malaysia. Dream Journal. DOI: 1037/drm0000122
External link.
- Ahmadi, F.; Rabbani, M; Yi, X; Kase, H; Ahmadi, N. (2019) Spiritual and Secular Existential Meaning-Making Coping Methods among Japanese Cancer Patients. International Journal of Social Science Studies 7(6):109-122.. Available online: October 18, 2019, doi:10.11114/ijsss.v7i6.4527 URL: https://doi.org/10.11114/ijsss.v7i6.4527
External link.
ISSN 2324-8033 E-ISSN 2324-8041
- Ahmadi, F., Rabbani. M. (2019) Religious Coping Methods among Cancer Patients in Three Islamic Countries: A Comparative Perspective. International Journal of Social Science Studies 7(5): 72-82. doi:10.11114/ijsss.v7i5.4417
http://redfame.com/journal/index.php/ijsss/article/view/4417/4652 External link.
- Ahmadi, F., Tavares, R., Matos, P. M., Tomás, C., Ahmadi N. (2019). Secular Existential Meaning-Making Coping Among Cancer Patients in Portugal: A Qualitative Study. Illness, Crisis & Loss.
https://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/ZACYMZFSUMEXQ9XZKSD8/fullExternal link.
org/10.1177/1054137319864854External link.
- Ahmadi, F.; Khodayarifard, M; Zandi, S.; Khorrami-Markani, A.; Ghobari-Bonab, Sabzevari, M; Ahmadi, N., (2018). Religion, Culutre and Illness: A Sociological Study on Religious Coping in Iran. Mental Helath, Religion & Culture 21(7):721-736. doi: 10.1080/13674676.2018.1555699
- Ahmadi, F. Mohamed Hussin, N. Ahmadi. Taufik Mohammad, M. (2018) Religion, Culture and Meaning- Making Coping: A study among Cancer Patients in Malaysia. Journal of Religion and Health. 58:1909–1924 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10943-018-0636-9
External link.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-018-0636-9 - Ahmadi, F. Erbil, P. Ahmadi, N. Cetrez, Ö. A. (2018) Religion, Culture and Meaning-Making Coping: A Study Among Cancer Patients in Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health. 58(4), 1115-1124. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-018-0646-7
- Ahmadi, F., Cetrez Ö., A.Erbil, P., Ahmadi, N., Ortak, A. (2017) A Survey Study among Cancer Patients in Turkey: Meaning-making Coping. Illness, Crisis and Loss. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1054137317720751
External link.
- Ahmadi, F, Park, J, Kim, K. M. & Ahmadi, N. (2017). Meaning-making coping among cancer patients in Sweden and South Korea: A comparative perspective. Journal of religion and Health. J Relig Health
External link.. 56(5): 1794–1811.
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10943-017-0383-3 External link.
- Ahmadi, N. & Ahmadi, F. (2017). The Use of Religious Coping Methods in a Secular Society: A survey study among cancer patients in Sweden. Illness, Crisis & Loss. 25(3):171-199. doi: 10.1177/1054137315614513. Epub 2015 Nov 18.
- Ahmadi, N., Ahmadi, F. Erbil, P., Cetrez, Ö. A. (2016), Religious meaning-making coping in Turkey: a study among cancer patients. Illness, Crisis and Loss. Article first published online: October 6, 2016 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1054137316672042
External link.. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1054137316672042
- Ahmadi, F.; Park, J.; Kim, M. K. & Ahmadi, N. (2016) Exploring existential coping resources: the perspective of Koreans with cancer. Journal of Religion and Health. DOI 10.1007/s10943-016-0219-6; http://rdcu.be/ksP2
External link.
- Ahmadi, F. & Ahmadi, N. (2015). Nature as the Most Important Coping Strategy among Cancer Patients: A Swedish Survey. Journal of Religion and Health 52(4):1177-90.
- Ahmadi, F. (2013). Music as a method of coping with cancer: a qualitative study among cancer patients in Sweden. Art and health. 5(2):152-165.
(To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17533015.2013.780087)
- Ahmadi, F. (2010). Song lyrics and the alteration of self-image. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 20(3):225-241.
- Ahamdi, F. & Norberg, M. (2010). Aggressiv musik som copingstrategi (Aggressive music as a coping method) Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 87(2):78-86) (Journal of Social Medicine), Tema Kultur och hälsa.
- Ahmadi, F. (2009). Hard and Heavy Music: Can It Make a Difference in the Young Cancer Patients’ Life? Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 9(2). (A referee online journal). Retrieved July 2, 2009, from http://www.voices.no/mainissues/mi40009000302.php
- Ahmadi Lewin, F. (2001). Investigating the Religious and Spiritually-oriented Coping Strategies in the Swedish Context: A review of literature and directions for future research. Illness, Crisis & Loss 9(4):336-356.
- Ahmadi, F., & Ahmadi, N. (2018). Meaning-Making for Coping with Serious Illness: Studies in Secular and Religious Societies. New York: Routledge.
- Ahmadi, F. (2015) (red.). Coping with Cancer in Sweden – A Search for Meaning. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia sociologica Upsaliensia, 63.
- Ahmadi, F. & Larsson, S. (2014). Hälsa, livsmiljö och arbetsliv – ett socialt arbete perspektiv (Health, Living envirenmetn and Workings life (A Social Work Perspective). Gävle University Press.
- Ahmadi, F. (2008). Kultur och Hälsa. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Ahmadi, F. (2006). Culture, Religion and Spirituality in Coping; The Example of Cancer Patients in Sweden. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 53.
Chapter in book
- Zandi, S., Ahmadi, F. (2024). Religious/Spiritual Coping and Secular Existential Coping. In: Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Concepts in Health, Health Behavior and Environmental Health. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-0821-5_24-1
- Ahmadi, F. (2016). Coping with Cancer through Music :Three Studies among Cancer Patients in Sweden, in Mandana Hashefi, Music Therapy in the management of Medical Conditions. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Ahmadi, F. (2015) Definition of Concepts, i F. Ahmadi (ed.) Coping with Cancer in Sweden – A Search for Meaning. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia sociologica Upsaliensia, 6.3
- Ahmadi, F. (2015) A Qualitative study on religious and spiritual coping with cancer in Sweden i F. Ahmadi (ed.) Coping with Cancer in Sweden – A Search for Meaning. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Ahmadi, F. & Ahmadi N. & Mousavi F. (2015) Results on Use of Religious Coping among Cancer Patientsin Sweden, i F. Ahmadi (ed.) Coping with Cancer in Sweden – A Search for Meaning. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Ahmadi, F., Ahmadi N. & Mousavi F. (2015), Results on the Use of Spiritual Coping among Cancer Patients in Sweden, i F. Ahmadi (ed.) Coping with Cancer in Sweden – A Search for Meaning. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Ahmadi, F., Ahmadi N. & Mousavi F. (2015), Results on the Use of Secular Existential Coping among Cancer Patients in Sweden, i F. Ahmadi (ed.) Coping with Cancer in Sweden – A Search for Meaning. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Ahmadi, F. (2014). Coping och arbetsliv: Arbetsliv som en coping-strategi [Coping and working life: Working life as a coping strategy]. In F. Ahmadi & S. Larsson (Eds.), Hälsa, livsmiljö och arbetsliv: ett socialt arbete-perspektiv [Health, living environment and workings life: A social work perspective] (pp. 61-74). Gävle: Gävle University Press.
- Ahmadi, F. (2010). “Kultuuriperspektiiviline uurimus Rootsi vähipatsientide religioossetest ja vaimsetest toimetulekumeetoditest” (A study of the religious and spiritual coping methods among Swedish cancer patients from a cultural perspective) i P. Paal & E. Kalmre
(eds.) Inimene, tervis ja haigused. Terviseteemaline artiklikogumik "Medica". /Human Health and Illness from Cultural Perspective.
Tänapäeva folkloorist 9/ Contemporary Folklore 9
Tartu 2010: ELM Scholarly Press - Ahmadi, F. (2008). “kulturens indvirkning på åndlig coping med kraef” (The impact of culture in coping with cancer) i N. C. Hvidt & C. Johansen (red.) kan bjerge flytte Troen (Can the mountain move the faith?). Copenhagen: Gyldenda, Nordisk forlag: 211-232.
[1] https://etikprovningsmyndigheten.se/en/
Coping and war
The question of life’s meaning remains highly significant, especially during crises such as wars and conflicts. However, we still know very little about how individuals cope with crises, both during and after such events. Does spirituality, religion, or other ideologies play a role in this context? Are there differences in coping mechanisms between religious and non-religious individuals? How do people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds find meaning to help them navigate crises?
To address these questions, I together with some colleagues from the Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies at the University of Gävle in Sweden are conducting a voluntary study. By participating as informants in this international research project, individuals contribute significantly to understanding how people manage crises.
This study is part of an international project on Meaning-making Coping with Crisis, initiated in 2013, involves professors, associate professors, researchers from Sweden, and 23 researchers from around the world. It investigates coping strategies among individuals affected by crises, collecting data through interviews and surveys targeting people aged 18 and older. To date, the study has resulted in several books and ten peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals.
In studying individuals affected by ongoing conflicts and war in the Middle East, with diverse ethnic backgrounds, the researchers conduct interviews online. Informants will find a series of open-ended questions. They are encouraged to respond in their own words, and the research team ensures that all responses will remain fully confidential. Ethical considerations are central to the study; approval has been obtained from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority, and the study follows established principles, including providing clear information, obtaining consent, ensuring confidentiality, and specifying the intended use of the data. All necessary details will be provided to informants before they decide whether to participate.
Participation in this study is entirely voluntary, and researchers guarantee that it will not cause any harm to informants. All the information provided by informants will be kept confidential, and their identities will not be linked to their responses. Only data directly relevant to the study will be collected.
The participation of informants is immensely valuable, regardless of their religious beliefs. Informants’ decisions to take part significantly enhance the scientific value of this research.
Department of Social Work, Criminology, and Public Health
Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies
University of Gävle, Sweden
En studie om meningsskapande krishanteringsstrategier bland föräldrar som har förlorat ett barn
Syftet med detta projekt är att studera krishanteringsmetoder hos föräldrar som har förlorat ett barn och undersöka vilka "meningsskapande krishanteringsmetoder" de har använt.
Studien baseras bland annat på resultat från en 18årig forskning genomfört av mig och min forskningsgrupp med 23 forskare i tio olika länder (Sverige, Portugal Kina, Sydkorea, Japan, Brazil, Filippinerna, Malaysia, Iran och Turkiet).
Huvudfrågan i denna studie är:
Vilka meningshanteringsmetoder används av de föräldrar som har förlorat ett barn och i vilket utsträckning är dessa metoder vanliga bland denna grupp?
I vilken utsträckning spelar faktorer som kön, ålder, socioekonomisk status och utbildning en roll för dessa föräldrars val av meningsskapande hanteringsmetoder?
För att besvara dessa frågor genomför Avdelningen för socialt arbete och psykologi vid Högskolan i Gävle en enkätundersökning. För hjälp med dataläggningen och analysen av resultaten har vi anlitat undersökningsföretaget RIMUS Analys AB. Studien genomförs med hjälp av en elektronisk enkätundersökning.
Några viktiga stödgruppsorganisationer har accepterat att hjälpa för datainsamling .mig vid datainsamling. Processen kommer att vara enligt följande: Statistiker vid RIMUS Analys AB arbetar tillsammans med de ovanstående stödorganisationerna. Det elektroniska frågeformuläret är kopplat till Sunet Survey vid Gävle Universitet.
Alla svar behandlas konfidentiellt. Resultaten kommer endast att redovisas så att enskilda personer inte kan kännas igen. Hela forskningsinsatserna kommer att grundas på principerna om den europeiska uppförandekoden för forskningsintegritet. Det innebär att vi kommer att ägna stor uppmärksamhet åt ärlig och öppen forskningspresentation. De nödvändiga delarna av projektet, såsom dataskydd, bevarande och delning samt risker och fördelar för deltagarna har blivit godkända av Etiknämnden vid Uppsala universitet (Dr 2019-01641).
Deltagandet är frivilligt och samtycke ges när man svarar på frågeformuläret. Alla informanter kommer att vara anonyma, även huvudansvarige kommer inte att ha tillgång till informanternas identitet. Endast huvudansvarig forskare som är ansvarig för studien kommer att ha tillgång till svar som ska läggas i Sunet survey.
Huvudansvarig forskare kommer i kontakt med Sunet Survey via mina personliga LOGIN information därför kan inte någon annan se svar på enkäter. Statistiker vid RIMUS kommer att få en sammanställning av svar till frågor för att skriva en rapport. Resultaten av studien presenteras i en forskningsrapport och ett antal artiklar på svenska och engelska i internationella tidskrifter. Målgruppen är forskare, vårdpersonal och föräldrar som har förlorat ett barn.
Projektets löptid
Studien kommer att pågå från juni 2019-decmeber 2020.
Studien kommer förhoppningsvis att bidra till kunskapsutveckling om de strategier som används av föräldrar som har förlorat ett barn. Dessutom bidrar studien till att utveckla ett mer mångsidigt mentalvårdsprogram för dessa föräldrar baserat på föräldrarnas egna uppfattningar och erfarenheter av strategier för att hantera sin kris.
Fereshteh Ahmadi, Fil. Dr. Professor i sociologi, Högskolan i Gävle, akademin for hälsa och arbetsliv, avdelning för socialt arbete och kriminolog ( huvudansvarig för studie)
Forskarpresentation Fereshteh Ahmadi
Marja-Leena Kristofferzon, Fil. Dr Docent i omvårdnad, universitetslektor vid institutionen för medicin och hälsovetenskap, Högskolan i Gävle.
Forskarpresentation Marja-Leena Kristofferzon
Annika Nilsson, Fil. Dr Docent i omvårdnad, universitetslektor vid institutionen för medicin och hälsovetenskap, Gävle universitet.
Forskarpresentation Annika Nilsson
Pär Salander (rådgivare), MSc, Fil. Dr och auktoriserad psykolog och psykoterapeut; professor i socialt arbete vid Umeå universitet.
Ali Sarkohi, (rådgivare), Fil. Dr och leg. Psykolog. Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (IBL), Avdelningen för psykologi (PSY)
Sidan uppdaterades 2024-04-19